13:59:07 RRSAgent has joined #wot-discovery 13:59:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/24-wot-discovery-irc 14:02:02 meeting: WoT Discovery 14:02:11 ktoumura has joined #wot-discovery 14:02:21 McCool has joined #wot-discovery 14:02:31 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Kunihiko_Toumura, Tomoaki_Mizushima 14:03:00 Mizushima has joined #wot-discovery 14:06:12 luca_barbato has joined #wot-discovery 14:06:33 present+ Christian_Glomb 14:06:38 present+ Luca_Barbato 14:07:18 glomb has joined #wot-discovery 14:07:28 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Discovery_WebConf#24_April_2023 14:08:01 Review https://www.w3.org/2023/04/03-wot-discovery-minutes.html 14:09:01 i/Review/topic: Minutes/ 14:09:03 Approved 14:09:10 Review https://www.w3.org/2023/04/17-wot-discovery-minutes.html 14:10:24 Approved 14:10:51 Implementations / features at risk 14:11:54 40 assertions for discovery at risk - need prioritization 14:12:28 Several tricky - UDP / CoAP based 14:13:13 i/Implemen/topic: Implemen/ 14:13:41 q+ 14:13:45 i|40 ass|-> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HEI1uObGJdXEddWbg2vWFz_LjiCL44yHGac8EPUzGUs/edit#slide=id.p Discovery slides for Dev Meeting| 14:13:55 rrsagent, make log public 14:13:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:14:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/24-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 14:14:13 mccool: Internationalization features should have priority 14:17:10 Pagination-order will be checked by Siemens/Logilab 14:19:08 Other oddity: security bootstrapping 14:21:14 Diff support / non-support should be explicit by implementations 14:23:09 Additions to / explainations in: https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2023.03.Online 14:26:50 Security consideration can be converted to guidelines 14:33:31 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2023.03.Online#discovery McCool updates the list of priority assertions on the Testfest page 14:35:26 List updated with volunteers 14:35:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:35:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/24-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 14:36:18 q+ 14:37:06 chair: McCool 14:37:47 s/topic: Implemen/topic: Implementations and Features at risk/ 14:37:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:37:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/24-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 14:38:08 ack lu 14:40:01 Note: numbers in brackets note number of MISSING implementations 14:43:57 ack k 14:43:57 mccool: Checks PRs on wot-testing daily and update the lists 14:45:30 i/Checks/kaz: BTW, how would we run the Testfest? Specific day for specific specification?/ 14:45:42 i/BTW,/scribenick: kaz/ 14:46:04 i/03-wot/scibenick: glomb/ 14:46:28 i/Checks/scribenick: glomb/ 14:47:58 kaz: In that case, it means we'll see Discovery as well tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday. So we should ask the implementers, e.g., CHristian, Toumura-san and Luca, about what would be possible for tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday./ 14:48:09 mccool: At-risk-assertions should be at least cut down by half 14:48:10 s|Thursday./|Thursday.| 14:48:22 i/In that case/scribenick: kaz/ 14:48:29 i/At-risk/scribenick: globm/ 14:51:15 Schedule: https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md 14:54:18 May 10th - cut-off date for testing! 14:58:10 q+ 14:59:08 ack k 15:05:44 kaz: note that we need to remove the features lacking sufficient implementation experience or make them informative, so we should start discussion on how to handle the features as well. We can still hold the Testfest to see the latest status, but what is more important is identifying which features are really necessary and need implementations./ 15:05:58 s|implementations./|implementations.| 15:06:01 [adjourned] 15:06:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:06:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/24-wot-discovery-minutes.html kaz 17:28:26 Zakim has left #wot-discovery