WoT Discovery

15 May 2023


Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes




Updated results

McCool: would like to finalize the features at-risk

latest testfest results

PR 571

PR 571 - Update Siemens/Logilab test results

McCool: should go ahead and merge it
… any objections?



PR 572

PR 572 - Update Intel wot-ha results

McCool: (goes through the changes)

files changed

McCool: started to work on multi language stuff
… looked OK to me, but the test is broken
… so kind of reluctant to merge this
… but could merge this and add fixes later
… any problems to overwrite the failed assertions?

validation failures

McCool: failed due to some inconsistency...
… but can not see any problems with the data itself

McCool: any opinion about translating the title of "WoT Thing Description" into Japanese?

Kaz: the translation work for TD by the WoT-JP CG is still ongoing, but I thought they were simply using "WoT Thing Description" in English as the title for the JP version as well

McCool: would it be OK to merge this PR itself?

Kaz: would be better to ask Ege for clarification about this kind of errors and warnings

McCool: yeah, I know

Kaz: if the data can be processed for the implementation report correctly, I'm OK with merging this PR itself
… but checking with Ege as the developer of the validator would be helpful

McCool: yeah, maybe the check is too strict

PR itself has been merged

Updated implementation report for Discovery

McCool: (regenerates the updated implementation report)

McCool: got an updated result, and would like to update the features at-risk results on the README.md as well

updated results for Discovery

Kaz: what about the remaining two PRs on the wot-testing repo?

PR 570 - Update node-wot manual csv

PR 569 - Update manual.csv for dart_wot

McCool: those are for TD
… would like to see the Discovery results first

Kaz: ok

McCool: (updates the Testfest README.md again)
… still some stuff left over there
… pagination things and language things can be handled by me, since only one more implementation is needed

McCool: one problem is around tdd-http-alternate-language


Kaz: given we've not got any implementations so far, maybe there is no strong need for this feature. However, maybe should see the need from the industry again.

McCool: maybe need to give up to implement this myself
… would be better to work on pagination
… also there is a note saying "the process of modifying the default language of a TD using translations already provided in a TD is described in the WoT Thing Description 1.1 specification."
… by Wednesday, May 17, we should handle "introduction-dns-sd-service-name-udp" as well
… pretty sure can handle all the high priority features

High Priority
List of higher-priority assertions with at least one implementation:
(1) tdd-registrationinfo-expiry-config - Intel
(1) tdd-things-list-pagination-order-utf-8

These are in support of internationalization, and were added based on
wide review, so should be a relatively high priority.
(2) tdd-http-alternate-language - Intel
(1) tdd-validation-response-lang - Intel

Following are for ordering results. Some of these are implied by
tdd-things-list-pagination-order-utf-8 which is satisfied:
(1) tdd-things-list-pagination-order - Logilab
(1) tdd-things-list-pagination-orderable - Logilab
(1) tdd-things-list-pagination-order-nextlink - Logilab

Kaz: could you git commit the latest updated implementation report to GitHub?

McCool: ok
… (creates a PR for that purpose)

<McCool> wot-discovery PR 478 - 15 May 2023 implementation report update

McCool: would like to merge the above PR

Kaz: ok

McCool: (fixes minor conflicts before merging)


updated implementation report for Discovery

McCool: will fix the stuff other than the results too
… there are failures but we have enough passes for them
… (skims the updated implementation report)
… lacking implementations for "21: introduction-dns-sd-service-name-udp" and "22: introduction-dns-sd-service-name-directory-udp", etc.
… will work on them
… and we'll summarize the situation on Wednesday

Kaz: yeah, given the situation, the question is simply "when to wrap up"

McCool: yeah
… there are two more days for that purpose


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).