WoT Scripting API

22 May 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis

Meeting minutes

Minutes Review

Cristiano: Already check the status of the minutes, look fine
… Only the names need to be changed

Kaz: Please reload

Cristiano: Names are adjusted
… during the meeting, we went over a few PRs
… then we discussed a PR (473), which we will revisit today
… if there are no objections, we can approve the minutes

Minutes are approved


Cristiano: Daniel reached out to me that it would be great if we could make progress on two PRs opened by him

PR 477

<cris_> PR 477 - 2023 note2 updates2

Cristiano: This PR was about updating and creating all necessary documents for publication
… we already went over one review, that we merged last time
… with this PR, he fixes a number of additional issues
… however, there are some issues with ReSpec left
… we have two options here
… first option would be to wait for a ReSpec update (Daniel opened an issue in the ReSpec repo)
… the other option would be to remove the partial namespaces, as suggested by Zoltan
… (shows the rendered version)
… we can add a workaround by moving the WebIDL definitions into the WOT namespace from the partial namespaces
… this should resolve the issue for now
… any opinions?

Kaz: First of all, we should clarify that this is only included in the examples
… I am not sure why we define partial namespaces at all
… we should clarify that this is only part of the example code and not of a normative section

Cristiano: So you are saying that we should check that the partial namespaces are the actual cause of the problem

Cristiano: Regarding the partial namespaces, we are using them to have the definitions closer to the related text, to make it easier for the reader
… it does not change much to move the definitions up, it just makes it easier to read

Kaz: For the main specification body, that makes sense, but what about the appendix? There are also partial definitions

Cristiano: This is something we cannot control, this is autogenerated and copy-and-pasted automatically

Kaz: There is also no explanation for the appendix

Cristiano: This is due to the fact that is generated by a script, it is just for making things a bit easier, but we can also remove it

Kaz: I am wondedring, does Appendix C make sense for an ordinary reader outside the working group? We as working group members can understand it but other developers might not get our intentions with this example code

Cristiano: I can't say it for sure, since I am biased, but I found it useful when implementing node-wot. What about you, Jan?

Jan: I haven't used it, but now that I know of it it could be useful. Maybe adding a comment could be useful for making it easier to use for developers?

Cristiano: Will open an issue to record that we should expand the appendix

Kaz: The appendix is probably the reason for the error, and we need to resolve the issue before publication
… will talk to the W3C web master to clarify if we can publish an updated note
… since it is a bug in ReSpec

Cristiano: (captures the discussion in a PR comment)

Zoltan: The reason we had the partial definitions were the different conformance classes we had defined
… the bug itself is not in the spec
… so we might be able to go forward with the current state of the document, no reason to change it if it provides more clarity

Kaz: You can go ahead with merging this PR, I will talk to the web master based on it
… about the checker, you should create a dedicated issue
… which we can refer to with the web master

Cristiano: (creates a follow-up issue)

Kaz: We can talk about the errors separately with the web master or PLH
… you can simply copy Daniel's later comments

Cristiano: I will link Daniel's comment in the new issue (#480)
… I understood that the consensus is to merge this PR, any blockers or concerns?
… (merging)

PR 478

<cris_> PR 478 - Fix HTML issues

Cristiano: Then we have this PR by Daniel
… this PR also moves the fixes to the main document
… to prefer for publication
… is it okay to merge this one, Kaz?

Kaz: My question is when the document will be fixed and ready for publication

Cristiano: This PR fixes the main document, however, we could also wait with it after the publication process
… the fixes are very simple

Kaz: In that case we can merge the PR
… it is just using CSS styling instead of attributes, right?

Cristiano: Yes

Kaz: I am just wondering when the document will finally be ready, I am not happy with all of these small changes every day

Cristiano: After this PR we should be done, this is just a result of the document checker

Kaz: Then I am fine with merging, and we could start the publication process after this call

Cristiano: Exactly, are you also fine with merging, Zoltan?

Zoltan: I am

Cristiano: Then we can go ahead with merging this PR
… (merging)

Cristiano: After this PR, we can now close the call early
… any other business?
… we have a couple of issues, but I don't want to move ahead today

Next steps

Zoltan: It's fine, but we should move ahead with issues soon

Cristiano: There is a new issue by Luca, but we can discuss it in the next call

Zoltan: We can also comment on the issue offline

Cristiano: I agree, there is also no issue that requires critical discussion at the moment, except maybe issue 409
… what I would like to do is to categorize the issues and define a proper plan to move on
… next time

Zoltan: We should also discuss the schedule until the next publication

Cristiano: I agree, my only doubt is that this connects with the rechartering
… we need to discuss this more thoroghly, maybe over the course of a full meeting
… I would ask everyone to review the currently open issues

Zoltan: We should also review implementations and get feedback from implementors
… and define what we prioritize

Cristiano: (opens an issue regarding "Implementation status & feedback)

<cris_> w3c/wot-scripting-api#481

Cristiano: we should ping implementors, also besides node-wot and dart_wot

Jan: There is also a Python implementation, but it is outdated

Zoltan: I think we should also keep the issues under the "Spec-improvement" label in mind

Cristiano: We can continue working offline
… (shows issue 444 as an example)

Zoltan: I think this issue is done

Cristiano: We can close it next time
… (adds a comment to the issue)

Zoltan: We should link the PR that has resolved it, I will do so offline

Cristiano: The same probably applies to issue 443

Zoltan: Should also be fixed, will check it

Cristiano: Until next time, we will go through all the issues and prioritize them, and we should also try to get feedback from implementors
… with that in mind, I would close the call


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).