Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference

25 April 2023


Garret, sergeym, skef, Vlad

Meeting minutes

First agenda topic: In-browser demo of IFT patch-subset

In-browser demo of IFT patch-subset

Garret has been working on a "real" IFT patch subset client that works in a client, that is integrated into the chrome network stack

<Vlad> *this is for automated formatting

Currently only works in the in-memory cache.

(Could also say that this new demo is "native")

Previous wasm based-demo could be adapted into a polyfil if needed

Should be very valuable step in getting this working natively in Chrome

(There is still a flash of unstyled text in the native demo)

Demo also supports extensions to support more GIDs in OpenType font

E.g. can support different indic scripts in the same font

Could potentially become available in the coming months for developers

(since there is no javascript api specified, this demo will start out without one.)

2. Progress on shared dictionary proposal

The proposal has moved to the WICG group

There has been forward progress on a standardization path

This should include a standard for caching shared dictionaries across sessions

3rd agenda topic: Review open issues

Review open issues

Still need client conformance tests

Still need explainer

Garret will look into privacy issues next

Will defer discussion on progress on specification until Chris is presetn

Bikeshed issue with spec compilation now fixed (through combination of bug fix and changes to the references)

Will plan on next meeting on the 16th

(of may)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Active on IRC: Garret, sergeym, skef, Vlad