14:51:57 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:52:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/24-maturity-irc 14:52:01 inviting RRSAgent 14:52:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:52:02 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 14:52:28 meeting: W3C Accessibility Maturity Model 14:52:36 chair: Fazio 14:53:46 Agenda+ Under Development category of proof points, the examples of “Accessible developer implementation resources” seem more about information. Where might you consider software and hardware tools that help with accessible development, such as access to screen readers or switches? 14:54:09 Agenda+ Continue with Susanna’s updates to Support Dimension https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0013.html 14:54:22 Agenda+ Continue with Stakeholder Document Update – Lionel, Jeff, and Stacey 14:54:44 Agenda+ Continue discussion on TLDR https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0007.htmland Use Case https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0019.html Integration 14:55:08 Agenda+ Continuation of Maturity Model review discussion with Stacey 15:01:37 Mark has joined #Maturity 15:03:27 present+ 15:03:58 SusiPallero has joined #maturity 15:04:39 present+ 15:04:46 present+ 15:04:58 jlkline has joined #maturity 15:05:04 scribe+ 15:05:05 present+ 15:05:20 Lionel has joined #maturity 15:05:23 present+ 15:05:46 rrsagent, make minutes 15:05:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/24-maturity-minutes.html Lionel 15:07:46 Topic: ghrulhub 15:08:48 ghurlhub 15:09:29 CharlesL has joined #maturity 15:09:34 present+ 15:09:52 CharlesL has left #maturity 15:09:55 CharlesL has joined #maturity 15:13:07 janina has joined #maturity 15:13:11 present+ 15:13:24 janina: Ghurlhub new tool (Roy) - Document significant Repository - Only run your group APA Maturity - Have your advisory committee rep vote (open through 20 June) 15:13:35 agenda? 15:14:44 APA Charter: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/apa-wg-recharter/ 15:16:13 FAST: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Fast-work-statement 15:17:05 Fazio: Fast Group Id function need for users. Functional testing for usability on web 15:17:39 ... Corralling functional needs - Created document - Think it could be useful 15:19:20 janina: Call for consensus: Need to find someone besides Fredric to step up. Need to fix issues. Build it right now. 15:19:46 Fazio: Feed back for TPAC? 15:21:43 janina: APA need to request high level meeting. Last year was a rep. Not a closed door meeting. July & August for commitments APA is scheduling a meeting. Moral support form Maturity needed. 15:23:49 Fazio: TPAC related – ask Janina – I did a breakout preso. Should I have the class give an over all – this is what we did. 15:24:04 janina: Yes, communicate with Shawn Henry. Wed is a great day 15:24:12 ... APA we have half hour check in with Michael 15:24:35 Fazio: Should support Michael 15:25:07 agenda? 15:25:17 fa 15:25:22 Fazio: Agenda - Documentation question from Charles 15:28:39 janina: Charles issue next week. Get it into GetHub 15:30:37 Fazio: Susi’s Document – make some of the language less strict and more informational. 15:30:44 q+ 15:31:10 ... Do we want to create a collaborative document? 15:32:44 brb -- off to get water 15:32:52 q+ 15:33:23 Fazio: Want to get together as a group? 15:34:18 agenda? 15:34:33 SusiPallero: Transportation was going to change as not digital - Events of office – focus on transportation apps 15:35:32 ack SusiPallero 15:35:44 Fazio: Company provide information – get to the office to perform work and customer support. Internal: enabling people with disabilities to participate. Make sure that can get to work. 15:36:01 ... Don’t need to specify where 15:36:55 zakim, next item 15:36:55 agendum 1 -- Under Development category of proof points, the examples of “Accessible developer implementation resources” seem more about information. Where might you 15:36:58 ... consider software and hardware tools that help with accessible development, such as access to screen readers or switches? -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:37:07 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/163 15:37:26 CharlesL: Found original email. 15:39:06 CharlesL: Fist question – design process makes sense for large organization. How frame for small org. Is there a way forward even if team only has 3 member? 15:39:17 q+ 15:40:05 Fazio: Not the size of the time. May affect recourses but nothing is prohibitive. Okay to stay at level of maturity. I would leave it there as an option. Not punitive. Publishing is up to you. 15:40:48 q+ 15:41:01 1 Under Development category of proof points, the examples of “Accessible developer implementation resources” seem more about information. Where might you consider software and hardware tools that help with accessible development, such as access to screen readers or switches? 15:41:07 CharlesL: Question 2 – proof points. Accessible dev resource is about information. Where would you consider tools that help for dev. Ie. screen readers and switches. 15:41:09 ack me 15:41:18 ack jlkline 15:42:16 jlkline: Recourses is broad term – human, training, tools. That’s maybe how we want to answer. Not specific but devs should have all recourses needed. 15:43:30 q+ 15:43:32 SusiPallero: Even if not formal you have a process. You’re always running the same task – may apply even if the team is not huge. Write it to be clear that it applies sot regular activities. 15:44:05 ack SusiPallero 15:44:07 CharlesL: Call out that it could work for sm orgs 15:44:25 ack jlkline 15:45:35 jlkline: Sm org man not have process. Its about consistency and that is a process and they could claim. Ie. design reviews every time. 15:46:42 CharlesL: Question 3 – resources – hardware tools was answered. 15:47:02 zakim, next item 15:47:02 agendum 2 -- Continue with Susanna’s updates to Support Dimension https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0013.html -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:47:07 zakim, close this item 15:47:07 agendum 2 closed 15:47:08 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:47:08 3. Continue with Stakeholder Document Update – Lionel, Jeff, and Stacey [from Fazio] 15:47:09 zakim, next item 15:47:10 agendum 3 -- Continue with Stakeholder Document Update – Lionel, Jeff, and Stacey -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:47:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:47:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/24-maturity-minutes.html CharlesL 15:49:43 q+ 15:50:25 zakim, who's here? 15:50:25 Present: Fazio, Mark, SusiPallero, jlkline, Lionel, CharlesL, janina 15:50:27 On IRC I see janina, CharlesL, jlkline, SusiPallero, Mark, RRSAgent, Zakim, Fazio 15:51:20 Lionel has joined #Maturity 15:51:41 Present+ 15:51:56 Zakinthos, who’s here 15:52:01 Lionel: Have a meeting – stacy and David – look at stakeholders and how we can specify – will schedule for next week. 15:52:13 Fazio: Ideal of what roles might play – whose responsibilities – how may be responsible – examples. What possibility could be. From Jean. 15:52:16 Zakim, who’s here 15:52:16 I don't understand 'who’s here', Lionel 15:52:27 zakim, who's here? 15:52:27 Present: Fazio, Mark, SusiPallero, jlkline, Lionel, CharlesL, janina 15:52:29 On IRC I see Lionel, janina, CharlesL, jlkline, SusiPallero, Mark, RRSAgent, Zakim, Fazio 15:52:32 jlkline: Simplify – don’t get granular – talk about stakeholder – not roles but stakeholder organization. 15:52:53 Fazio: Prefer to complete then edit down 15:53:20 Fazio: We’ll have two versions of the doc – have choices. 15:54:17 My apologies but I have to go look for my daughter. I will be sending the updated version of the document so you can take a look. 15:54:33 CharlesL: Waiting on updated excel spreadsheet 15:54:54 Fazio: I’ll get with Sherry 15:55:48 Fazio: Ping stakeholder group for progress 15:55:51 CharlesL has left #maturity 15:56:01 zakim, end meeting 15:56:01 As of this point the attendees have been Fazio, Mark, SusiPallero, jlkline, Lionel, CharlesL, janina 15:56:03 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:56:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/24-maturity-minutes.html Zakim 15:56:10 I am happy to have been of service, Mark; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:56:11 Zakim has left #maturity 16:02:54 janina has left #maturity