17:00:06 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:00:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/18-aria-irc 17:00:11 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:00:42 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:00:42 chair: JamesNurthen 17:00:42 meeting ARAI WG 17:00:42 meeting: ARIA WG 17:00:42 agendabot, find agenda 17:00:42 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:00:42 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20230518T130000 17:00:42 clear agenda 17:00:42 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/41IfHyA 17:00:42 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3IgeGHi 17:00:42 agenda+ -> add proposed header and footer roles https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1931 17:00:42 agenda+ -> Update from PR #1018 for nameFrom: heading https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1860 17:00:42 agenda+ Follow up from ARIA and AT discussion from F2F 17:00:49 benb has joined #aria 17:00:52 present+ 17:01:48 spectranaut_ has joined #aria 17:01:49 scotto has joined #aria 17:04:01 Michail has joined #aria 17:04:03 scribe: Adam_Page 17:04:06 present+ 17:04:10 present+ 17:04:16 zakim, next item 17:04:16 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/41IfHyA -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:04:23 present+ 17:04:47 jamesn: 8 new issues 17:04:51 ... #1939 17:04:56 ... this is a good idea 17:05:07 ... none is preferred 17:05:13 spectranaut_: is this a good first issue? 17:05:35 spectranaut_: maybe reach out to andreeacordona 17:05:58 s/andreeacordona/andreacardona/ 17:06:14 jamesn: #1937 17:06:26 ... added it to the live regions update project 17:06:35 scotto: yeah, this has essentially already been filed 17:07:07 scotto: duplicate needs to be closed in core-aam 17:07:16 jamesn: I agree 17:08:45 ... closed it 17:09:22 ... #174 17:09:36 spectranaut_: just a follow-up issue for me, no milestoning needed 17:09:58 spectranaut_: jcraig, you’ll resolve this with #176 17:10:11 spectranaut_: ditto for #175 17:10:19 jamesn: #1936 17:10:33 ... we refer to things begin focusable but don’t define what that means 17:10:38 ... and there are often questions 17:10:50 spectranaut_: I’m not familiar with how someone could misunderstand it? 17:11:13 jcraig: one example is `tabindex="-1"` — focusable in some contexts, but not by tab key 17:11:42 jamesn: svg *does* define focusable. html kind of does, but it’s not exported 17:12:10 ... we need to think about how we use “focusable” in ARIA and whether it needs clarification 17:12:16 ... let’s agenda it for next week 17:12:23 ... #486 17:12:27 ... this is html-aam 17:12:52 scotto: impetus for this is that anne noticed that it was not spec’d in html-aam 17:13:03 ... which is because it was made obsolete back in HTML4 17:13:28 ... we can go in and just say they’re all generic 17:13:41 jamesn: or we could say to treat it the same as HTML 17:13:55 jcraig: xmp is a little different, but agreed on the others 17:14:02 jamesn: how is it different? 17:14:23 jcraig: different from the context of user agents. One example is you don’t need to escape your < characters. 17:14:52 jamesn: okay, but for accessibility, that doesn’t matter. we could just say it maps to pre 17:15:05 ... maybe we should actually un-obsolete xmp ;-) 17:15:50 ... so I’d prefer not to see explicit mappings for this but to leverage existing relationships 17:16:05 scotto: largely, they’re going to map to generic 17:16:43 ... and even in the cases where they don’t, like `strike`, we can say it maps to `del`, but for what benefit? No one’s going to go back and implement that 17:17:08 jamesn: #1934 17:17:14 ... editorial 17:17:18 zakim, next item 17:17:18 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3IgeGHi -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:17:31 jamesn: #176 17:17:45 ... jcraig, do we need reviewers? 17:17:51 jcraig: yes, I’d like scotto to review 17:18:03 CurtBellew has joined #aria 17:18:05 scotto: I’ll get to that 17:18:23 present+ 17:18:27 jamesn: #485 17:18:33 ... this sounds editorial 17:18:44 present+ 17:18:44 ... dmontalvo, could you review this? 17:18:50 dmontalvo: yes 17:18:58 jamesn: and I’ll also review 17:19:25 jamesn: #484 17:19:28 ... still draft 17:19:32 ... already have 3 reviewers 17:19:38 ... but help yourself if you’d like to review 17:20:28 zakim, next item 17:20:28 agendum 3 -- -> add proposed header and footer roles https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1931 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:20:47 jamesn: #1931 PR 17:20:53 ... waiting on my and spectranaut_’s review 17:21:00 ... scotto, anything to say on this? 17:21:24 scotto: I brought this topic up a couple weeks ago 17:21:43 ... adding these roles to allow for header and footer as exposed as something beyond generic in cases where they’re not exposed as landmarks 17:21:54 ... because of the work going on with minimum role and contextual roles 17:22:27 ... if these were given attributes related to naming, etc., we could fall back to group, or we could try to match semantics of what HTML intends 17:22:40 ... we reached out to HTML editors and they essentially said “fine” 17:22:52 ... so this PR is the result 17:23:49 q+ 17:24:01 ... the open question is “do we want these roles? would anyone actually benefit?” or would they just be better fallbacks? 17:24:16 jamesn: would we expect AT to do anything different? and if so, what? 17:24:20 ack me 17:24:47 scotto: my rationale had been that they’d be mapped to the group role but have different role descriptions, like “section header” and “section footer” to differentiate them from full page headers and footers 17:25:01 ... if they weren’t named or given tabindex, etc., then they arguably should be able to be treated as they are now 17:25:17 ... like JAWS and NVDA will essentially ignore these groups if they’re not given names 17:25:29 jcraig: same with VO; it’ll just skip over 17:26:25 ... so this is a fairly minimal change, but I agree with scotto that this would be an easy way to make sure no purposeful semantics are lost 17:26:37 jamesn: but if nothing is going to expose them, then what’s the point? 17:26:54 jcraig: because it would be more meaningful *if* were to expose them 17:27:11 jongund has joined #aria 17:27:25 jamesn: but how could it actually be useful to a user? 17:27:43 jongund has joined #aria 17:27:53 scotto: the basic goal is to just provide something more useful/logical than group 17:28:56 jcraig: for example, a header with a heading in it would currently be presented as “foo, group. bar, heading” but it could be “foo, header. bar, heading”. 17:29:15 ... it’s super easy, low impact to users. They’re hearing something anyway, and this is just slightly more specific 17:29:52 ... but the question could be did the author *mean* to use header when they actually intended something more generic like div. Could it be misused? 17:30:23 jamesn: okay, fair enough 17:30:38 ... if anyone else wants to review, please go ahead 17:30:39 zakim, next item 17:30:39 agendum 4 -- -> Update from PR #1018 for nameFrom: heading https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1860 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:31:02 jamesn: this is waiting on my review 17:31:07 ... I merged the ARIA common stuff 17:31:14 ... so this should be ready to look at now 17:31:54 ... jcraig, do we need to wait for bgaraventa? 17:32:01 jcraig: no, I don’t think so 17:32:22 jamesn: oh, we need to wait for the accname changes, tests, etc. before we can merge according to our new process 17:32:29 spectranaut_: you can +1 it, it just can’t be merged 17:32:34 jamesn: okay, I’ll review it 17:32:53 ... this one definitely needs implementations, right? 17:33:08 jcraig: at least tests, and no objections 17:33:16 jamesn: right, it needs commitment to implement 17:33:22 spectranaut_: yes 17:33:40 jamesn: we can put something like this in accname since it will soon be a living standard 17:33:59 zakim, next item 17:33:59 agendum 5 -- Follow up from ARIA and AT discussion from F2F -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:34:25 jamesn: we didn’t really conclude this discussion at the face-to-face 17:34:38 ... don’t know what do with this one, spectranaut_, any ideas? 17:34:54 spectranaut_: MattKing and aaronlev should be present for this discussion 17:35:00 jcraig: I can give an update 17:36:18 Bocoup proposal w3c.github.io/at-driver 17:36:22 ... Lola and Mike Hennessy asked about a proposal called “AT driver” 17:36:36 ... my feedback was that this is a huge security backdoor 17:37:38 https://w3c.github.io/webdriver-bidi/ 17:37:41 ... but did point them to a few other projects: WPT, the new AOM issue for computed accessible node, web driver BiDi 17:38:07 ... I think this one has potential and almost certainly has other security professionals working on it 17:38:18 ... security is already a top-level goal 17:38:36 s/security is already a top-level goal/security should be a top-level goal/ 17:40:26 jamesn: okay, so that’s one part of the general ARIA+AT topic 17:41:17 ... does anyone have anything to add on this? how we can more effectively work with AT, to communicate what we want from them? 17:41:44 spectranaut_: one thing we talked about in the face-to-face is that there is some desire for advice on how screen readers should handle certain roles 17:41:59 ... so there could be cases where we want to add non-normative advice to the spec, under each role when appropriate 17:42:34 jamesn: that sounds good, maybe in the editor’s core we should decide how to do that in a way that’s easily consumable for AT devs 17:42:52 spectranaut_: and this will increase communication because we can document it and hand it over 17:43:03 jcraig: yeah, non-normative notes seem fine 17:43:21 ... I agree about editors review, maybe put it in a style guide 17:43:38 ... e.g., don’t give prescriptive guidance, but offer examples 17:43:47 ... keep it from being platform-specific, etc. 17:44:31 jamesn: yes, would like to see some new CSS to make these more conspicuous, differentiate them from advice for other audiences 17:44:42 spectranaut_: do we have any existing examples? 17:45:01 jcraig: yes, the annotation stuff 17:45:08 s/platform-specific, etc./modality-specific, platform-specific, etc./ 17:45:13 s/examples/candidates/ 17:45:23 jamesn: cool, I think that might be a wrap? 17:45:26 ... anything else? 17:45:30 s/jcraig: yes, the annotation stuff/jamesn: yes, the annotation stuff/ 17:50:18 https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.2/#changelog 17:51:50 zakim, end meeting 17:51:50 As of this point the attendees have been benb, Adam_Page, jamesn, Michail, CurtBellew, jcraig 17:51:52 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:51:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/18-aria-minutes.html Zakim 17:52:01 I am happy to have been of service, Adam_Page; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:52:01 Zakim has left #aria 18:46:10 jongund has joined #aria 22:16:11 jongund has joined #aria