15:03:56 RRSAgent has joined #pronunciation 15:04:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/10-pronunciation-irc 15:04:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:04:01 Meeting: Spoken Presentation Task Force Teleconference 15:04:01 Date: 10 April 2023 15:04:05 zakim, clear the agenda 15:04:05 agenda cleared 15:04:24 chair: PaulG 15:04:24 Agenda+ Agenda Review, Membership & Announcements 15:04:24 Agenda+ AT 15:04:24 Agenda+ Github Issues and examples 15:04:25 Agenda+ Other Business 15:04:38 present+ 15:04:39 present+ 15:04:42 present+ 15:04:45 rrsagent, make minutes 15:04:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/10-pronunciation-minutes.html matatk 15:04:53 present+ 15:04:53 present+ 15:05:42 scribe+ matatk 15:05:55 zakim, next item 15:05:55 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review, Membership & Announcements -- taken up [from matatk] 15:06:12 Irfan has joined #pronunciation 15:06:17 present+ 15:06:20 PaulG: Standard agenda; any announcements? 15:06:23 present+ PaulG 15:07:06 zakim, next item 15:07:06 agendum 2 -- AT -- taken up [from matatk] 15:07:31 PaulG: AT letter - we got the go-ahead for you to reach out to your contacts and share our letter. 15:07:39 PaulG: Any updates? 15:08:04 SWood: We'll be reaching out soon; timing it to maximise chances of people being in the office. 15:09:16 matatk: Let me know if you'd like me to send it to anyone specific Freedom Scientific (assuming you already have contacts for now, so I won't unless asked). 15:09:35 Roy has joined #pronunciation 15:10:16 PaulG: We have a privately-circulated list of contacts (to avoid publishing their addresses publicly); need to ensure we don't double-contact people. 15:10:27 SWood: I have a list from Janina; is that the list? 15:10:47 PaulG: Think so; we should coordinate. 15:11:02 SWood: +1 15:12:36 PaulG: We need a central document. 15:12:51 matatk: Suggest a shared spreadsheet (like Google Docs, if that works for people). 15:15:33 SWood: I'll draft a sheet for us to use internally. 15:15:37 q? 15:15:40 zakim, next item 15:15:40 agendum 3 -- Github Issues and examples -- taken up [from matatk] 15:16:35 matatk: No new issues. 15:16:38 zakim, next item 15:16:38 agendum 3 was just opened, matatk 15:16:43 zakim, close this item 15:16:43 agendum 3 closed 15:16:44 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:16:44 4. Other Business [from matatk] 15:16:44 zakim, next item 15:16:45 agendum 4 -- Other Business -- taken up [from matatk] 15:17:37 zakim, close this item 15:17:37 agendum 4 closed 15:17:38 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 15:17:39 zakim, next item 15:17:39 I do not see any more non-closed or non-skipped agenda items, matatk 15:17:43 rrsagent, make minutes 15:17:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/10-pronunciation-minutes.html matatk 15:39:52 Roy has joined #pronunciation 19:33:11 Zakim has left #pronunciation