RDF-star WG weekly meeting

04 May 2023


afs, AZ, doerthe, Dominik_T, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Tpt

Meeting minutes

<pchampin> ghurlbot, status?

<ghurlbot> pchampin, the delay is 15, issues are on, names are on, commands are ignored from RRSAgent and Zakim; and the repository is w3c/rdf-star-wg

<pchampin> sctibe+ doerthe

Approval of last week's minutes: 1

<pfps> minutes look fine to me

<ora> PROPOSAL: Approve last week's minutes

<ora> +1

<pfps> +1

<ktk> +1

<gkellogg> +0

<pchampin> +1


<Dominik_T> +1

<TallTed> +0 I've failed to review them

RESOLUTION: Approve last week's minutes

TPAC 2023 attendance

ora: no much response on possible attendance so far

<AZ> I would love to meet in person at TPAC but I have a 2-day meeting in the middle of the very same week

<TallTed> I'm unlikely to be able to travel, but can usually attend if remote facilities are available

question: how long

ora: experience 2 days, but more is exhausting

pchampin: TPAC will be hybrid

ora: who can attend?

afs: I will try to attend

gkellogg: attendance is also interesting for interaction with other groups

ktk: I would like many people to attend, let us know if you need invites etc...

ora: I think we have enough people interested

Dominik_T: I will most likely not be able to attend physically

ktk: so let's declare interest

pchampin: no commitment, but we need to communicate preferences (start/end of week)

<pchampin> no preference for me

ktk: please let us know your preferences

<ora> No strong preference on the days for me

<afs> Pref Tues or Thurs (around the plenary day)

<gkellogg> Either beginning or ending, but don't overlap with RCH or JSON-LD CG

(of protocol, not sure how to remove) I also want to attend and have no preferences

<Dominik_T> Pref Mon and Fri

<AZ> Monday and Friday preferably

pchampin: I will collect preferences and ask

ACTION: ora to respond to W3C about TPAC meeting

<ghurlbot> Created action #57

Meeting next week

ora: I will be at the knowledge graph conference next week, what about the others? should we skip the meeting?

ktk: I can chair if ora is the only one missing

Status of "First Public Working Draft" (FPWD)

ora: where are we

pchampin: request was accepted by w3c but only one hour ago

pchampin: that means that we will not make it to the next meeting but to a later one (date? help?)

afs: two documents missing, new and ?

afs: I will produce the documents

gkellogg: sparql results xml and rdf semantics needs some extra requests which are not yet included

afs: currently working on sparql results xml, that should not stop us

<pchampin> example: https://w3c.github.io/rdf-semantics/spec/#index-defined-elsewhere

respec introducing spurious terms in index

pfps: semantics, pr resolving links to elsewhere https://w3c.github.io/rdf-semantics/spec/#index-defined-elsewhere

gkellogg: I prefer mark-up style to square brackets

pfps: it is not about the style, it is more about links ending up in the index

<pchampin> see also the discussion on the respec issue tracker: w3c/respec#4438

gkellogg: there seems to be a bug?

pchampin: we can't change respec, we will have to work around as pfps proposed

Discussion: situation is frustrating

<pchampin> +1 to gkellogg's workaround

ora: what can we do to get our first spec version out?

discussion: there must be a way to fix the version of the respec used and not get errors when respec is updated?

ora: what do we do?

pfps: ignore the problem for now and then solve it later on?

pchampin: alternatively, ignore the index and create document without it

gkellogg: maybe add text that specs are under development

<pchampin> I was suggesting to remove it from the snapshot, not necessarily the ED

<gkellogg> Perhaps ask for a `data-noindex` attribute that could be added to an anchor with a `data-cite` to keep it out of the index

pchampin: I would just remove the index from the snapshot for now, not for the editing

ora: suggestion, we live with the current problems for now and will fix them later

gkellogg: I expect it to be possible to ask for small changes in respec

pchampin: we should do the open requests, and then publish

Review of pull requests, available at 3

gkellogg: I merged what I had done

discussion: we will create snapshots in the repo

ora: we have not much time left for use case discussions, we will do that next week

Review of open actions, available at 2

gkellogg: we can close 188

<ghurlbot> Action 49 put in the repo the "source of truth" for labels (on pchampin) due 13 Apr 2023

<gkellogg> ghurlbot, close #188

<ghurlbot> Cannot close issue #188. Issue not found.

<gkellogg> ghurlbot, close #18

<ghurlbot> Closed action #18

<Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to report on #49

<pchampin> https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/blob/main/docs/labels.json

pchampin: report om #49 I did create a json scheme, you can do pull request to improve

<ktk> ghurlbot, close #49

<ghurlbot> Closed action #49

ora: first public working draft is about to come out

gkellogg: once they are out we should update references

<doerthe> (I was not expecting to scribe, so my appologies for the incomplete report :) )

<pchampin> doerthe not at all, the scribing was good :)

<ktk> thanks doerthe!

Summary of action items

  1. ora to respond to W3C about TPAC meeting

Summary of resolutions

  1. Approve last week's minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/andy/afs/

Succeeded: s/ (don't know nick)//

Succeeded: i|semantics, pr resolving links|subtopic: respec introducing spurious terms in index

Succeeded: s/88/188/

Succeeded: s/action ora to respond to W3C about TPAC meeting//

Maybe present: Discussion, question

All speakers: afs, Discussion, Dominik_T, gkellogg, ktk, ora, pchampin, pfps, question

Active on IRC: afs, AZ, doerthe, Dominik_T, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, ora, pchampin, pfps, TallTed, Tpt