ixml Community Group call 11 April 2023

11 April 2023


Bethan, John, Michael, Norm, Steven

Meeting minutes

<Steven> *Is


<Steven> Because now is 14:00 UTC

<Steven> and the agenda says 15:00 UTC

Well - there is the QT4 meeting at 16:00 BST

<Steven> I only turned up in case the agenda was wrong!

rrsagent create minutes

Presend+: Michael

Previous Actions

ACTION 2023-01-10-b: Michael to take another pass on the EBNF to BNF document -- still continuing

ACTION 2023-01-10-d: Michael to work out the metadata for identifying the Unicode version(s) associated with a test --- could do with further discussion

ACTION 2023-01-10-f: Norm and Michael to do a bit of revision to improve the draft documentation of the XML vocabulary (see #137) for further discussion -- continues

<Github> invisibleXML/ixml#137 : We should document the XML tag set that results from parsing an ixml grammar with the ixml specification grammar

ACTION 2023-01-10-h: Michael to review RELAX NG rules and report back - continues

ACTION 2023-02-07-a: Steven to make Pull Request for Unicode test - continues

ACTION 2023-02-07-b: Michael to think about adding to the test suite schema to cover browser (etc) version - discuss later

<john> s/dcsuss/discuss/

ACTION 2023-02-07-e: Bethan order stickers (for Markup UK) - proofs done but not yet ordered - continuing

Status reports

Status of implementations: CoffePot 2 released

Status of testing and test suites: discuss re the schema

Publication Plans

Steven: Link for community group report: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Mar/0000.html

ACTION: Norm to investigate production of rules-conformant version of spec, for publication as CG Report

Norm: Proposes to publish the 1.0 erratum spec as the group report

Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues

Michael: How do we detect and allow for platform variation in the test descriptions, e.g. Unicode version, browser, versions of Xengine....

Michael: There are additional effects, e.g. checking unreachability. Environmental issues can be either implementation defined or platform dependant.

Michael: Uses an 'appInfo' element in the test to predicate test result applicability

Michael: for issues like Unicode version, the tests are duplicated with predication at the top level.

John: Look at parallels with 'evironment/feature' predication in the QT3 test suites

Michael: options in a test case list a set of possible test results.

ACTION: Michael to explore the use of named environments in the test suite

Issue #139 Sample grammars for IRIs and URIs - contiues - make issue for next time

<Github> invisibleXML/ixml#139 : https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/blob/master/samples/URI/rfc-3987.ixml

<cmsmcq> John reported that he has done work on prototype implementations of both grammar import and nonterminal renaming.

<cmsmcq> Grammar import can borrow a lot from the XSLT packaging mechanism. Requirements include specifying where the grammar to import can be found,

<cmsmcq> specifying which parts of it you want (JL proposes to interpret that list as 'these and everything reachable from them'),

<cmsmcq> also overriding rules in the imported grammar

<cmsmcq> and supplementing them.

<cmsmcq> Supplements might include adding an alternative.

<cmsmcq> SP says he would really like a prose description of what this would all mean, and why particular features are thought to be required.

ACTION: John to write up his work on grammar import.

<cmsmcq> On nonterminal renaming, John says he has found it trickier than it looks. Especially dynamic renaming.

<cmsmcq> He has come to believe that in many cases, all the action affects the production of output -- in this respect, renaming is an extension of the existing set of marks.

<cmsmcq> The trickiness is less in the implementation than in making clear exactly what effect a directive like this will have on the grammar.

<cmsmcq> JL notes that current marks can occur either on definitions or on uses. For renaming, a similar dichotomy arises, but the reference seems particularly important.

<cmsmcq> If you just want to rename it, why not just name the nonterminal differently?

<cmsmcq> SP and NDTW answer: because you've already got one with that name.

<cmsmcq> NDTW says that if we are going to discuss grammar composition, we should try to schedule some time on the use cases document.

ACTION: John to write up his work on nonterminal renaming.

Summary of action items

  1. Norm to investigate production of rules-conformant version of spec, for publication as CG Report
  2. Michael to explore the use of named environments in the test suite
  3. John to write up his work on grammar import.
  4. John to write up his work on nonterminal renaming.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Failed: s/dcsuss/discuss/

Succeeded: s/effect/effects/

Succeeded: s/them',/them'),/

Succeeded: s/supplementing them/supplementing them./

Succeeded: s/Norm to investigate/Norm to investigate production of rules-conformant version of spec, for publication as CG Report/

Succeeded: s/dicsuss/discuss/

Maybe present: Presend+

All speakers: John, Michael, Norm, Presend+, Steven

Active on IRC: cmsmcq, Github, john, Steven