RDF-Star Working Group

13 April 2023


afs, doerthe, Dominik_T, enrico, ktk, olaf, ora, TallTed
gtw, pchampin
gkellogg, TallTed

Meeting minutes

<pfps> minutes look fine

Approval of last week's minutes: 1

ora: any comments on last week's minutes?


<ora> PROPOSAL: Accept last week's minutes

<AZ> +1

<ora> +1

<Dominik_T> +1

<ktk> +1

<pfps> +1

<gkellogg> +1

<rubensworks> +1

<TallTed> +1

<olaf> +1

<afs> +1

<enrico> +1

RESOLUTION: Accept last week's minutes

Review of open actions, available at 2

ora: nothing completed; pchampin is on vacation

Review of pull requests, available at 3

ora: we have a bunch of PRs to discuss. who wants to start?

gkellogg: concepts update and terminology...

gkellogg: I was referring to rdf-comcepts#32, but doing others first may make more sense

<ghurlbot> Issue 32 [not found]

ora: 2 editorial changes marked with need discussion...

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to comment on LI 38


pfps: it's just languishing. someone needs to work on it.

ora: any volunteers to fix it?

pfps: a number of us have proposed changes.

TallTed: Loooking at rdf-schema#8, I don't see any requested changes that have not been addressed

<ghurlbot> Pull Request 8 change range of rdf:predicate + small HTML fixes (domel) needs discussion, spec:editorial

TallTed: Other than requests to change prose. If you have a request, please make a specific request for a change.

TallTed: You have a proposed suggestion, but no specific wording suggested.

pfps: Can anyone suggest editorial changes to documents?

TallTed: Yes, anyone can.

afs: Commits can also be added to an existing PR.

<pfps> I'll put together a commit to resolve the issue, and change the issue title

gkellogg: you can make a PR against a PR (or rather, against the branch behind the PR)
… the suggestion mechanism is quite useful
… none of these are limited to editorial changes

TallTed: While a PR is a change request, be careful of loosing the chain of commits to the PR.

<pfps> I am again confused as to what I should do

ora: I'm suggesting that pfps take the lead on these changes

pfps: I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing, as GitHub actions

<pfps> OK, I'll push a commit on the branch of the PR?

<pfps> Or not?

<afs> I'm happy with commits on PRs I send in when the PR is otherwise quiet and the changes do not fit in a suggestion. e.g. the changes are in multiple places.

<gkellogg> https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/reviewing-changes-in-pull-requests/incorporating-feedback-in-your-pull-request


ora: why is there needs-discussion on w3c/rdf-schema#9 ?

gkellogg: pfps took issue with something there

pfps: I would like PR and Issue names and descriptions correspond to their content

gkellogg: you need to clear your change request, because that blocks it from being merged

<gkellogg> w3c/rdf-schema#9

<gkellogg> w3c/rdf-concepts#32


gkellogg: we have not settled on what to call triples that don't themselves include quoted triples, vs those that do
… "simple" and "complex" were one suggestion, which I've started to apply
… we need to decide on nomenclature to use going forward; this was one attempt to do that

ora: any other comments?

afs: I'm not seeing the need for this extra terminology. a triple has 3 components, whether one of those may be a quoted triple or not.
… making this another concept seems unnecessary and potentially confusing

gkellogg: we do still have the collective "triple" including both "simple" and "complex"

afs: I don't think we need this in top-level terminology

ora: so we could have this elsewhere, not at top-level?

afs: yes

[back and forth between afs and gkellogg]

ora: so we have triples (all encompassing), complex triples (containing quoted triples as subj or obj), and simple triples (no quoted triples in play)
… could we have complex and non-complex triples, clarifying the disjoint relationship between these?

olaf: I can see both sides. I think the differentiating terminology will be useful, but I want nested and non-nested triples, instead of complex and simple

pfps: I wonder why we're discussing this in context of a directed PR, rather than an overarching issue

enrico: I think triples remain triples, and when used as terms (subj or obj), they are "triple-terms"

ora: how would you refer to the triples which use triple-terms?

enrico: RDF 1.1 triple, or simple/complex triple, maybe

gkellogg: to answer pfps, the discussion has arisen on a PR because the PR made the issue visible
… nested vs unnested might be reasonable alternative

<ora> "There are only two things that are hard in CS: naming, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors."

gkellogg: retrospectively, we know that triples that include blank nodes do not need to be differentiated from triples that do not include blank nodes, but we don't yet have hindsight about nested/quoted/embedded/etc. triples

afs: what about changes in RDF 1.2 that are not about quoted triples? there's at least one such
… there seems to be a lot more editing needed
… I'm concerned about inventing terminology that will not be used except by confused people
… there hasn't been much discussion on the PR because it's labeled as a Use Case

enrico: we say that "ground triples" are triples without bnodes. maybe we say "flat triples" are those without embedded/quoted/nested

ora: clearly, naming is extremely important. at some future point, we will need a careful review to make sure that terms are used consistently.
… in history of RDF development, we used "pumpkin" as a stand-in for "nodes", which we hadn't figure out a name for yet
… we have two things: 1) what to do for this PR, if anything; 2) the broader issue of making all specs consistent internally and across the board

gkellogg: I think the controversial terms serve the purpose for now. afs has some ideas about doc organization which would help clarify things as we go forward
… specific comments in the PR will help move it along. terminology may be considered placeholders for now, with refinement to happen later.

ora: I think we've got a reasonable path forward for now
… time is short again, but perhaps we have time for one more item

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to ask whether this PR will be merged in before FPWD

afs: are we adding material from CG report to these documents?

pfps: how does this relate to FPWD?

gkellogg: waiting until things are perfect will mean we never publish FPWD
… text direction, canonicalization, some other things want work


ora: what is w3c/sparql-protocol#13 ?

rubensworks: I created that
… it's just an informative addition to the SPARQL protocol spec, showing another SELECT query

<Zakim> gkellogg, you wanted to discuss disposition of other bits of the RDF-star CG report

brief AOB

afs: i18n issues are awaiting a consensus proposal, which I have floating around in my head, waiting to put forward

gkellogg: there are several elements of the CG report that need incorporation, some in rdf-new, some elsewhere

afs: question was about a principle decision, of whether we incorporate CG report into 1.2 specs now or later, after we resolve more basic updates than nested (or whatever)

gkellogg: much should/must wait until semantics TF has done its work

ora: we're at time
… propose adjournment

[no objections]

<ghurlbot> Pull Request 13 Add informative quoted triples example, Closes #12 (rubensworks) needs discussion

<TallTed> s| Pull Request 13 Add informative quoted triples example, Closes #12 (rubensworks) needs discussion||

<ghurlbot> Action 12 [closed] add ora's and greg's regret and chair name in last calls minutes (on pchampin) due 2 Feb 2023

<TallTed> s/s| https/s|https/

<TallTed> s| Action 12 [closed] add ora's and greg's regret and chair name in last calls minutes (on pchampin) due 2 Feb 2023||

Summary of resolutions

  1. Accept last week's minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/ors/ora

Succeeded: i|why is there needs-discussion|subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/rdf-schema/pull/9|

Succeeded: s/how do we add/are we adding/

Succeeded: s/ktk/rubensworks/

Succeeded: i|what is|subtopic: w3c/sparql-protocol#13|

Succeeded: i/i18n issues/topic: brief AOB/

Failed: s| https://github.com/w3c/sparql-protocol/issues/13 -> Pull Request 13 Add informative quoted triples example, Closes #12 (rubensworks) needs discussion||

Failed: s/s| https/s|https/

Failed: s| https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/issues/12 -> Action 12 [closed] add ora's and greg's regret and chair name in last calls minutes (on pchampin) due 2 Feb 2023||

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: TallTed

Maybe present: gkellogg, pfps, rubensworks

All speakers: afs, enrico, gkellogg, olaf, ora, pfps, rubensworks, TallTed

Active on IRC: afs, AZ, doerthe, Dominik_T, enrico, gkellogg, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, rubensworks, TallTed