15:54:10 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-policy 15:54:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/15-wcag3-policy-irc 15:55:04 Meeting: Guidance for Policy Makers Subgroup 15:55:13 chair: Shadi 15:56:51 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2023AprJun/0142.html 15:58:33 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag3-policy 15:58:45 present+ 15:58:52 present+ 16:02:39 Laura_Carlson has joined #wcag3-policy 16:02:45 https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Guidance-for-policy-makers-Subgroup 16:03:35 Wilco has joined #wcag3-policy 16:03:44 https://w3c.github.io/silver/use-cases/ 16:04:06 present+ 16:05:09 Explore the Use cases for WCAG 3.0 to extract potential considerations for designing the conformance section, and for further informative guidance for policy makers wanting to adopt WCAG. 16:05:50 scribe+ 16:06:12 agenda? 16:06:31 wendyreid has joined #wcag3-policy 16:06:33 Shadi: We will be meeting the next 8 weeks 16:06:57 ... If anyone's not able to scribe, let me know and you won't be on the scribe list 16:07:28 present+ Laura_Carlson 16:07:39 ... The next 8 Mondays, noon US Eastern, we'll meet 16:08:01 https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20230515T120000&p1=43 16:08:30 https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_silver-fri 16:08:50 present+ 16:09:03 present+ 16:09:03 ... the idea of the subgroup is to provide a proposal to the parent group. 16:09:27 ... They'll decide next steps from there. We'll try to follow an iterative approach 16:09:37 https://docs.google.com/document/d/12O-1BKwlx4iR43GvFzmScejq2xU9V-rehrlxN42st5M/edit 16:10:04 ... I hope everyone has read the subgroup handbook. 16:10:33 https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Guidance-for-policy-makers-Subgroup 16:10:41 ... We'll take minutes. I'll send those out to the list, and we'll link them from the subgroup page. 16:12:09 q+ to ask where to put early comments/notes/questions ? 16:12:10 ... After about 4 or 5 weeks we should provide an update to AGWG. During the regular AGWG calls there is a short update 2 min. 16:12:21 ack b 16:12:21 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask where to put early comments/notes/questions ? 16:12:53 Bruce: Where can we put scratchpad kind-of things? I started to write my notes for myself on the use cases. 16:13:22 Wilco: I can create a Google doc 16:13:57 Shadi: A wiki gets messy quite quickly. A Google doc is a bit easier. 16:14:14 +1 to Google doc for scratch pad 16:19:39 TOPIC: Goals of the subgroup 16:19:48 Shadi: My feeling is that we often confuse conformance and compliance. 16:20:09 +1 for distinguishing between conformance and compliance 16:20:28 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 16:20:35 ... Some policies basically say "do WCAG", and we end up having policy discussions. 16:21:48 ... The idea from this document was that there are technical standards, technical guidance, and advisory 16:22:50 ... In the previous subgroup we had consensus (not the working group) on these examples. 16:23:04 ... There was also a draft of how could technical standards contribute to the situation. 16:23:28 ... For example, maybe a standard could define the severity of certain issues. 16:24:05 ... Then beyond the technical standard there could be additional guidance, for example good practices on an accessibility statement 16:25:00 ... And then there are maybe considerations of what policies could do. Depending on relative priority, maybe the threshold of how many bugs are acceptable is different in a healthcare situation from an entertainment situation. 16:25:12 ... One comment from Gregg in a previous cool stood out for me. 16:25:49 ... We spend a lot of time on harmonising guidelines. But we haven't spent so much time helping policy makers consider. 16:26:10 ... We know there are hardly any website meet everything fully, but does that mean they are not compliant, and are they not compliant to the same degree? 16:26:44 ... We're not telling policy makers how to create policy. But from a technical perspective, what can we build into WCAG 3 to enable policy makers to address issues that occur in real live. 16:26:48 s/live/life 16:27:30 ... The subgroup came up with 11 situations, with on average 2 or 3 examples. 16:28:10 ... My proposal for this subgroup is that we continue the work; Go through the situations 1 by 1. 16:28:35 ... We'll review each of the situations, and come up with ideas of what could be done. 16:28:50 ... What I saw from that wiki was that there's a lot of overlap 16:29:13 ... We can try out one situation together, and then assign some homework. 16:29:37 ... We'll have in 3 or 4 weeks a list of what could be done. I don't want to go back too much on the situations though. 16:30:03 ... And then in the later half of the subgroup work, I hope we can come out with a outline for a guidance document for policy makers. 16:30:27 ... Two parts; What should AGWG consider regarding conformance, and the second; what should policy makers consider when adopting WCAG 16:30:34 q+ to ask about scope for "policy makers" 16:31:13 Bruce: I was happy with everything, until you said "laws". 16:31:31 ... When we're talking about organisations, that's very broad. If we're talking about laws, that's much narrower. 16:32:29 ... I don't have much regulation perspective. I'm also not clear what the difference is between writing clearly and writing anything of special value to policy makers vs regulators & litigators 16:33:51 Shadi: Short answer is I don't know. If we need to define the audience more narrowly we can work on that. 16:34:13 q+ 16:34:25 "technical implications for adopting wcag" 16:34:32 q- 16:34:38 ... From a technical perspective, when we're saying what the technical considerations are, is there a substantial difference between the policy of an organisation or in law. 16:34:53 ... Scale is different, but from a technical perspective is there a big difference? 16:35:20 Wendy: It would be weird to see some of these things. 16:36:46 ... The web has many different uses. Just saying "follow this" isn't useful. Giving specific ways and guidance is useful. 16:37:15 Bruce: I think there's a different threshold as soon as its about laws. 16:37:35 ... It's certainly a problem in federal space. I'm not sure how WCAG could help with that. 16:38:35 ... One thing this use case document does is highlight all the different words; regulator, policy maker, etc. This uses those words interchengably. I want to get a handle of that. 16:38:53 Shadi: Would you be interested to help draft a disclaimer? What we're doing, and what we're not doing. 16:39:19 ... We're not telling regulators, policy makers, what to put into their documents. We don't tell law makers how to write laws. 16:39:35 bruce also voluntold for disclaimer for this docuement 16:39:59 ... It's the technical considerations. What about timelines, what happens when acquiring a company, what happens if you host other's content. 16:40:43 ... This is often an area of sensitivity. 16:40:53 Bruce: Yes, happy to try to write this disclaimer. 16:41:11 ... I think I understand WCAG 3 to be charged to saying something to policy makers though? That's the conundrum. 16:41:25 Shadi: There's WCAG 3 as the standard, and then there's the package. The methods, understanding, etc. 16:42:33 ... Maybe we come out with certain suggestions / considerations for WCAG 3 conformance? Maybe not? But at the very least we should come up with guidance to help policy makers. 16:43:11 Laura: I have some concerns for supplying loopholes to organisations for making something accessible. 16:43:26 q+ 16:43:45 Shadi: Absolutely, these aren't loopholes. There are overal considerations, these exist. 16:44:16 John: I'm having a difficult time with what the problem we're trying to solve really is. 16:44:48 q+ to ask Laura if "conformance loophole" is already in one the documents we have looked at today? 16:45:09 ... Policy often changes in accordance with what the burden is. 16:45:22 ... If we're going to give tools to policy makers, that's one thing. 16:45:32 +1 to john kirkwood 16:45:41 Shadi: There's a problem description in the use cases document. 16:46:07 policy writer tool kit is a provocative idea 16:46:14 ... The problem we're trying to address is that scenario Wendy mentions. "Do WCAG". No website really meets that. Is that a realistic expectation? 16:46:50 Wendy: I think there's two ways to view this. 16:46:51 ack wendy 16:47:25 ... We can go back to AGWG and say there are gaps that may need to be filled. The other direction is down to the end uers. 16:47:40 ... I don't think anyone wants to create loopholes. What I think we can do is point to who's responsible for what. 16:48:03 +1 to help scope out "who is responsible for what" 16:48:31 ... For example a website with many authors. One solution is training, another may be with the CMS provider. 16:49:01 ... There should always be someone who's responsible. The site owner needs to find a solution. 16:49:28 ack bruce 16:49:28 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask Laura if "conformance loophole" is already in one the documents we have looked at today? 16:49:56 Bruce: Laura, do we have that phrase? 16:50:07 Laura: I think third party is in the conformance section 16:50:20 Bruce: I hope that's not characterized as a loophole. 16:50:40 Notes for the Media Content Conformance Section of the WCAG 3 Editor's Draft 16:50:46 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t2vSTNI3qG2bWgSMsfIRUdPfZ7UzxunmO1JgeOZ9s2k/ 16:51:12 Shadi: We broke down third party. There's a difference between an airline posting a video on YouTube, and a child posting a video there. 16:51:20 q+ to mention "substantial conformance" is "not being conformance" 16:51:25 present+ Mike 16:51:52 Mike: There are a lot of organisations stuck on WCAG 2.0. 16:52:17 ... We have to keep documents evergreen. Organisations should keep coming back for review. 16:52:19 Mike Gifford from Zoom chat: "Failings of WAI implementations on policy. - Stuck on WCAG 2.0 rather than ever-green approaches - Lack of adoption of ATAG 2.0 - Lack of criteria geared for USA specific lawsuits." 16:52:28 ... Legislators don't seem to remember that. 16:52:45 ... I'm hoping ATAG will be part of this. Legislators need to think about the authoring tools. 16:53:12 ... I have yet to see a serious RFP for ATAG. 16:53:50 +1 to Mike 16:53:52 https://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG20/ 16:53:53 ... In many cases this will be tested in the US courts. Nowhere else. How do we set this up for cases to be tried effectively. 16:54:27 Shadi: There are two situations in this dealing with the cascade of responsibilities. 16:54:29 mgifford has joined #wcag3-policy 16:54:40 ... We need to consider the chain of responsibilities in web content. 16:54:45 q+ 16:55:05 zakim, close queue 16:55:05 ok, shadi, the speaker queue is closed 16:55:16 Bruce: I wanted to mention that substantial conformance means non-conformance. 16:55:39 Shadi: I don't think we're trying to define conformance, substantial, partial. 16:55:53 Looking forward to that Bruce, thanks. Would love to get your thoughts on ATAG. 16:56:02 ... We might come out with suggestions. The more important part is guidance. 16:56:13 ack wendy 16:56:23 Wendy: We have an example of this working. The European Accessibility Act. 16:56:38 ... There are separate requirements for Ebooks, readers, and retailers. 16:56:54 ... I'm not responsibility for the epub documents on our platform. The author is, and it's clearly defined. 16:56:58 @wendy can you point to those separations spread out ? 16:57:08 Sounds like a good approarch 16:57:10 ... We should be able to do that for everything. 16:57:47 Shadi: I feel the EAA has a lot of roles defined for physical products. It doesn't have that for services. 16:58:11 interesing e- book approach 16:58:20 ... There will be a lot of detail to hash out. 16:58:47 TOPIC: Homework 16:58:55 Shadi: I'd like people to go through the use cases document 16:59:03 https://w3c.github.io/silver/use-cases/ 16:59:20 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 16:59:47 If we have questions or thoughts on the use cases document, do we leave thoughts in an issue queue or where? 17:00:01 ... Have a look at these examples as well 17:00:04 q+ 17:00:35 Looking forward to future calls Wilco. 17:01:14 Bye. Thanks everyone. 17:01:42 rrsagent, make minutes 17:01:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/15-wcag3-policy-minutes.html Laura_Carlson 17:02:20 rrsagent, make minutes public 17:02:20 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', shadi. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:06:04 rrsagent, make logs public 17:06:11 rrsagent, make minutes 17:06:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/15-wcag3-policy-minutes.html shadi 20:31:42 kirkwood has joined #wcag3-policy