14:58:04 RRSAgent has joined #pointerevents 14:58:08 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/10-pointerevents-irc 14:58:23 Meeting: PEWG 14:58:29 Chair: Patrick H. Lauke 14:58:37 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/81ad3e7c-6dde-48ec-8693-09a9adea9f69/20230510T110000 14:58:56 Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke 14:58:56 ScribeNick: Patrick_H_Lauke 14:58:56 present+ 15:02:28 flackr has joined #pointerevents 15:02:38 present+ smaug 15:02:48 present+ mustaq 15:02:52 present+ flackr 15:03:32 TOPIC: Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/445 15:03:32 Go over https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues?q=is%3Aclosed+label%3Aneeds-wpt+ 15:04:01 Olli: wonder how we can get through all these tests 15:04:47 Mustaq: was hoping to do more, but not had time 15:05:03 Patrick: I'll see if i can get env set up for testing at my end, but should we rope in extra help? 15:05:12 Olli: I'll see if I can get Edgar (?) to help 15:05:16 Mustaq: same here 15:05:43 TOPIC: Heartbeat: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356 15:05:55 Patrick: did some testing with the latest codepen 15:12:06 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356#issuecomment-1542350997 15:12:49 Patrick: only tested with `touch-action` and explicit release. Can rerun/document tests also with the explicit release disabled 15:13:13 [discussion on whether we should also test all other iterations] 15:14:43 Mustaq: originally, we didn't have implicit capture/implicit release, but we convinced Microsoft at the time that we'd do implicit capture for touch, but releasing would be same for all pointer types (?) 15:15:05 Rob: if devs use pointer capture, they can rely on implicit release, or do it themselves explicitly 15:16:05 Mustaq: if implicit release is different from explicit release, then that's a problem/bug 15:17:35 ACTION: do more testing with explicit capture off and document results 15:18:01 https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#implicit-release-of-pointer-capture 15:18:27 "If the user agent supports firing the click or auxclick event, and if in an implicit release scenario both that (click or auxclick) event and a lostpointercapture event are fired, the click or auxclick event SHOULD be fired before lostpointercapture." 15:19:01 Rob: this is what led me to believe that explicit release is different from implicit release. if you think they should be the same, then we should remove that 15:19:19 Olli: didn't i file a spec issue that said the opposite of this? the order was unclear 15:19:34 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/357 15:20:23 Mustaq: calling release doesn't immediately release, so there may be some leeway 15:20:32 Rob: but we'd still expect the click to be captured 15:21:03 Rob: but that does affect what i'd expect the outcome to be. until lostpointercapture, i'd expect the click to be captured 15:21:15 Mustaq: it's because of the async nature 15:21:42 Rob: we should either consistently delay pointer capture before, or after. not having click dispatched sync or async and get different results 15:22:01 Rob: behaviour i was pushing for is changing touch behaviour so we don't use the pointer capture until after click is dispatched 15:23:35 Mustaq: for touch, we also have pointerleave and pointerout. which then also trigger the capture release. if we make click sync, these will also need to be addressed 15:24:24 Rob: naive thing would be to delay out and leave if you have delayed clicks, which doesn't seem crazy but is a pretty big change, perhaps argument in favour of losing pointer capture before the click... 15:24:59 Mustaq: looking for section about pending pointer capture 15:25:01 Patrick: https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#process-pending-pointer-capture 15:25:35 Mustaq: "The user agent MUST run..." so this includes out and leave 15:25:37 Rob: and click 15:25:47 Mustaq: but this was done before click 15:25:54 Rob: so spec is contradicting itself 15:26:30 Patrick: Rob do you want to file an issue on this? 15:26:39 Olli: my issue is about this https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/357 15:27:36 Rob: one question is: simplest change would be release pointer capture after pointer up. then click goes to common ancestor of common ancestor and the down event 15:28:02 Rob: we did some compat evaluation for this at some point? 15:28:05 Mustaq: not for this one 15:28:34 Rob: less worried about order than the target 15:28:45 Mustaq: compat could also be deciding factor 15:29:02 Rob: what would happen if we lost pointer capture before click and fired click at the ancestor 15:29:13 Rob: how many pages would this affect, or something to that effect 15:29:45 Mustaq: could you add this as a comment to the issue (https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356) 15:31:34 Olli: maybe safari on desktop is the simplest 15:33:27 Olli: for cases 3 and 4 15:33:41 Patrick: it's doing what Rob is suggesting, firing click to ancestor after capture lost 15:33:54 Rob: but then row 2 is weird, firing click to green 15:34:23 Olli: ... then there's also the weirdness for devs who do capture and then assume that means they'll also get the click 15:34:41 Rob: that would assume changing how capture works to wait for click as well, the other way of solving this 15:36:03 Mustaq: ... we could say even though point is lost, click still goes to the element where the pointerup happened 15:36:25 Rob: ergonomically, this is more useful for devs, but would rather do something that's more generally useful even though harder to spec 15:36:34 Mustaq: we should definitely check on compat 15:36:45 Rob: we could see how often target gets changed 15:36:55 Mustaq: I think we DID test that aspect, we added a counter.... 15:37:29 Mustaq: had planned to add a test in canary, but we didn't get to that point 15:37:56 Mustaq: the bug mentions a counter, but we didn't post the result back 15:38:42 [checking if counter is still there or expired] 15:40:21 https://chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/3942 15:41:23 Rob: even if target changes, doesn't tell us if page breaks 15:42:05 Mustaq: what's next step then? I think we should report this upper bound in the issue 15:42:11 Rob: I left it in IRC/notes 15:43:11 Rob: I do notice - I don't think this counter cares if there's a click handler or not. so would be possible to try to get a better estimate / lower upper bound of when there ARE click handlers for the old/new target 15:44:00 Olli: and you'd have to check if there's elements like anchors 15:44:05 Mustaq: Rob for now I'll reopen the issue for this counter in case we need to fine-tune this one, WDYT 15:44:40 Rob: risk is unknown, we have an upper bound, we might try to launch something with caveat that if we see significant breakage we pull back 15:45:05 Mustaq: let's continue this outside of the meeting 15:47:16 ACTION: Rob/Mustaq to investigate further about counter/test to get more data to make decision 15:48:50 TOPIC: TPAC 15:49:00 Patrick: so the dates/times that were available are 15:49:08 > Monday 11 September: 09:30 - 11:00 15:49:08  > Monday 11 September: 11:30 - 13:00 15:49:08  > Monday 11 September: 17:00 - 18:30 15:49:08  > Tuesday 12 September: 09:30 - 11:00 15:49:10  > Tuesday 12 September: 11:30 - 13:00 15:49:12  > Tuesday 12 September: 17:00 - 18:30 15:49:14  > Thursday 14 September: 09:30 - 11:00 15:49:16  > Thursday 14 September: 11:30 - 13:00 15:49:18  > Thursday 14 September: 17:00 - 18:30 15:49:20  > Friday 15 September: 09:30 - 11:00 15:49:22  > Friday 15 September: 11:30 - 13:00 15:49:24  > Friday 15 September: 17:00 - 18:30 15:52:08 [discussion on which date/time would preliminarily work] 15:52:44 Patrick: so I'll put us down for thursday 14 September 17:00-18:30, we can always change it (within reason) on an ad-hoc basis as it's just the four of us 15:52:57 ACTION: complete TPAC session form 15:55:09 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 15:55:16 RRSAgent, generate minutes 15:55:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/10-pointerevents-minutes.html Patrick_H_Lauke 15:55:46 RRSAgent, bye 15:55:46 I see 3 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2023/05/10-pointerevents-actions.rdf : 15:55:46 ACTION: do more testing with explicit capture off and document results [1] 15:55:46 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/05/10-pointerevents-irc#T15-17-35 15:55:46 ACTION: Rob/Mustaq to investigate further about counter/test to get more data to make decision [2] 15:55:46 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/05/10-pointerevents-irc#T15-47-16 15:55:46 ACTION: complete TPAC session form [3] 15:55:46 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/05/10-pointerevents-irc#T15-52-57