RDF-star WG weekly meeting

11 May 2023


AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, gkellogg_, gtw, ktk, olaf, pfps, TallTed, Timothe, Tpt

Meeting minutes

<gtw> FYI I will be travelling next week and so unable to scribe. I tried looking at the scribe list to know who would be next in line, but it seems not to have been updated in a few weeks. Maybe Ruben?

<ktk> ok tnx will check it out

<ktk> ah

<ktk> next week is public holiday in many parts anyway

<ktk> I think we will skip that

Scribe: Hartig, Olaf (alternate: Williams, Gregory)

<ktk> Tpt: I don't see you on zoom

<Tpt> Sorry I am not in the zoom yet, I should be able to connect in a few minutes

ktk: review of last week's minutes. Any comments?

<ktk> PROPOSAL: Approve last week's minutes

ktk: confusion in the discussion board
… because there are two numbers
… the issue number itself and some other number

<pfps> minutes look fine to me

<TallTed> +1 approve minutes

ktk: when closing issues in IRC, use the complete URL from the discussion board

<ktk> +1

<gkellogg_> +1

<Timothe> +1


<Dominik_T> +1

<AZ> +1

<pfps> +1 to accepting minutes

RESOLUTION: Approve last week's minutes

Status of "First Public Working Draft" (FPWD)

ktk: any updates on the FPWDs?

AndyS: docs are ready to go, waiting for pchampin

gkellogg_: yes
… but be prepared for last-minute changes

<ktk> https://github.com/w3c/respec/discussions/4445

ktk: I asked on the discussion board of respec
… whether one can ping specific versions of respec

gkellogg_: yes, we need to be aware of that
… there are important changes in these versions

Use Case Proposals

ktk: proposal was to pfps a chance to talk about the progress on the use cases

pfps: not much progress
… releven group has a use case that they want to work out
… hopefully ready within the next couple of days

ktk: which repo?

<AndyS> w3c/rdf-ucr

<AndyS> (was it announced?)

pfps: I added a PR to the main repo to remove the issue about the use case
… want to have a first well-developed use case in that repo before announcing the repo
… would keep the item on the agenda for next week
… in case there are noteworthy changes

AndyS: we have agenda items for outstanding actions and PRs, but none for issues
… we should cover them in the next agenda item

Review of open actions, available at 2

ktk: question to pchampin about TPAC but he is not here

AZ: no remark on my issue
… option: we define partial conformance to RDF 1.2
… option 1: ??
… Didn't get feedback on the options.
… partial would be explicitly defined.
… I would like to get more feedback, on the list or in the issue

AndyS: I would find it easier if there was a draft to provide comments on.

AZ: problem is that there are two issues that are tightly related
… two actions not issues
… issue 19 and issue 23

ktk: talk to Ora and decide on which one to close

TallTed: they can be assigned to both of you

Review of pull requests, available at 3

<AndyS> w3c/rdf-concepts#9 and https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/wiki/Text-Direction-Proposal (draft - for now, consider it an "existence proof" of solution)

AndyS: I took up the discussion up to a certain point and drafted it in a wiki page
… to have somethign concrete
… in order to give everyone a sense of what the issue/effort is when taking up the issue
… of putting text direction support in RDF
… We need a formal resolution to take up that work
… We may at least do a strawpoll

gkellogg_: Some people have noted that this hits every implementation, every serialization format, etc.
… So, it is a quite consequential change
… It opens up RDF to a large part of the world
… unfortunate that unicode does not provide that
… we came up with an informative mechanism in ... group

<Zakim> TallTed, you wanted to note it is a worthwhile thing, but a substantial effort touching (almost?) every doc in our queue

TallTed: Concerned about the amount of work involved in this
… fear that this opens a big can of worms

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to ask what the resolution is

TallTed: not standing in the way but people who want to pick this up will have a lot of work to do

pfps: agree

AndyS: Respect the concerns
… we work in the context of the wider W3C context

<pfps> my worry is that this is significant work for implementers so it may end up splitting RDF 1.2 classic

AndyS: if we don't pick it up, we have to defend why not
… there are complicated cases, languages with multiple scripts

<gkellogg_> https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/blob/main/docs/text-direction.md#the-i18n-namespace

AndyS: in the wiki page I tried to outline the impacts on the different specs (e.g., SPARQL, Turtle)

gkellogg_: there are a couple of examples

<pfps> afer spending a lot of time on this issue I'm still confused as to what exactly has to be done by RDF

gkellogg_: possibility to leverage datatype
… wouldn't change surface syntax
… contained to fewer areas of our specs

ktk: I am also much confused
… we should understand what is specific to RDF in this work

AndyS: point at the moment is not to discuss possible solutions but to decide whether we take it up
… in W3C to get to REC we need horizontal review, I18n is one of them
… they have offered to help

ktk: proposal or strawpoll?

<ktk> draft proposal: Standardize text direction for RDF 1.2 (and related specs)

<gkellogg_> rdf-concepts#9

<ghurlbot> Issue 9 text direction (gkellogg) i18n-tracker, needs discussion, spec:substantive

<ktk> Accept RDF-Concepts issue #9: text direction

<ghurlbot> Issue 9 ambiguity of canonical N-Triples (pchampin) complete

<ktk> PROPOSAL: Accept RDF-Concepts issue "text direction" w3c/rdf-concepts#9

<gkellogg_> +1

<ktk> +1

<Dominik_T> +1

<AndyS> +1

<gtw> +1

<Timothe> +1

<TallTed> +0.5


<pfps> -0 as this still appears to commit the wg to produce something

<AZ> +0

<Tpt> +1

ktk: Do we need majority?

RESOLUTION: Accept RDF-Concepts issue "text direction" w3c/rdf-concepts#9

TallTed: If there is no -1 and a substantial number of +1 then it is accepted

Andys: I would find it easier to have an online discussion about it.

Open PRs https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4/

ktk: let's look at the PRs now

Dominik_T: I would like to change the HTML to be better visible in mobile phones and small devices
… I will change the CSS a bit
… in the PR
… will do that tomorrow

pfps: changes to CSS can do a lot of things
… thse PRs causes a lot of discussion / waste of time
… would have been better as an issue for the group to discuss rather than lots of PRs

TallTed: I agree, should better be an issue first and then tested as a PR on one repo
… instead of PRs in all repos at the same time

pfps: I don't know the syntax of CSS to understand whether the change is substantial

gkellogg_: regarding the markup problem, I was looking at the results of the build which had issues
… regarding making many PRs about CSS for lots of repos, it is a problem that the discussion is all over the place now and that tables are used in different ways in the different specs
… generally, this is about accessibility, which we may have to look at
… accessibility issues are often uncovered during the wider reviewer

AndyS: this PR (for SPARQL) I would like to be merged
… because long-standing PRs are difficult to work on
… but I request to avoid breaks within words

pfps: I don't want this PR merged in the smenatics doc
… because it breaks within words

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to mention that the last version I saw made things worse in my opinion

TallTed: There is a requested change in this PR for the semantics doc
… 'break-word' has been deprecated
… If you apply my change request, pfps' issue about the breaking of words will be resolved

ktk: can you apply that?

Dominik_T: yes

ktk: only apply it to the semantics doc first

pfps: changes to common things like CSS need to be done very carefully

<AndyS> The most demanding SPARQL effect is the grammar in query. We can treat it specially.

<TallTed> +1 fix rdf-semantics#30, and upon approval, replicate to the other CSS PRs

<ghurlbot> Pull Request 30 improve display on mobile phones (domel) needs discussion

ktk: propose to apply it only to the semantics doc first

next meeting

ktk: Thursday next week is a public holiday in Europe

AndyS: May 18?

ktk: yes

<AZ> 18th of May is holiday in France

AndyS: not a public holiday in the UK

TallTed: yes on the 18th, not 25th

<pfps> I will be travelling on the 18th

gtw: not here next week

<gkellogg_> I'm here on the 18th, not on the 25th

Timothe: I will be here

AZ: not here

Dominik_T: on holiday next week

ktk: propose to skip next week

<TallTed> regrets for me 2023-05-25

ktk: and those who won't be here on the 25th, please log your regrets in the IRC

Summary of resolutions

  1. Approve last week's minutes
  2. Accept RDF-Concepts issue "text direction" w3c/rdf-concepts#9
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/minute/minutes/

Succeeded: s/Scribe: olaf://

Succeeded: s/last week's agenda. Any comments/last week's minutes. Any comments/

Succeeded: s/gkellogg_/TallTed/

Succeeded: s/RDF 1.2 classis/RDF 1.2 classic/

Succeeded: s/ITC/I18n/

Succeeded: s/Standardize/draft proposal: Standardize/

Succeeded: s/wee/we/

Succeeded: i/Thursday next week/topic: next meeting/

Succeeded: i|let's look at the PRs now|topic: Open PRs https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4/

All speakers: AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, gkellogg_, gtw, ktk, pfps, TallTed, Timothe

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, gkellogg_, gtw, ktk, olaf, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Timothe, Tpt