Accessibility at the Edge Community Group Weekly Teleconference May 1st 2023

01 May 2023


derek, janina, katew, Lionel

Meeting minutes

<janina> agenda: Intros (as needed)

<derek> +present

<katew> <katew> present+

Continue Capabilities Review -- https://a11yedge.github.io/capabilities/

<janina> We introduced ourselves to Kate!

Continue Capabilities Review -- https://a11yedge.github.io/capabilities/

derek: We are advocating that sites build in a capability for users to determine their own experience.
… We are ahead of the game here, that does not seem to be happening in the real world.

janina: Decentralized identifiers and the tech to do this does exist

derek: And there are no examples of all this being put into practice.

janina: We will need more pieces including regulatory backing
… though some of these overlay capabilities, like surrogacy, will need even more development

Lionel: We do see early signs of these technologies. Like any developing tech, some of the early implementations were not very satisfying
… but they certainly point in the direction of powerful capabilities that enable real accessibility
… like the proliferation of text size, line height, and contrast overlays that allow real user choice

katew: Providers need to optimize for accomodations or assistive tech at the edge
… the provider has an obligation to build in this support
… A breakdown that I have used is autonomy (or agency), privacy, signal-to-noise, and time
… a useful way of breaking out meeting users' needs
… we may want some of this in the document introduction.

janina: These suggestions for edits are very welcome. Edits can be done as pull requests, or messages to the list, public-a11yedge@w3.org

derek: Section 2 intro, "Meeting Users' Needs" could benefit from more of this type of information

janina: We plan to add references pointing to other relevant W3C standards

derek: We are touching on user-agents and browsers. Are there standards for browser interoperability?

derek: ... we are driving inclusivity, defining the users' needs. We are also defining what the companies should build who are meeting those needs.

katew: Agency and autonomy are different
… one is about mechanisms for participation, and the other is more broad
… When someone has a caretaker, there are real challenges with privacy

<BC> Hello all

<BC> This is Bev

katew: Signal-to-noise expresses the degree to which the content (signal) is presented in ways that are accessible (non-accessible is noise)
… when we fail to help people to achieve the goal of the page, affects the signal-to-noise

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Found 'Agenda:' not followed by a URL: 'Intros (as needed)'.

All speakers: derek, janina, katew, Lionel

Active on IRC: BC, derek, janina, katew, Lionel