11:56:45 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:56:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/27-miniapp-irc 11:57:30 Meeting: MiniApps WG & CG Joint Meeting 11:57:36 present+ xfq_ 11:57:41 scribe: xfq_ 11:57:48 rrsagent, make log public 11:57:51 rrsagent, make minutes 11:57:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/27-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 11:58:43 xueyuan has joined #miniapp 12:02:05 present+ Zitao, Dan 12:02:14 dan: I replied to https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/195 12:03:04 zitao: I think this solves TAG's concern to some extent, but we need to polish the description 12:03:24 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp 12:03:32 present+ xiaoqian 12:03:54 dan: I haven't read through the components PRs yet 12:05:22 present+ tomayac7 12:05:49 present+ zhangmeng 12:05:56 present+ jia_wang 12:06:17 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-components/pull/5 12:06:33 dan: I think components include built-in components and custom components 12:07:20 [Dan introduces her comments in the PR] 12:08:49 zitao: it is similar to web components 12:09:44 ... we can talk with web components CGs/WGs 12:11:21 dan: my second comment was about how to use the arguments 12:12:11 ... the third comment was about event binding 12:12:17 ... in fact, components' Event binding is defined in "Component({})" 12:12:25 ... not Page({}) 12:17:36 xfq_: we have a new charter for the MiniApps WG 12:17:44 ... we will start the review soon 12:17:53 ... but the TAG's comments are blocking issues 12:18:11 ... I'd suggest we resolve their concerns before the review of the new Charter 12:18:21 zitao: I've an idea 12:18:34 ... these issues are more like solutions 12:18:52 ... maybe we can include them into the new charter 12:19:03 ... they are related to two of our current specs 12:19:11 ... addressing, and @@ 12:19:41 ... maybe these specs can be updated and put into the charter as a new way to fix the problems 12:19:57 xfq_: I dont think we need to mention it unless it's going to be a new spec 12:20:05 ... these issues are too detailed 12:20:44 ... if people have concerns, we can continue the discussion in GitHub repo 12:22:00 dan: please continue providing comments offline 12:22:25 xfq_: W3C's annual conference will be held in Spain, in September 12:23:15 ... what's our plan for TPAC? 12:23:24 ... are we going to meet in TPAC? 12:24:02 dan: I have not made plans yet 12:24:06 ... how about you, zitao? 12:24:23 ... happy to help if you would like to present any new proposal? 12:24:46 zitao: let's discuss it further in our CG meeting 12:25:04 ... please allow me 1-2 weeks to talk with our Product team and Martin 12:25:20 xfq_: we need to answer the questionnaire before 8 May 12:25:27 ... we need to have a rough plan 12:25:40 ... I've answered it for the Chinese IG 12:26:04 ... zitao, could you answer it for the MiniApps WG 12:26:27 [ tomayac7 is likely to attend TPAC] 12:26:58 xfq_: the W3C i18n WG are discussing a few issues with WebApps Manifest editors 12:27:26 ... hope we can make some progress on that, these issues are also blocking the MiniApps Manifest spec 12:27:33 zitao: good to know 12:27:52 ... once there are conclusions, we can update our documents accordingly 12:28:07 dan: any other topics? 12:28:39 xfq_: when would you like to meet next time? 12:30:54 dan: 25th May 12:31:16 zitao: maybe we can schedule a specific meeting for the TAG comments 12:31:45 dan: works for me, next make a plan when we are back from the Labor Day vacation 12:32:23 [adjourned] 12:32:39 RRSAgent, make minutes 12:32:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/27-miniapp-minutes.html xiaoqian 12:33:48 RRSAgent, make minutes 12:33:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/27-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 12:33:54 chair: Dan_Zhou 12:33:55 scribe+ xiaoqian 12:33:58 RRSAgent, make minutes 12:33:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/27-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 12:41:40 xfq_ has joined #miniapp 14:27:35 Zakim has left #miniapp 15:18:47 bkardell_ has joined #miniapp 16:01:44 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp