15:08:25 RRSAgent has joined #css 15:08:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/19-css-irc 15:08:29 jensimmons has joined #css 15:08:32 Topic: Nesting 15:08:35 changseok has joined #css 15:08:38 present+ 15:08:43 Subtopic: [css-nesting-1] Can we relax the syntax further? 15:08:51 astearns: We looked at lookahead possibilities 15:09:03 ... and discussion in this issue about relaxing syntax further to take advantage of lookahead proposed 15:09:24 ... question of whether to do in this level and update current draft, or create new level for lookahead 15:09:28 oriol has joined #css 15:09:28 ... so that's what I wanted to get to first 15:09:49 TabAtkins: As plinss said in the comments at the bottom, there doesn't seem to be a path for the current spec to reach REC 15:09:55 ... might have only one implementation, not more 15:10:01 ... since we'll all be moving to the new option 15:10:16 ... so there wouldn't be 2 impls of what's in the current draft, except as historical artifact 15:10:17 present+ 15:10:39 ??: For Safari, we are on the path to release the current implementation 15:10:43 ... so there will be two implementations 15:10:57 astearns: Point is not two implementations of the limited syntax that requires recasting certain selectors 15:11:07 jensimmons: idk if it matters if it's two levels or one level 15:11:29 ... when we last discussed, ppl were talking about deleting all of the current text about what to do without lookahead and how the ampersand will function etc. 15:11:34 ... and that's what I believe is not a wise thing to do 15:11:51 ... if things had played out differently, might be reasonable to throw out text that wasn't shipping in any browser 15:11:56 ... but in this case we have two shipping implementations 15:12:05 ... nevermind about REC, but Chrome has already shipped and Safari is going to ship 15:12:18 ... and doesn't seem wise to me to completely delete the spec text that describes what two browsers have done along this complicated path 15:12:30 ... It could be a Note, could be somehting to say that this existed at some point, here's the description 15:12:41 ... Once zero browsers have it in their implementation could delete it 15:13:06 ... but going back on this path that was promised and act as if such implementations are off spec / non-compliant is not helpful 15:13:17 astearns: not illegal, just not required once implementations update 15:13:31 jensimmons: Fine that never required, Firefox is not required to do this implementation of course 15:13:35 ... whatever written down should say that 15:13:49 astearns: Could have a historical note saying, this is a thing that we had a long the way, and acknowledge it 15:13:55 jensimmons: Yes, that's my preference over deleting it all 15:14:03 TabAtkins: I'm fine with moving to historical appendix 15:14:08 plinss: What's the benefit to authors? 15:14:21 astearns: not memory-holing the previous discussion 15:14:31 plinss: we have plenty of minutes, online discussions, not pretending it never happened 15:14:46 astearns: Not talking about specifying, just having a note 15:15:01 TabAtkins: I think it's useful to have a description of what some implementations are doing, at least until they disappear into obscurity 15:15:08 scribe+ TabAtkins 15:15:17 Scribe+ dbaron 15:15:47 fantasai: In terms of process, unwise to put things that were on the REC track into a NOTE. We created a new status called discontinued draft. Keeps things on patent policy. 15:15:59 astearns: I think we're talking about putting an informative note in the current draft, not making the draft a note. 15:16:08 fantasai: I'm fine with having it in an appendix. 15:16:15 ack fantasai 15:16:16 ack dbaron 15:16:37 dbaron: My reaction to putting the old thing in a historical appendix is that maybe that is spec versioning done right, where what we normally do is spec versioning done wrong 15:16:48 ... because currently people land on the wrong version of a spec 15:17:24 ... but sticking things in as a historical note is maybe a better way of describing history over time than separate documents 15:17:24 astearns: I'm a fan of documenting how a decision has been arrived at 15:17:25 ... instead of having to dig through minutes, or do discussion spelunking of your own 15:17:34 astearns: Any other comments on what to do with the current draft of Nesting? 15:17:47 plinss: Not strongly opposed to having this as a note in the draft 15:17:55 ... not opposed to better changelog or history 15:18:05 ... should we do this as a general policy 15:18:25 ... personally this strikes me as, reluctant to say this, but I think the reality is that implementations shipped prematurely 15:18:32 ... and this seems like a way of washing over the fact that they did that 15:18:52 TabAtkins: benefit to users is that at least one version of Chrome and Safari are shipping with a behavior that is not what's in the spec we want 15:19:07 ... and it's good to have documentation on what's doing, people can understand that it's legacy behavior and it's how it works 15:19:22 plinss: We have old versions of the spec, but I'm not going to die on this hill 15:19:28 ack fantasai 15:19:55 fantasai: Keeping in appendix given multiple shipping impls is a good idea. Wouldn't be opposed to ? a section befor eth spec is concluded saying what browsers shipped. 15:20:11 fantasai: ... then it's not implied that ? is what was intended by CSS WG. But I think appendix is a good idea. 15:20:54 Sounds good to me 15:21:11 astearns: So conclusion seems to be that we will update the draft to use the more relaxed syntax, and we will put the limitations we're removing from draft into an informative appendix 15:21:39 plinss: My main concern is putting stake in the heart of Option 3 15:21:48 ... and not going with that as the specced behavior 15:22:20 jensimmons: If you want to think about it that way you can, but I do not believe we're putting a stake in the heart of Option 3, I believe we're continuing to evolve Option 3 in the direction that authors want 15:22:30 ... but not going to to debate that semantic with you 15:22:44 plinss: I just want that ampersand is no longer required in certain situations 15:22:59 TabAtkins: yes, we are abandoning the spec text for that and going with the lookahead/reparse that was decribed in the issue 15:23:26 plinss: Desire to keep the ampersand behavior, it sounds like Safari might not implement the lookahead option, and I hope that's not the case 15:23:42 TabAtkins: not relevant for us to discuss Apple's shipping schedule, WG is deciding for the future 15:23:54 jensimmons: You should take nothing that I'm saying as anything about our plans or shipping schedules 15:24:03 Can we please resolve and stop talkingv sideways about things that aren't the issue 15:24:14 plinss: I'm interpreting that from your desire to keep this behavior in a spec somewhere 15:24:18 astearns: I think it's time to move on 15:24:32 astearns: We have a proposed resolution, any objections? 15:24:55 RESOLVED: Keep the current spec parsing behavior in an Appendix, update the spec to use the lookahead option 15:25:23 astearns: There are other parts of this issue, TabAtkins you have a long comment on the ways in which we're going to be able to loosen restrictions, would it be productive to go into details? 15:25:27 TabAtkins: sure 15:25:43 TabAtkins: Using the behavior described in the issue, where we first parse as declaration, see if it's valid, and then go back and parse as rule 15:25:52 ... is super flexible except for two restrictions on future syntax 15:26:18 TabAtkins: One restriction is that we never put a semicolon in the prelude of a rule; which is already the case for at-rules, which will end the block early 15:26:34 ... as long as we never put a semicolon as part of a selector we're good; and I doubt we'll ever want to do that 15:26:46 TabAtkins: The second is protecting against misparsing as a rule 15:27:05 ... rules can end earlier than a declaration: they go until a semicolon *or a {}-block* 15:27:26 ... If parse as a rule, then there could be content after the {} which gets parsed as a new item 15:27:48 ... to avoid that, if we ever do top-level {} in a property, we put it at the end 15:28:11 ... Ideally we put it as the whole property value, since that hits invalid selector as soon as you get to the ": {" combination 15:28:39 TabAtkins: If we adopt that future restriction, then we will have effectively future-compatible parsing 15:28:52 ... 1. No semicolons in selectors 15:29:03 ... 2. Nothing after {} in a declaration. 15:29:30 TabAtkins: We don't control custom properties, and you screw up a var() statement (which is the only thing that can be invalid in a declaration) 15:29:38 ... then could have some problem of it reparsing as a rule 15:30:29 TabAtkins: The fix for that is, if the parser sees something that looks like a custom property, it is guaranteed to parse as a declaration. We will not reparse as a rule 15:30:36 ... This avoids corner case of producing an unexpected parse 15:30:51 ... This does mean that you can't have a selector tag name that starts with -- 15:30:56 ... but in HTML that's not a valid name anyway 15:31:28 ... in rare case that you need this, you can use the "wrap in an :is()" trick from Option 3 15:31:44 ... that's the one case where ppl might need to worry about it, and it would not be relevant to the Web only some weird esoteric language 15:31:48 plinss: You could escape the dash? 15:32:04 TabAtkins: no, because it'll still be an ident. Not based on raw text lookup 15:32:15 ack fantasai 15:32:16 ... e.g. if you escape a custom (or not custom) property name, it's still recognized as such 15:32:31 q+ 15:32:39 fantasai: The first 2 make sense to me. The last one... we had some discussions about custom selectors or something like that... will that interfere? 15:32:58 TabAtkins: No. We can't have custom selectors that are just an ident without a prefix anyway, because they will clash with type selectors (at a grammar leve) 15:33:04 ... so already not in a syntax space that we can get into 15:33:19 ack plinss 15:33:34 plinss: In general, I'm happy with this. Just to confirm, you always try to parse as a declaration right? 15:33:37 TabAtkins: yes 15:33:58 plinss: Concern is if we add further symbols to selectors as combinators and/or start adding symbols to properties to do interesting tricks 15:34:11 ... do we have possibilities of collisions? I think we're okay? 15:34:29 TabAtkins: Depending what we do, possibility of clash exists, but in practice it's hard to design a syntax that would be both a valid declaration and a valid rule 15:34:36 dino7 has joined #css 15:34:45 ... something to keep in minde as we design any new thing in property names 15:34:59 plinss: The real restriction is using braces in the property name part of the syntax? 15:35:04 ... though I don't see us doing that much 15:35:12 plinss: [missed too fast] 15:35:36 TabAtkins: If we never touch curly braces in properties, we have to be careful, but otherwise we're good with anything 15:35:39 astearns: Any other comments? 15:35:49 gtalbot has joined #css 15:36:02 astearns: Are you porposing putting these future restrictions into the draft? Or just adjusting parsing 15:36:14 TabAtkins: These are restrictions we should document for us, maybe put it in the wiki 15:36:24 ... not relevant to authors or implementers 15:36:33 astearns: So we need resolutions on ??? 15:36:49 TabAtkins: I think we resolved on those last week, but if you think we need a separate resolution that's fine 15:36:55 astearns: Happy to go with previous if that's sufficient 15:36:55 present+ 15:37:12 ack fantasai 15:38:07 fantasai: I would like us to resolve on the restrictions we just discussed, and to put them in a
note in the spec 15:38:16 TabAtkins: sounds fine to me, would but it into the Syntax spec 15:38:25 astearns: ok, so in syntax spec, but linking back to nesting 15:38:40 astearns: Proposed that we document these restrictions on future synax in Syntax, and link back to Nesting. Objections? 15:39:35 RESOLVED: Document restrictions on future syntax in Syntax, linking back to Nesting: 1. No semicolons in selectors 2. Nothing after {} in a declaration. 3. --ident always kicks off declaration (not rule) parsing. 15:39:55 Subtopic: [css-nesting-1] consider dividing future selector syntax and future declaration syntax differently 15:40:26 TabAtkins: I think this one is moot given previous resolutions, but if dbaron has anything to discuss 15:40:29 dbaron: I'm fine with moot 15:40:35 astearns: Anyone else with concerns? 15:41:15 astearns: no change? 15:41:18 RESOLVED: Close as no longer relevant. 15:41:22 TabAtkins: changes already made in other issues 15:42:15 Subtopic: [css-nesting] Require `div&`, disallow `&div`, for Sass compat 15:43:01 TabAtkins: In previous version of Nesting, we relaxed restriction to starting with a tag selector in order to allow & at the front 15:43:13 ... which was required for previous parsing solutions 15:43:47 TabAtkins: SASS uses & as a textual substitution, so if you write &div, you're asking SASS to append the letters "div", so if your parent selector was ".foo" you get ".foodiv" 15:44:07 ... having this mismatch would be an annoying upgrade story for them, because this sort of concatenation is very heavily used 15:44:17 ... due to object-oriented class naming patterns 15:44:35 ... On the other hand, putting additional type selectors on the compound selector is exceedingly rare 15:44:46 ... she's heard the request only a few times 15:44:55 ... So this is very low priority for them 15:45:07 ... upshot of all this, is I suggest we remove the relaxed restriction that allows type selectors to not be at the front 15:45:30 ... restoring us to previous restriction, which requires the tag selector in front 15:45:39 ... then you can write div& but not &div 15:45:47 ... which protects that syntax space for SASS and related languages 15:46:02 TabAtkins: This also helps with some degree of migration 15:46:15 ... if they know it's an error, they can autocorrect to the right form 15:46:33 TabAtkins: I was initially uncertain of specifying this, if there is already usage of &div in Chrome or Safari 15:46:49 ... but apparently Chrome's implementation never relaxed that restriction so &div has been invalid this whole time 15:47:11 TabAtkins: so at least for Chrome, this isn't an issue, so making this invalid again would be fine 15:47:17 ... unclear about Safari I couldn't test 15:47:30 TabAtkins: So I propose to revert the syntax restrictions 15:47:37 ??: [missed] 15:47:49 ??: We don't have the same behavior as Chrome, so it would be a breaking change for us 15:48:16 astearns: Given that there is likely not that much content targetting Safari's current implementation, would you be ok with this change? 15:48:27 ??: Pretty sure there are zero websites targetting it, so won't break the Web 15:48:30 q+ 15:48:32 TabAtkins: Then I ask for a resolution 15:48:41 s/??/matthieu/ 15:48:42 s/??/mattieu/ 15:48:43 s/??/mattieu/ 15:48:44 ack oriol 15:48:44 +1 to keep that restriction, fwiw on Firefox's impl I never implemented it either 15:49:10 Lety me reconnect 15:49:27 jensimmons: Curious to know what miriam thinks about this issue 15:49:44 miriam: I think this is a good idea, for the reasons Tab listed 15:50:11 ... I am not on the internals of everything that Natalie is conerned about here, but was part of the conversation with Tab and agree this is the direction to go to minorly limit a problem 15:50:33 ack oriol 15:50:56 oriol: I'm opposed to the restriction, but not clear to me how exactly it's helping. In SASS the behavior is something else, and ppl are using that behavior, if they switch to Nesting they will have to adapt somehow anyway 15:51:07 s/mattieu/matthieu/ 15:51:08 ... I'm not sure whether it's invalid or it means something different, if it is that relevant to people 15:51:13 s/mattieu/matthieu/ 15:51:30 TabAtkins: As much as possible, SASS tries not to interpret valid CSS differently as how browsers would interpret it 15:51:51 ... It is helpful if we put it as invalid syntax, so it is definitely not something that would mean something in the browser 15:52:16 q+ 15:52:20 ... It's not strictly necessary, because they'll have compat pain anyway, but a long-term goal here, is that as long as author is not using SASS-specific features, they want to emit native CSS in the future 15:52:37 ack emilio 15:52:40 ... being certain about using CSS-compatible syntax or invalid syntax that is SASS-interpreted is a goal 15:52:54 emilio: If we ever expose the final selector somehow, it would be weird if this couldn't be serialized in anyway 15:52:59 ... so I support not allowing &div 15:53:19 emilio: In particular, if devtools wanted to show the final selector that this element matched, you want to see something useful 15:53:34 ... if you write &div, you can't just expand it 15:53:40 emilio: so I would prefer to avoid this special case 15:53:49 astearns: Other comments or conerns? 15:53:53 s/conerns/concerns/ 15:54:44 TabAtkins: Proposed to remove relaxation of type selector rules, keep current rule that type selector must be first in a compound selector 15:54:49 astearns: objections? 15:54:57 RESOLVED: type selector remains required first; &div is invalid 15:55:24 Subtopic: [css-conditional-5][css-nesting-1] Feature detection for nesting 15:55:52 astearns: We have a feature-detection story, question is how to detect browsers that support nesting vs don't support nesting? 15:56:06 astearns: Is that what's remaining in this issue? 15:56:07 TabAtkins: unsure... someone else should take this 15:56:46 SebastianZ: We need some way to migrate and have fallbacks for old browsers 15:57:12 SebastianZ: so the question is how to allow feature-detection, and at the same time do it so that all the browsers don't fail completely 15:57:23 ydaniv has joined #css 15:57:27 SebastianZ: Of course they don't support nesting, but we need some way to handle that case 15:57:40 ???: We need more than just selector(&)? 15:57:49 s/???/matthieu/ 15:57:50 s/???/matthieu/ 15:58:00 SebastianZ: selector(&) does work, but it focuses on style rules. Doesn't target whether other rules can be nested, or media rules, or something else 15:58:45 PaulG has joined #css 15:58:45 astearns: Given that we have not much time yet, does it make sense to continue the discussion of this upgrade strategy in this issue, or should there be a separate issue just on the path we want authors to take when they don't know whether the browsers supports nesting or not? 15:58:49 SebastianZ: I think there's an issue targetting the author experience... not sure which one it was 15:59:13 GameMaker has joined #css 15:59:15 astearns: Since this feature is titled Feature Detection, should we close this issue and find or create an issue about the author experience? 15:59:27 SebastianZ: Hard to say 15:59:42 SebastianZ: you want feature detection for author so that they can migrate to nesting, so they're both entangled 16:00:03 ACTION: astearns to find path forward for this author-experience issue, whether to continue with this issue or make a new one 16:00:16 emeyer has joined #css 16:00:38 dbaron, can I poke you about https://github.com/dbaron/wgmeeting-github-ircbot/issues/71 ? :) 16:00:48 jfkthame has joined #css 16:01:47 astearns has changed the topic to: Apr 19 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2023Apr/0011.html 16:02:23 futhark has joined #css 16:02:29 present+ 16:02:37 present+ 16:02:38 Present+ 16:02:38 present+ 16:02:41 masonf has joined #css 16:02:49 present+ 16:03:20 present+ 16:03:24 present+ 16:03:29 present+ 16:03:36 present+ 16:03:39 Topic: Administrative 16:04:13 astearns: Agenda bashing? 16:04:28 fantasai: would like to discuss F2F planning after the call with whoever wants to stick around for a few more minutes 16:04:34 alisonmaher has joined #css 16:04:36 present+ 16:04:37 Scribenick: emeyer 16:04:44 present+ 16:05:07 astearns: Should we consider the topic Lea raised or wait for her? 16:05:16 TabAtkins: We should probably wait for Lea 16:05:36 astearns: All right, we’ll skip this week and get on next week’s agenda 16:05:47 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8174 16:05:47 Topic: [selectors-4] Add pseudo-class to establish before-change style for css-transitions on new elements. 16:05:47 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8174. 16:06:11 flackr: We were looking at using a pseudo-class to establish a before-change style 16:06:27 present+ 16:06:39 …We’ve proposed `add-initial` (bikeshedding to come) that defines a block used for before-change styles 16:06:46 present+ 16:06:54 …This is implemented, working well, doesn’t have weird edge cases 16:07:02 …Tab nicely summarized all the semantics 16:07:29 TabAtkins: It’s `@initial` used whenever an element doesn’t have a before-change style 16:07:31 s/add-initial/@initial/ 16:07:45 …In particular, it answers all the weird questions from doing this as a pseudo 16:07:53 …@rules behave a lot better 16:08:00 …This also works a lot better with nesting 16:08:13 …I’m good with this 16:08:30 astearns: Commetns or questions? 16:08:53 dbaron: Are there cases where y ou want to write both for @initial and for something else? 16:09:01 TabAtkins: Possibly but only incidentally 16:09:18 …Sometimes you’ll want to write so that normal style is the same as initial styles 16:09:33 …But with a different class you’ll want different stuff 16:09:48 …Doing it this way means you can’t easily combine them, you’d have to write the styles twice 16:10:05 dbaron: That’s my concern; I had a colleague who had to repeat styles 16:10:25 s/repeat styles/repeat styles to make the entry and exit transitions match/ 16:10:29 flackr: I think that might be the common case if you want something to fade out when it goes away and fade in when coming back 16:10:47 gtalbot has left #css 16:10:48 TabAtkins: One sets opacity 0 and another doing the same, yeah 16:10:49 tantek has joined #css 16:11:03 flackr: Haven’t thought this deeply but we could consider… never mind 16:11:13 TabAtkins: Yeah, I couldn’t make that make sense either 16:11:38 astearns: Is this a blocking concern, dbaron? 16:11:51 dbaron: I think it’s something we should pay attention to 16:12:09 …The particular pattern I saw looked pretty ugly, but then the other proposals here also had significant issues 16:12:24 …We could maybe change the rules around this to ameliorate in some way 16:12:49 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:12:50 TabAtkins: If we do pursue the mixin idea, we could write styles once in the mixin and call it from both spots 16:13:08 astearns: Any other discussion? 16:13:19 (silence) 16:13:58 +1 16:13:58 astearns: Sounds like the proposal is to specify `@initial` as defined in this issue and open another issue about the duplication problems with entry and exit styles 16:14:03 …Objections? 16:14:14 RESOLVED: specify `@initial` as defined in this issue and open another issue about the duplication problems with entry and exit styles 16:14:27 flackr: There‘s also a question on the issue about the actual name 16:15:46 present+ 16:16:07 astearns: While this isn’t a keyframe, this is tied to animations 16:16:13 TabAtkins: Transitions, not animations 16:16:36 flackr: If you have an implicit `from` keyframe, it animates from there, not the initial style 16:16:55 TabAtkins: `@initial-style` is fairly reasonable 16:17:04 …It’s a little generic but not so generic it doesn’t mean anything 16:17:39 astearns: Would it be bad to make it longer for clarity? 16:17:50 `@initial-state` maybe? 16:18:07 flackr: If we’re exploring long names, `@before-change` is very specific to what this is 16:18:15 `before-change` is the same length as `initial-state` 16:18:16 …That’s what we call it in the spec 16:18:21 TabAtkins: Not opposed to that 16:18:37 …It’s weirder to puzzle out what it does, but it’s weirdness speaks to specilaized nature 16:18:43 s/it’s/its/ 16:18:48 astearns: I like that 16:19:02 s/its/it's 16:19:06 dbaron: One thing that bother me about before-change is that it omits it’s only for when the element appears 16:19:16 “before construction” ? 16:19:28 …Maybe replace `initial` with `start` 16:19:36 `@starting-style`? 16:19:41 +1 16:19:56 TabAtkins: Maybe we should take bikeshedding back to issue; we need more percolation 16:20:06 fantasai: I like mason’s proposal 16:20:12 +1 16:20:13 …`@starting-style` 16:20:28 astearns: Given we’re coming up with multiple good options, we should take it back to the issue 16:20:37 flackr: My concern is delaying too long over the name 16:20:55 fantasai: I think we shoudl conclude on another call but we could bikeshed in the issue 16:21:03 flackr: Sounds good 16:21:09 s/shoudl/should/ 16:21:22 fantasai: And start with `@starting-style`, rather than `@initial` 16:21:25 +1 16:21:26 fantasai: I suggest we start with `@starting-style` for now 16:21:42 astearns: Are you asking for a resolution? 16:21:53 +1 16:21:56 fantasai: Yes, that we call it that until bikeshedding is concluded 16:22:08 +1 16:22:12 astearns: Any objections? 16:22:22 RESOLVED: start with `@starting-style` 16:23:10 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7795 16:23:10 Topic: [cssom-view] checkVisibility and filter:opacity(0) 16:23:10 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7795. 16:23:53 vmpstr: We’ve added `check-visibility()` which considers a few styles like opacity 16:24:09 q+ 16:24:14 …If we’re considering that, why aren’t we considering `filter` opacity 0? 16:24:32 …It’s hard to do this, and it was commented if we have other filters that make things invisible 16:24:37 …I propose to close with no change 16:24:41 ack TabAtkins 16:24:51 TabAtkins: I concur 16:25:01 +1 to close no change 16:25:02 +1 16:25:03 astearns: Any concerns here? 16:25:17 RESOLVED: close issue with no change 16:25:29 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8259 16:25:30 Topic: [css-images-3] Define optimizeSpeed as nearest neighbor 16:25:30 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8259. 16:26:28 fantasai: We have SVG values that correspond to SVG keywords 16:26:41 …It was observed browsers might be able to use better algorithms 16:27:00 …Should optimizeSpeed be the same as crispEdges? 16:27:16 TabAtkins: These legacy values are only around because I’m reusing names from SVG 16:27:25 …As far as I know, no browser ever did anything with them 16:27:33 …Other renderers might, not sure 16:27:43 …For the web, it doesn’t seem like it matters what we map them to 16:27:51 …I do object to adding bespoke behavior for these values 16:28:06 …If we want to do something with nearest-neightbor, we should do that 16:28:24 …If we do want to do that later, it would be fine to swap mapping 16:28:36 …For now, what exact value we define isn’t important 16:28:43 …I suggest we close, no change 16:29:11 fantasai: I think it’s an okay state for now, but is risky in the long run 16:29:34 …If there are people who would want nearest-neighbor, maybe we should add a keyword specifically for that 16:29:50 TabAtkins: I’m happy to switch the alias over in that case, but don’t want to do anything special for it now 16:30:04 fantasai: Seem fine; do we need a `nearest-neightbor` keyword? 16:30:09 TabAtkins: That woul db e a different issue 16:30:42 astearns: Proposed resolution is close, no change for now; can discuss separately if we need `nearest-neighbor` or any other 16:30:58 …At that point we could discuss whether to change the alias for `optimizeSpeed` 16:31:07 astearns: Objections? 16:31:12 RESOLVED: close, no change 16:31:26 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8266 16:31:26 Topic: [css-images] Define what happens when all image-set options are invalid 16:31:26 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8266. 16:31:33 bkardell_ has joined #css 16:31:57 emilio: If you specify an invalid type that the UA doesn’t understand, we don’t have a good answer for what happens 16:32:05 …Does the UA try to load and then discard? 16:32:16 …Tab put in the spec we render an invalid image 16:32:43 present+ 16:32:48 …The difference is that if the type function ends up invalid, like say it’s PNG in the CSS but then serve a JPEG, it’s a problem 16:32:55 …I think what Tab put in the spec is fine 16:33:29 astearns: Proposed resolution is to accept what’s been added to the spec? 16:33:32 argyle has joined #css 16:33:51 TabAtkins: More specifically, if there are no valid options, it rendered as an invalid image 16:33:53 +1 16:33:56 astearns: Objections? 16:34:07 RESOLVED: if there are no valid options, render as an invalid image 16:34:18 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7964 16:34:18 Topic: [css-fonts-4] Unclear serialisation of calc expressions in `@font-face` font-stretch/style/weight descriptors 16:34:18 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7964. 16:35:17 TabAtkins: Fundamental issue is that simplification rules for math functions refer to resolution stages 16:35:33 …Those don’t apply in descriptors 16:35:38 …So what are the rules for serialization, and do they match? 16:35:53 …Apple wants serialization to be the same as CSS properties, which makes sense 16:36:03 …Not sure if we’re compat-constrained or not 16:36:19 dbaron: The one thought I have is that descriptors seem a lot like specified values 16:36:21 TabAtkins: Agreed 16:36:26 emilio: Agreed 16:36:46 TabAtkins: I think it’s reasonable to say we treat things the same 16:36:59 astearns: We could resolve on that and see if anyone complains 16:38:03 TabAtkins: proposed resolution: math function simplifcation for descriptors as if they were specified properties, and descriptors with math functions use the same serialization rules as properties 16:39:17 RESOLVED: math function simplifcation for descriptors is as if they were specified properties, and descriptors with math functions use the specified-value serialization rules 16:39:35 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8506 16:39:35 Topic: [css-ui] Consider removing slider-horizontal from 16:39:35 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8506. 16:39:52 emilio: Firefox never supported this 16:40:10 gtalbot has joined #css 16:40:21 …Recently, I found three keywords where there are problems in WPT 16:40:28 …Usage is pretty low 16:40:42 …We also have no compat issues about this 16:40:44 q? 16:40:45 q+ 16:40:52 ack masonf 16:41:00 masonf: We don’t object to this 16:41:29 astearns: What are we resolving? 16:41:53 emilio: Drop slider-horizontal, square-button, and push-button 16:42:09 q+ 16:42:14 ack PaulG 16:42:54 PaulG: slider-vertical has native semantics around orientation 16:43:10 …If there is usage, we should communicate that ARIA values need to be used 16:43:27 q? 16:43:32 emilio: Right now, the spec says it does nothing special 16:44:01 dbaron: I don’t think there a history of appearance changing accessibility rules, is there? 16:44:32 PaulG: In Chromium, (scribe got lost) 16:44:49 dbaron: I don’t think the CSS `appearance` property affect accessibility 16:45:20 PaulG: I’m looking at the demo in the issue, in Chromium, the vertical slider renders with orientation: vertical that nothing else set 16:45:27 dbaron: That’s surprising to me 16:45:41 masonf: me too (but confirm it) 16:45:51 Is it bad? Seems good? 16:46:44 PaulG: Concern is if it’s dropped, anyone depending on that orientation needs to know they need to replace that with ARIA 16:46:51 s/rules/roles/ 16:46:58 astearns: Given that usage is very low, is this a big concern? 16:47:22 PaulG: This is in no way a reason to stop, but this is a concern APA will probably voice 16:47:39 q? 16:47:46 …I’m guessing where this is used, understanding of accessibility is low 16:47:56 …I’ll help smooth that over with APA, I’d just like numbers 16:48:29 masonf: We’re speaking just about slider-horizontal, yes? Not slider-vertical 16:48:43 …Is it an accessibility problem for horizontal? 16:49:00 PaulG: No, only concerned with vertical and that semantic meanings are conveyed in other ways 16:49:12 masonf: We should open an issue about vertical 16:49:27 …I think we’re okay horizontal, but need to discuss more about vertical 16:49:43 astearns: So proposed resolution is to remove slider-horizontal, square-button, and push-button 16:49:55 PaulG: I might need to check push-button 16:50:12 …Does ARIA pressed get added? 16:50:46 astearns: What if we resolve to do the removal, then Paul, can you open an issue on slider-vertical and push-button on possible ARIA concerns? 16:50:50 PaulG: Yes 16:51:01 https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_slider.cc;l=47-83;drc=5a252fef36aced8857912a7eba43dad5590cb54d 16:51:36 RESOLVED: remove slider-horizontal, square-button, and push-button from ; PaulG will open an issue about ARIA roles and concerns about slider-vertical and push-button 16:51:54 github-bot, take up https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7745 16:51:54 Topic: [css-scroll-anchoring] Consider adding an opt-in way of avoiding scroll anchoring suppressions 16:51:54 OK, I'll post this discussion to https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7745. 16:52:23 emilio: Scroll anchoring spec has a bunch of heuristics about when to apply or stop applying scroll anchoring 16:52:52 …We found some cases where pages rely on scroll anchoring to happen, and depending on timing of style changes, page may misbehave 16:53:00 …When you fire scroll events 16:53:16 …Seems to be no way for devs to say “I really really want scroll anchoring to happen” 16:53:54 …I think adding a way to opt into ignoring suppressions and in this scrolling, we’re going to do anchoring regardless of other things 16:54:10 …I think it’s moderately trivial to implement, but is it a good idea? Or reason it’s a bad idea? 16:54:36 astearns: Any thoughts on adding a way to require scroll anchoring? 16:54:56 (silence) 16:55:06 astearns: Shoudl we add an `always` value and see how it goes? 16:55:28 q+ 16:55:37 emilio: If there’s no anchor you don’t do anchoring, so maybe that name doesn’t quite make sense 16:55:44 ack flackr 16:55:46 flackr: What is `always` specified on? 16:56:04 emilio: overflow-anchor works on the scroll container, I believe 16:56:24 flackr: overflow-anchor I thought is applied to any element to prevent any element within to be selected as an achor 16:56:25 q+ 16:56:46 emilio: Right, I guess should always have an effect on non-scroll containers 16:57:02 flackr: I was wondering if `always` would be a way of saying “this is the element to which I want to anchor” 16:57:21 emilio: Then we’d need another way to specify that an anchor should never lose the anchor even if there are suppressions 16:57:32 flackr: What do you anchor to? 16:57:38 emilio: Whatever you were anchoring to before 16:57:59 …What the suppression triggers do is prevent going back 16:58:12 flackr: The suppression trigger rpevent selecting an anchor within a given subtree 16:58:24 …You need to know which element should stay in the same position after anchoring 16:58:34 emilio: I’m not proposing to change anchor selection 16:58:53 …In my head, suppression triggers don’t affect anchor selection 16:59:04 flackr: Are we talking about overflow-anchor? 16:59:25 emilio: What I’m talking about it, the spec has heuristics that don’t affect anchor selection but do affect adjustments 16:59:43 …overflow-anchor seemed an obvious property to add this exception 17:00:07 flackr: I know anchor selection is a big problem and maybe overflow-anchor: always means you must selecto something in here as the anchor 17:00:19 emilio: This seems like an orthogonal problem 17:00:46 …I’m just trying to bypass the heuristics 17:01:02 ack SebastianZ 17:01:33 SebastianZ: Quick note: overflow-anchor is targeting elements while something is targeting the scroll container, os maybe it should be another property in the end 17:01:50 astearns: Let’s take this back to the issue and come up with a proposed solution that can be agreed upon there 17:02:12 …Maybe we can get this and the linked issue on a near-future call 17:02:31 astearns: That’s time; anyone who wants to stay to talk about a summer FTF, please stay on 17:02:38 Topic: end of meeting 17:02:52 I'm around 17:03:34 (I've only been to one prior W3C face-to-face at a beach!) 17:04:28 emeyer has left #css 17:04:34 emeyer has joined #css 17:06:13 changseo_ has joined #css 17:07:20 gtalbot has left #css 17:07:22 My only input is that G did the last meeting and if like someone else to fund this one 17:14:38 I think our limits for G are still just "keep it low, almost certainly in-country" 17:17:30 https://www.w3.org/2004/CDF/Group/meetings/2006/Jan-Sydney/ 17:19:03 Me too, I have a meeting starting now 17:25:10 emeyer has left #css 17:44:58 changseok has joined #css 18:01:24 changseok has joined #css 18:03:51 changseok has joined #css 18:03:55 changseok has joined #css 18:08:15 changseok has joined #css 18:39:02 kashirin has left #css 20:06:22 Zakim has left #css 23:17:16 danial19951103 has joined #css 23:44:02 coool has joined #css