12:00:35 RRSAgent has joined #wot-pf 12:00:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-irc 12:01:15 meeting: WoT Testfest - Day 1 12:01:34 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:01:36 chair: McCool 12:02:06 Mizushima has joined #wot-pf 12:02:39 present+ Ege_Korkan 12:03:10 Ege has joined #wot-pf 12:03:59 McCool has joined #wot-pf 12:04:01 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2023.03.Online 12:04:02 ktoumura has joined #wot-pf 12:06:42 scribenick: Ege 12:07:21 topic: PRs 12:07:48 mm: I have been working on a home assistant implementation 12:08:12 ... it can do error messages in multiple languages 12:08:28 i|I have|subtopic: PR 549| 12:08:43 ... to have UTF support, I return HTML 12:08:44 i|I have|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/pull/549 PR 549 - Submit manual results for wot-ha - multilingual error messages| 12:08:50 q+ 12:10:18 ... (shows results of the manual.csv) 12:10:29 q+ 12:10:45 i|topic: PRs|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf#Agenda_25.04.2023 Agenda| 12:11:11 i|topic: PRs|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2023.03.Online Logistics| 12:11:16 ack e 12:11:21 rrsagent, make log public 12:11:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:11:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 12:11:37 ryuichi_ has joined #wot-pf 12:11:38 ek: are you planning the apikey in the body? 12:11:56 mm: not here. It is a bearer token here but I am planning it for another implementation 12:13:19 present+ Ben_Francis, Ryuichi_Matsukura 12:13:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:13:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 12:13:59 q? 12:14:53 kaz: we should organize this call better 12:15:08 kaz: the previous PR was for discovery right? 12:15:10 mm: yes indeed 12:15:21 mm: the other one is from Hitachi 12:16:31 mm: the purpose of this call is to gather new results from implementors 12:16:59 subtopic: PR 548 12:17:04 mm: this is a PR for the architecture 12:17:29 mm: the PR goes into arch folder but since these are implementation descriptions, it applies to whole WoT 12:17:30 i|this is|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/pull/548 PR 548 - update Hitachi's implementation descriptions| 12:18:54 https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/events/2023.03.Online/README.md 12:19:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:19:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 12:19:58 topic: At risk Assertions Review 12:20:30 mm: we should prioritize the remaining assertions 12:20:31 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/events/2023.03.Online/README.md|| 12:20:32 q+ 12:20:37 ack k 12:20:56 i|we should|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/events/2023.03.Online/README.md List of remaining features at risk| 12:21:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:21:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 12:21:39 mm: it would be good to organize and prioritize them 12:21:46 ek: we can organize TD assertions now if you want 12:21:57 mm: I think we should merge a PR for the TD first 12:22:11 mm: any objections to merge PR 1804 at the TD repo? 12:23:09 i/I think/subtopic: TD/ 12:23:48 i|we can|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1804 wot-thing-description PR 1804 - Update IR to incorporate saywot and editdor results| 12:23:59 (merged) 12:24:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:24:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 12:26:34 q? 12:26:37 q| 12:26:45 s/q|// 12:26:48 ack e 12:26:49 q+ 12:27:27 ek: you can put my name on some the assertions here 12:28:02 mm: let's categorize them in the readme 12:28:06 ack k 12:28:13 kaz: are we talking about assignments or priorities? 12:28:18 mm: both 12:28:36 q+ 12:29:31 q+ 12:29:35 ack e 12:30:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:30:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 12:31:26 ,a 12:31:51 ek: can you put my name for the oauth2 limits, I will try to contact them 12:32:24 kaz: who can decide the priorities? We can bring our proposal for to the whole group 12:34:11 mm: I can write this as a proposal 12:34:22 s/for to/to/ 12:41:29 (McCool continues to identify the priority of the remaining features at risk) 12:41:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:41:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 12:44:47 https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery/#introduction-direct-directory-description 12:44:53 q+ 12:45:02 ack k 12:45:33 ek: we talked with Ben in the CG chat and it seems weird that people do not expose a TD for the TDD 12:46:49 q+ 12:48:19 ack b 12:49:03 bf: I will help with the implementation report 12:49:08 ... I will start with discovery 12:49:40 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery#tdd-http-representation-alternate-output tdd-http-representation-alternate-output assertion 12:50:23 mm: let me put your name 12:52:39 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery#exploration-secboot-401 also exploration-secboot-401 assertion 12:53:49 bf: i may have time to do some of the security but not sure 12:53:57 mm: I can also help with some of them 12:55:18 mm: any other assignments? 12:56:30 i|i may|-> https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery#introduction-direct-directory-description introduction-direct-directory-description also| 12:57:07 i|i may|-> https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery#exploration-secboot-auth exploration-secboot-auth possibly?| 12:57:10 [adjourned] 12:57:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:57:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/25-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 14:56:44 Zakim has left #wot-pf