A11y Edge Community Group Weekly Teleconference

24 April 2023


+, Derek

Meeting minutes

janina: Added a new introduction explaining what the 'edge' is, how it relates to accessibility overlays and their capabilities
… added new section on Expose Structural Semantics and Normalize the Structural Composite

DC: That would be useful, to display the date in a defined place on the screen
… also, we find we are working a a11y statements for different customers
… it would be useful to have these at a single well known URL

janina: Send that to me and I can route it to the right group

ST: I sent the Older Population Guidelines Johnson 2017
… Caregivers and privacy should be mentioned in this document
… and we will need a glossary, particularly for terms like 'normalization'

janina: We will have a glossary
… you can send to the list at any time

Lionel: Many of the inclusive guidelines in Johnson, J., & Finn, K. (2017). Designing user interfaces for an aging population: Towards universal design are listed in this overlay capabilities document

ST: An overlay at the edge can provide word definitions. Sometimes we want these types of enrichment at the edge, but at other times we dont want this information
… can we provide such rollover definitions on this site?

janina: Topic: Graphics


janina: How do we make progress on integrating the graphics that we discussed?

rrasagent, make minutes

janina: People read the document https://a11yedge.github.io/capabilities and be ready to comment

Derek: The table of contents is getting very lengthy, can we make it an accordion?

janina: Not sure what the markup is for that, and we might need to track two versions

Derek: that would help people to parse through it

Lionel: After Live Site Translations, there seems to be a mislabeled heading for the next section

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/present++/present+/

Maybe present: DC, janina, Lionel, ST

All speakers: DC, Derek, janina, Lionel, ST

Active on IRC: Derek, janina, Lionel