18:59:53 RRSAgent has joined #immersive-web 18:59:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/18-immersive-web-irc 19:03:31 agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/cg/2023-04-18-Immersive_Web_Community_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 19:04:41 https://issues-by-label.glitch.me/?label=face-to-face&command=/facetoface 19:05:06 Brandel has joined #immersive-web 19:07:00 CharlesL has joined #immersive-web 19:07:10 present+ 19:07:25 Emmanuel has joined #immersive-web 19:08:09 bajones has joined #Immersive-web 19:08:38 present+ 19:08:45 Ada_ has joined #immersive-web 19:08:49 cabanier has joined #immersive-web 19:09:11 present+ 19:09:50 scribe Leonard 19:10:20 Aysegul: Topics for F2F next week M/T at Apple in Silicon Valley 19:10:59 JoeLamyman has joined #immersive-web 19:11:03 ... looking for topics, especially those not already listed. Add to GitHub 19:11:10 https://issues-by-label.glitch.me/?label=face-to-face&command=/facetoface 19:11:26 Marisha has joined #immersive-web 19:11:32 Dylan has joined #immersive-web 19:12:06 1+ 19:12:09 q+ 19:12:18 SeanDough has joined #immersive-web 19:12:25 present+ 19:12:53 ack Leonard 19:13:00 hakim, open the queue 19:13:11 zakim, open the queue 19:13:11 ok, Ada_, the speaker queue is open 19:15:09 Lots of discussion about logistics for F2F 19:15:27 bialpio has joined #immersive-web 19:15:34 Chairs will get out a timed agenda this week. 19:15:47 https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/F2F-April-2023/schedule.md 19:15:58 Parking lot locations will be announced 19:16:42 lgombos has joined #immersive-web 19:16:42 See above link for all schedules and location for F2F 19:18:23 Dinner is being planned. Ada is having difficulties with the restaurant. Stay tuned for location & other details 19:18:30 Dinner is Monday! 19:18:52 Ada: Food available for breaks & lunch 19:19:18 Current issues by label: https://issues-by-label.glitch.me/?label=face-to-face&command=/facetoface 19:19:44 https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/issues/195 19:20:16 Charles: Introductions of team 19:20:40 Sean: (Mgr of Corporate Relations at LightHouse). 19:21:27 Dylan (Head of Community Outreach, XR Access): Discusses NSF project to convert non-verbal communication into sound and haptic 19:21:33 ... communicationb 19:22:11 ... Include eye contact, group formation, shared (3D) objects, etc. turned into sound and haptics to allow non-visual 19:22:33 ... participants first-class citizens of virtual spaces 19:23:09 ... Goal: Create set of guidelines that can be implemented by W3C and others to make 3D worlds accessible 19:23:46 Charles: In addition to social cues, make (3D) objects accessible to visually impaired individuals 19:24:22 ... Includes audio cues of actions (whiteboard markings, etc.), then reading the result (when appropriate) 19:24:58 q+ to talk about possible entry points 19:25:21 ... Grant Phase 1 ends Sep 2023. Phase 2 (2-year) is to build Phase 1 results. 19:25:37 ... intent to launch company to do this at the end of Phase 2 19:26:31 Dylan: Make sure guidelines can be used and embraced 19:28:04 Sean: Including visually impaired individuals in all phases of the project. to ensure guidelines work in practice. 19:28:21 q? 19:29:17 ack Ada_ 19:29:17 Ada_, you wanted to talk about possible entry points 19:29:31 q+ 19:29:57 Ada: Can IW use HTML for accessiblity fall-back? 19:30:59 Dylan: Ties into AOM (Accessible Object Model) project. Project is defining metadata for objects + structure for spaces. 19:31:46 ... Work is just beginning. 19:31:48 ack bialpio 19:32:18 Piotr: Goal is to expose additonal data/structure for s/w to understand semantics of the scene? 19:32:55 ... How are the app developers forced/encourage to use this (new) system? 19:34:10 Dylan: IW is part of the solution. There are other groups too (e.g., phone apps). 19:34:40 ... What does it take for WebXR to understand semantics. If not, where in W3C are these guidelines managed? 19:34:52 https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/blob/main/accessibility-considerations-explainer.md 19:35:12 From Dylan in chat: "Example of AOM work: How Do You Add Alternative Text and Metadata to glTF Objects?https://equalentry.com/accessibility-gltf-objects/" 19:36:07 Koolala: Best developer tools are in the browser, but there are no VR developer tool there 19:36:48 Charles: Looking for contact to W3C accessibility 19:36:59 Aysegul: Will provide it. 19:37:10 https://www.w3.org/TR/xaur/ 19:37:32 q+ to mention model 19:38:24 Shiri: (Cornell U) Goal is to have design recommendations adopted 19:38:27 Koolala has joined #immersive-web 19:38:44 ... What is looked for, how do you (IW) work with other organizations, etc.? 19:39:49 ack Ada_ 19:39:49 Ada_, you wanted to mention model 19:40:54 Ada: Looking at tag and the ability to include accessibility info. 19:41:27 Dylan: ... Alt text on 3D objects is probably not going to fly. Need to understand where people are located in space. 19:41:41 ... Need to understand which topics/fields go to which group. 19:41:47 q+ 19:42:10 Ada: Standards would probably happen in this group 19:42:48 Dylan: Avatar location/orientation is important. How would that be represented in XR? 19:43:13 ... Would each object need to have a set of coordinates where the change would cause an audio signal 19:43:28 q+ 19:44:05 Ada: Metadata system would be useful. If social VR stuff is left to developers, than it probably not be developed. 19:44:06 q+ 19:44:49 ... OS (browser) has a much better opportunity of managing the information. 19:44:52 From the developer tools perspective, if you close your eyes and imagine every object around your room surrounded by a cube XML meta data - that meta data is what feeds into accessibility features. Model view helps here. So does 3D detached CSS. 19:46:13 ack Brandel 19:47:04 Brandel: IW is not just Immersive XR. This group is "least-worst" place to start discussion, but distribution 19:47:04 q+ 19:47:04 ... is likely to happen depending on the specific issue 19:47:57 Dylan: Some are developer standards (e.g., alt text), others are design items. Team focus is design. 19:48:41 ... WebXR appears to be more focused on developer items. 19:49:54 Brandel: IW has WebXR API and model. 19:50:34 Piotr: Might have a problem with a communication channel and how to force apps to use that channel? 19:50:36 ack bialpo 19:50:42 ack bialpio 19:51:08 ... If there are multiple ways, people will choose the easiest for them 19:51:22 ... Need to have a developer educational program 19:52:05 ... Is it possible to get a binding to share semantics binding? 19:53:03 Yonet: Having or giving the information is not the same as making it accessible. Judicious choices must be made 19:53:42 Can the developer tools be that channel? 19:54:10 Dylan: Information Overload Mode will be overwhelming. Need a variety of screen readers that use different interpertations 19:55:14 ... May need to have metadata from early in the creating pipeline 19:55:43 Charles: Poeple from IWWG that could create an accessiblity task force? 19:55:45 ack CharlesL 19:56:08 ... to steer work for accessibility 19:56:52 ack Leonard 19:57:10 Leonard: Is there a short-list of very important accessibility items? 19:57:39 Charles: Do have a short list. Need to come up with stories and wire-frames. Will share here for reactions 19:57:56 Dylan: long list: https://bit.ly/xraccess-github 19:57:59 https://github.com/XRAccessibility/xraccessibility.github.io 19:58:25 ... email: Dylan [AT] xraccess [DOT] org 19:59:17 CharlesL has left #immersive-web 20:06:09 bkardell_ has joined #immersive-web 20:20:33 rrsagent, make minutes 20:20:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/18-immersive-web-minutes.html yonet 20:21:18 rrsagent, make logs public 23:59:59 meeting: Immersive Web WG/CG bi-weekly call 23:59:59 chair: Ada 23:59:59 s/scribe Leonard/scribe: Leonard/ 23:59:59 previous meeting: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/wg/2023-03-21-Immersive_Web_Working_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 23:59:59 i|Topics for F2F next week M/T at|topic: upcoming face-to-face agenda 23:59:59 s/hakim, open the queue/zakim, open the queue/ 23:59:59 i|https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/issues/195|topic: XR Access and our NSF Grant on making non-verbal cues and documents/whiteboards in VR accessible to people with low vision and blindness.