Automotive Working Group Teleconference

02 May 2023


Carine, Peter, Ted, Ulf
Peter, Ted

Meeting minutes

debrief from AMM

Ted and Ulf encourage Peter to open sourcex his mapping code, willing to help lobby external to Volvo

Peter: the proposed extension (struct) in VSS is going to complicate things, expecting BMW to push back on that
… expect the conversation to be drawn out about open sourcing
… would be cool to test new language models and see how they compare
… clear interest from Ford and AWS in the mapping tool

Ulf: is Volvo part of COVESA yet?

Peter: no and have been encouraging that too
… they were members of GENIVI and as they dropped it, would be difficult to get back in especially with shift to Android

Ted: Volvo in the AutoSAR camp? if so the collaboration with them on an in-vehicle API can help with VISS

Peter: yes

Ted: BMW and Bosch at least, Ulf as well, are in favor of VISS being used there, maybe pared down
… EV charging events is getting interest, that will certainly help with VSS uptake as well. definitely need data to help with the pain points and user experience that will come up with EV adoption

Peter: it would be very beneficial to have VSS-like on charging infrastructure
… that Ford?

Ulf: yes

Peter: seemed like less than Detroit but decent turnout
… Volvo Group sent an exec, there should have been more engineers

Ted: he was there for the Commercial Vehicles BoF track, was on a panel


Peter: we can conclude this data model is finally being adopted, was unsure as of a couple years ago
… need to keep it uncomplicated, balance with evolving it

Ulf: I agree
… we don't want it to get destroyed by complexity

Ted: on structs, I'm of the recollection that was done to help get VSC to use VSS but they're still going off in a different direction

Ted gives summary of his Commercial Vehicle BoF (slide link above) and how it can help with VSS adoption

Ulf: additional domains, handling trailers as well will help

[discussion of port]

Peter: there was also considerable interest in Android Automotive app marketplace

Ted: Google getting pressure, AutoSAR will help too, in exposing VSS in AA in addition to VHAL

[discussion on OEM going AA vs AOSP and related]

Peter: the drawn out release cycles of AA are going to be an issue

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


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All speakers: Peter, Ted, Ulf

Active on IRC: ted