13:21:42 RRSAgent has joined #adapt 13:21:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/05/08-adapt-irc 13:21:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:21:47 Zakim has joined #adapt 13:21:47 Meeting: WAI Adapt Task Force Teleconference 13:21:47 Date: 08 May 2023 13:23:51 agenda? 13:25:26 agenda+ A11y4Children ontology follow-ups 13:25:38 agenda+ Issue 240, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/240 13:26:04 agenda+ Gap Analysis, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Gap-Analysis 13:26:19 agenda+ Review open issues 13:26:28 agenda+ Test to show rendering symbols do not 'break' existing pages 13:26:41 agenda+ Recruiting 13:26:49 agenda+ Registry update 13:26:59 agenda+ Symbol Module Implementations 13:27:09 agenda+ User Agents and Symbols (e.g. Immersive Reader) 13:27:22 chair: Sharon 13:28:33 agenda? 13:54:21 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #Adapt 13:54:25 janina has joined #adapt 13:54:25 agenda? 13:54:30 agenda? 13:57:36 present+ 13:57:41 zakim, who's here? 13:57:41 Present: janina 13:57:43 On IRC I see janina, Lionel_Wolberger, Zakim, RRSAgent, Sharon, roy__, ghurlbot, imlostlmao, gonzu_15, justinestrada, Mike5Matrix, sdd, Github, trackbot 14:02:18 mike_beganyi has joined #adapt 14:02:47 present+ 14:04:48 scribe: Lionel_Wolberger 14:04:54 present+ 14:05:00 present+ 14:05:02 zakim, next item 14:05:02 agendum 1 -- A11y4Children ontology follow-ups -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:05:06 present+ 14:06:04 janina: We have a query from A11yChildren for whether we want a follow-up 14:06:19 ... we are continuing to think about UDL and the use cases that they have 14:06:41 ... I suggested more engagement, and I will ping for a response 14:07:04 Sharon: It is a win-win, it would be great for them to have someone working on their issues here in Adapt 14:07:11 Russell has joined #adapt 14:07:21 janina: Yes, since a Task Force or Working Group can create standards; a community group cannot 14:07:21 present+ 14:08:52 zakim, next item 14:08:52 agendum 2 -- Issue 240, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/240 -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:11:40 Russell: The BCI IDs were actually based on the ISO-IR 169 values 14:11:59 ... you can extract the ISO-IR 169 code point out of the BCI ID 14:12:20 ... that was abandoned when the ISO-IR 169 was not expanded while Bliss continued to create symbols 14:12:43 ... the first 2900 have this link 14:14:08 Lionel_Wolberger: ISO-IR 169, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO-IR-169 14:14:17 ... https://web.archive.org/web/20220310001639/https://www.itscj-ipsj.jp/ir/169.pdf 14:15:50 Russell: We have considered some kind of mathematical encoding that could allow an ID to include the unicode 14:16:44 janina: we would love to expose the unicode values, on a kind of z-axis, that you can discover once you have a BCI symbol ID 14:17:03 ... just like we will enable all languages on a kind of z-axis, French, Chinese, German, etc 14:17:28 ... We could propose this back to Duncan Mac Web and get his reaction. 14:17:57 Russell: For a primary key, a single straightforward number is much more convenient 14:18:08 janina: Easier for machine processes, such as the browser, as well 14:19:37 janina: Our focus is on authors, and the unicode primitives are not really helpful enough. 14:21:16 zakim, next item 14:21:16 agendum 3 -- Gap Analysis, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Gap-Analysis -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:21:45 scribe+ 14:21:59 lionel shares screen for discussion today 14:22:37 lionel reviews the doc 14:25:54 janina: Not all proposals are attributes, some may be .well-known URLs 14:26:04 ... how much weight can we put on well-known 14:41:34 discussion notes that css is global to page; whereas ours is element level 14:43:37 note above is css mq5 distraction 14:59:17 rrsagent make minutes 14:59:41 rrsagent, make minutes 14:59:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/05/08-adapt-minutes.html Lionel_Wolberger 16:45:37 janina has left #adapt