17 May 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

Guests and IEs

McCool: there was a IE request
… in the chairs call decided not to accept

McCool: we have no guest today


minutes from Apr-26.html Apr-26

McCool: any updates or objections?

no, minutes approved

Quick updates


McCool: next week is ambiguous

Kaz: We should put concrete date for each meeting. Note that sometimes we want to cancel meetings within two weeks.

McCool: We should put a specific deadline here. Also we need to make decision about Profile too.
… Ben would be the main contributor

McCool: proposal suspend Profile work until the end of the Charter and then restart the new Charter.

McCool: any objections?


AC meeting debrief

Kaz: Legal Entity updates, etc., were the main topics.
… if you are a Member there are minutes available

WG Charter review status

<kaz> Strategy pipeline issue 375 for WoT WG Rechartering

McCool: there was a comment about the rechartering
… the comment is from APA

<MM enters a respond in the issue>

McCool: I think, it is not a blocker on the Charter
… expect a decision next week

Kaz: I created a GitHub repo for the Chair's role definition
… only accessable for the chair candidates

TPAC 2023 planning

<kaz> TPAC 2023 questionnaire (Member-only)

McCool: there was a questionnaire to provide the number of attendees and the planed joint meetings

<MM shows the latest submitted questionnaire version>
… currently we plan in persons 10 people
… we need joint meetings between two goups which requires corresponding room space

Kaz: there should be also extra chairs for observers

McCool: the WoT meetings are planned for Thursday and Friday, right?

Kaz: yes

McCool: I thought there are 2x2h meetings each day

Kaz: depends on the agenda. For example, if we rather prefer holding our own vF2F meeting separately before or after the TPAC week, just having discussion in afternoon is ok.

<McCool_> proposal: For TPAC 2023 qs response, change to two sessions each day, afternoon slots on Thursday and Friday.


RESOLUTION: For TPAC 2023 qs response, change to two sessions each day, afternoon slots on Thursday and Friday.


<kaz> Schedule

McCool: we have to look at our schedule.

<MM shows a PR that updates the timetable>


McCool: to be realistic, new charter will start in July

McCool: is it ok to merge this PR?

Ege: the binding template publications date is outdated

Ege: there was already a call for resolution in March

Kaz: Note that there are two levels of resolution, one by the TD TF and another by the whole WoT WG.
… It seems the TD TF made a resolution for 2-week review, and Ege sent out a Call for Review to the whole WG on April 5.
… So we need to ask the whole WG for resolution for publication today.

<kaz> March-29 TD minutes

<kaz> Call for Review for Binding

McCool: lets ask for resolution again here

<Ege> proposal: After the merge of the two editorial PRs, the Binding Templates core document can be published: w3c/wot-binding-templates#288 and w3c/wot-binding-templates#286

Ege: there was also an email sent out

McCool: any objections?


Ege: individual bindings are kaz: I'm OK with this resolution itself given those belated PRs are completely editorial, but we should confirm they're completely editorial.t part of the publications

<kaz> PR 288 - Make XML Binding "planned"

<kaz> PR 286 - Fix Editorial issues and examples

<MM shows the PRs>

Kaz: please place a resolution again

McCool: any objections about the PRs?

<kaz> (no objections)

RESOLUTION: After the merge of the two editorial PRs, the Binding Templates core document can be published: w3c/wot-binding-templates#288 and w3c/wot-binding-templates#286

<McCool_> w3c/wot#1089 changes dates, including start of next charter

<McCool_> proposal: Change the proposed start date of the next charter to July 1, 2023


RESOLUTION: Change the proposed start date of the next charter to July 1, 2023

Kaz: We don't need to update the start/end dates every time, because the draft Charter says [[date of the "Call for Participation", when the charter is approved]].


McCool: Today we completed testing

<MM shows the latest results>


McCool: Arch and TD in a very good shape


Low priority:
(1) arch-security-consideration-hal-refuse-unsafe

Additional assertions which however have problems and we will retire
without attempting to test:
(1) arch-security-consideration-use-psk
(2) arch-security-consideration-dtls-1-3

[Thing Description]

High Priority:
All high-priority assertions have been resolved.

Medium Priority:
(1) privacy-immutable-id-as-property Intel to do

Lower Priority:
Less-used features, guidelines
(2) td-security-oauth2-device-flow
(2) security-context-secure-fetch

McCool: Discovery is a bit worse shape
… however, we manage to the caught up the most things

<McCool shows Discovery's high, medium and lower priority assertations>


High Priority:
(1) tdd-registrationinfo-expiry-config - Intel

Relatively high priority:
(2) tdd-http-alternate-language - Intel
(1) tdd-validation-response-lang - Intel

Medium Priority:
(2) tdd-notification-data-diff-unsupported - Intel, Logilab

Lower Priority:
(1) sec-tdd-query-watchdog
(1) sec-tdd-intro-no-multicast

These have two but are also in security/privacy considerations and can
be converted into "guidelines", so are also lower priority:
(2) sec-tdd-throttle-queries
(2) sec-tdd-limit-query-complexity
(2) sec-tdd-intro-limit-response-size
(2) sec-tdd-intro-throttling
(1) sec-self-proxy - Intel?
(2) priv-loc-disable-public-directories
(2) priv-loc-anonymous-tds - Intel?
(2) priv-loc-gen-ids - Intel?
(2) priv-loc-explicit-strip
(2) priv-query-anon

This is for security bootstrapping with OAuth, would be useful for
(2) exploration-secboot-oauth2-flows

McCool: High and medium have 4 assertions left

McCool: any objections?


RESOLUTION: Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for Architecture 1.1.

McCool: same for TD:

<McCool_> proposal: Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for TD 1.1.

Ege: What happens if somebody actually submits a test input?

McCool: if you have results until tomorrow, we could probably squeeze it in

<McCool_> proposal: Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for TD 1.1.

McCool: any objections?


RESOLUTION: Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for TD 1.1

Kaz: Given (1) the original deadline was 2 weeks ago and (2) we're making resolution for Proposed Rec transition now, we should finalize the implementation report now. We still can accept implementation reports themselves any time.

<McCool_> proposal: Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for Discovery

RESOLUTION: Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for Discovery

Kaz: fine with the resolutions to move ahead, but we should record how to proceed with the drafts for PR publication, e.g., removing features, making some of them informative, changing "MUST" to "must".

McCool: OK. Let's record another resolution for that purpose.

<McCool_> proposal: Each TF will be responsible for how to resolve remaining at-risk assertions, then there will be a one-week review of the final PR drafts.

RESOLUTION: Each TF will be responsible for how to resolve remaining at-risk assertions, then there will be a one-week review of the final PR drafts.

next charter

McCool: we need to plan a meeting to organize next charter (schedule, planed deliverables, etc)
… Kaz will provide a doodle


<kaz> (Test call starts in 24 mins for quick updates)

Summary of resolutions

  1. For TPAC 2023 qs response, change to two sessions each day, afternoon slots on Thursday and Friday.
  2. After the merge of the two editorial PRs, the Binding Templates core document can be published: w3c/wot-binding-templates#288 and w3c/wot-binding-templates#286
  3. Change the proposed start date of the next charter to July 1, 2023
  4. Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for Architecture 1.1.
  5. Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for TD 1.1
  6. Conclude testing and proceed with preparation of the PR draft for Discovery
  7. Each TF will be responsible for how to resolve remaining at-risk assertions, then there will be a one-week review of the final PR drafts.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).