10:53:49 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 10:53:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-wot-profile-irc 11:01:33 Mizushima has joined #wot-profile 11:02:59 mlagally has joined #wot-profile 11:07:25 Ege has joined #wot-profile 11:07:54 zakim, who is on the call? 11:07:54 Present: (no one) 11:09:21 present+ Ege_Korkan, Michael_Lagally 11:09:31 chair: Michael_Lagally 11:09:57 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Tooaki_Mizushima 11:10:18 q= 11:10:20 q+ 11:10:28 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Profile_WebConf#Profile_-_April_12th.2C_2023 11:10:35 scribenick: kaz 11:10:41 q+ 11:10:44 ack e 11:11:22 ack 11:11:27 topic: Agenda 11:11:38 q+ 11:11:40 ek: given low participation, should work on simpler items 11:12:16 ack k 11:12:42 kaz: we need to think about Testfest prep given it's planned to be held during the week of April 24 11:12:53 ml: to be added to the agenda for today 11:14:48 regrets+ Lagally 11:15:12 regrets- Lagally 11:15:16 regrets+ McCool 11:15:53 topic: Minutes 11:16:03 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/04/05-wot-profile-minutes.html Apr-5 11:16:04 approved 11:16:10 topic: Issues 11:16:45 subtopic: Issue 333 11:16:55 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/333 Issue 333 - Column names 11:17:05 ml: Sebastian is not available for Profile these days 11:17:12 ... Ege, can you work on this issue? 11:17:16 ek: yes 11:17:29 ... what's the main question here? 11:18:04 ml: (shows the mismatch between Profile and TD) 11:18:45 q+ 11:18:48 ack e 11:18:58 ek: aligning all the tables. right? 11:19:11 ml: let's concentrate on this point now 11:19:43 ... aligning all the tables is a valid question, though... 11:19:49 s/,though.../ 11:20:05 s/aligning/but aligning/ 11:20:10 rrsagent, make log public 11:20:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:20:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:20:43 s/ack// 11:20:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:20:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:23:08 kaz: if we want to follow the definition of the tables within the TD spec, that's fine and probably would be useful 11:23:10 ryuichi has joined #wot-profile 11:23:48 ... however, are we aware that would mean we need to update our own tables once the original tables within the TD spec are updated 11:24:29 ... my point is just that we need to be aware of the dependency 11:24:42 ml: think we're aware of that dependency 11:25:39 ... but don't want to consider all the tables 11:26:02 ... so would suggest we concentrate on this table within Link section 11:26:25 s/Link section/"5.6 Links" section/ 11:27:01 kaz: and we need to check with Sebastian. right? 11:27:08 ml: Ege should check with Sebastian 11:27:21 ek: ok 11:28:05 topic: Contributions 11:28:17 ml: would like to think about work assignments 11:29:01 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/ WoT Profile Editors Draft 11:29:11 ml: we have 6 Editors here 11:29:25 meeting: WoT Profile 11:29:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:29:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:30:25 q+ 11:30:44 ... would like to think about how to share the load 11:32:08 ack k 11:32:14 q+ 11:32:21 kaz: we should clarify our procedure first 11:32:34 ... who from the Editors to handle which issues 11:32:38 ... which depends on who are still active 11:32:52 ... then clarify who to generate concrete PRs 11:33:13 ... I personally think the original issue raiser should generate it 11:33:34 ek: don't think we need to clarify that kind of policy 11:33:49 ... also not sure the original issue raiser need to generate a concrete PR 11:34:10 s/generate it/generate it. of course the Editors can help, though./ 11:34:23 ml: that's a reasonable comment but we have problems now 11:34:49 ek: it's a common problem with our specs in general 11:35:12 ml: maybe we should have a general policy discussion as well 11:35:24 q? 11:35:25 ack e 11:35:34 q+ 11:36:38 ack k 11:37:01 kaz: it seems we need some more time for this discussion on assignment 11:37:15 ... do we want to postpone this discussion and talk about Testfest prep? 11:37:43 q+ 11:37:44 ... or rather postpone the discussion on Testfest prep and think about assignment now? 11:38:13 ml: let's postpone the discussion on the assignment 11:38:23 ... and talk about the Testprep now 11:38:26 topic: Testfest prep 11:38:27 q? 11:38:58 subtopic: Issue 312 11:39:26 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/312 Issue 312 - Define Plugfest Test Scenarios 11:39:43 q+ 11:39:44 ack e 11:39:53 q+ 11:40:19 proposal 1: WG member who submitted an issue should be initial assignee, he should drive it, identify a contributor 11:41:23 s/subtopic: Issue 312/ 11:41:41 s|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/312 Issue 312 - Define Plugfest Test Scenarios|| 11:42:02 s|ml: let's postpone the discussion on the assignment|| 11:42:12 s|... and talk about the Testprep now|| 11:42:14 proposal 2: round robin assignment of current editors to unassigned issues and ask them to drive the contributions 11:42:28 ml: there two proposals so far 11:42:56 i/proposal 1/ml: let's talk about the policy how to handle the issue assignments/ 11:43:43 s/issue assignments/issue assignments a bit more/ 11:44:03 s/so far/so far, so would record them now./ 11:44:11 topic: Testfest prep 11:44:47 subtopic: Which specification parts are ready for testing? 11:44:58 ml: (goes through the Editor's Draft) 11:45:14 i|goes|-> https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/ Editor's Draft| 11:45:25 q+ 11:45:59 ... think all the content from the Editor's Draft is ready 11:46:19 kaz: meaning all the sections starting from section 1 till the Appendix? 11:46:21 ack k 11:46:27 ml: yes 11:46:36 q+ 11:46:49 ek: which parts to be expected to be tested? 11:47:00 ... CSV files to be updated 11:47:14 ack e 11:47:34 ml: people are contributing TDs 11:47:45 ... why don't we ask them to do the same contribution 11:48:39 kaz: we're diving into the second item already 11:48:48 ... let's talk about the content first 11:50:27 ... regarding the content itself, are we ready to extract normative assertions from all the sections? 11:50:42 ml: McCool is working on that 11:51:00 ... we have tools generated by McCool and Toumura-san 11:53:42 kaz: given the feedback from the TD, Arch and Discovery specs, we should make sure if all the assertions are comprehensive enough for the developers 11:54:59 ml: we've been getting feedback from developers at least from the WG participants 11:58:57 ... but why do we need to clarify if the document is comprehensive enough? 11:59:02 q+ 11:59:18 kaz: given the feedback we got so far for the other specs, i.g., TD, Architecture and Discovery 11:59:43 ... unfortunately, the assertions from those specs were not clear enough for the external developers 11:59:58 ... so now we're holding Dev Meeting to describe the assertios 12:00:00 ack k 12:00:06 s/assertios/assertions/ 12:00:22 q+ 12:00:24 ack e 12:00:51 (some more discussion) 12:00:57 kaz: sorry but we're out of time 12:01:03 ... so let's continue the discussion next time 12:01:14 ml: can't make the Testing call myself today 12:01:23 ... but please have discussion there as well 12:01:25 Mizushima has left #wot-profile 12:01:26 [adjourned] 12:01:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:01:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz