Maturity Model TF weekly meeting

5 April 2023


CharlesL, janina, jlkline, stacey, SusanaPallero, sheri_b-H

Meeting minutes

Review Sheri’s Use Cases

sheri_b-H: Use case 1: 1) A software company is responding to an RFP. They’ve been asked to demonstrate that they are capable of retaining the level of quality in their VPATs that they are currently showing.

sheri_b-H: Sheri is introducing the use cases and asking for comments, level of details, or structure, etc.

janina: zakim, who's here?

BP wrapping head around proof points, way use cases are phrased we'd answer with a focus on a dimension and who shoudl work on it

sheri_b-H: added 7th use case based on Brian O'days request: 7) A large multination corporation wants to assess the accessibility maturity of a single business unit. What dimensions to complete? Who to get involved?

bpoday_: present+

CharlesL: do you expect all dimensions to be filled out by use case?

sheri_b-H: yes

jlkline: in perfect world they'd do all dimensions...but maybe it's what dimensions to focus on

Mark_Miller: relevant dimensions instead

CharlesL: +1 to Jeff's relavent dimentions.

sheri_b-H: will pull request to add into the doc when we're done

jlkline: all dimensions should be addressed?

sheri_b-H: this was shorthand...naming the focused relevant dimensions and adding to the doc

sheri_b-H: ICT and Personnel are the critical dimensions, however, all should be at least reviewed to ensure that ICT and Personnel have the training, support and culture they need to successfully create accessible products

sheri_b-H: this will be the hard one, but if we like this one I can structure the other ones similarly

SusanaPallero: knowledge and skills to be added for number 1

sheri_b-H: ICT, Personnel, and Knowledge & Skills are the critical dimensions, however, all should be at least reviewed to ensure that ICT staff have the support and culture they need to successfully create accessible products

jlkline: one more question - when retaining level of qual in VPATs, what really asking/what do we really want to know?

Mark_Miller: Is it accuracy?

sheri_b-H: 1) A software company is responding to an RFP. They’ve been asked to demonstrate that they are capable of retaining the level of quality in their software as reflected in VPATs that they are currently showing.

jlkline: if VPATs are accurate based on testing, demonstrate the accuracy of it?

Mark_Miller: also age of VPAT? better way to say that?

sheri_b-H: accuracy and timliness?

janina: refresh?

sheri_b-H: 1) A software company is responding to an RFP. They’ve been asked to demonstrate that they are capable of retaining the accuracy and timeliness of their VPATs and refresh them as needed.

sheri_b-H: any objections? Adjusting the others so we don't have to do same comments

sheri_b-H: 2) A government agency is issuing an RFP. They want to ask potential respondents to demonstrate that they are capable of retaining the accuracy and timeliness of their VPATs and refresh them as needed.

jlkline: primary dimensions and secondary dimensions?

bpoday_: would that open door to "not required" if secondary? ideally should be able to do all of them

jlkline: most relevant dimensions?

Mark_Miller: looking for a stack rank of dimensions here? what are we really looking for?

sheri_b-H: hard to say culture is better over somethings else (or vice versa) and hard to stack rank all 7

sheri_b-H: want to link titles of who to get involved, it's pre-defined

sheri_b-H: OK with narrative and not primary and secondary?

sheri_b-H: 3) A retail organization has received multiple complaints from prospective employees about disability inclusion in the hiring process

jlkline: do we need to limit to retail? what about private sector?

sheri_b-H: 3) A private sector organization has received multiple complaints from prospective employees about disability inclusion in the hiring process

sheri_b-H: Culture, Personnel, and Support are the critical dimensions however, all should be at least reviewed to ensure that candidates disability-related needs are met to be successful employees

stacey: asked if this was covered in another use case for employee experience (yes it is)

CharlesL: +1 to adding communication

SusanaPallero: email communication not accessible, hiring process would be affected. Add communication dimension to this?

sheri_b-H: yes, added

sheri_b-H: 4) An accessibility consulting company wants to show potential customers that their entire organization is optimized for accessibility

sheri_b-H: no questions or comments on this one. Use case covers entire org, so all dimensions must be reviewed.

Mark_Miller: conflating overall what we're doing overall for most relevant vs all of the dimensions? (7 dimensions) Audience get confused?

sheri_b-H: for some use cases some of the dimensions are less important, so flexibility on completing some of the dimensions vs all of them

sheri_b-H: will think about that for the intro paragraph/address there

sheri_b-H: 5) An NGO wants to determine which areas it should address to improve disability inclusion in the next fiscal year

Mark_Miller: culture, communications and support as top ones?

sheri_b-H: same as employee complaint?

jlkline: inclusion for themselves or their output?

sheri_b-H: didn't distinguish that. improve internal communication?

sheri_b-H: 5) An NGO wants to determine which areas it should address to improve internal disability inclusion in the next fiscal year Culture, Personnel, Support, and Communications are the critical dimensions however, all should be at least reviewed to ensure that disability inclusion requirements.

sheri_b-H: 6) A software integrator wants to review the accessibility of an organization that sells a third-party library that it is considering including in one of its offerings

Mark_Miller: 3p library generic to 3p content?

jlkline: 3p components? covers everything?

sheri_b-H: content includes library and PR agencies updating ads.

jlkline: discussing what a 3p integrator is


sheri_b-H: integrator too specific?

jlkline: need to be careful with terms, can be ambiguous.

sheri_b-H: 6) An organization wants to review the accessibility of a second organization that sells third-party content that it is considering including in one of its offerings

CharlesL: will content cover tools?

jlkline: 3p offerings?

Mark_Miller: if 3p integrated into a solution, then that's one type of problem vs a 3p solution to bring into org...

sheri_b-H: 6) An organization wants to review the accessibility of a second organization that provides third-party digital content that it will include in its solutions

sheri_b-H: separating them out into separate use cases

sheri_b-H: 7) An organization wants to review the accessibility of a second organization that provides tools and libraries

janina: whole organization to be reviewed or just the content?

sheri_b-H: everything on the table depending on how deep you want to go

janina: primary vendor after adding content to their area, so real focus on the things that are being added to their domain

sheri_b-H: ICT, Personnel, and Knowledge & Skills are the critical dimensions however, all should be at least reviewed to ensure that ICT staff have the support and culture they need to successfully create accessible products

Mark_Miller: are we talking about what software integrator should do or what the company providing the software should do?

Mark_Miller: concerned my company provides accessible content is one thing, if i want to make sure my company is integrating accessible content is another

CharlesL: make clear that the second company provides first company their accessibility maturity model

sheri_b-H: in use case 8, should be all dimensions. everyone agreed.

sheri_b-H: AI sheri to get github action item for her updates

janina: zakim, next item

janina: zakim, close this item

janina: zakim, next item

Trackbot: How I Learned to Stop ACTIONing and Start Using Github Issues

janina: https://www.w3.org/users/myprofile/connectedaccounts

janina: github training - associate w3c identity with your github. We want everyone to have login at W3 org and github so we can keep track and assign actions

janina: https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/creating-an-issue

janina: directions on how to enter and track issues. focus on issues to start.

janina: we also have maturity model repository, in there can create own actions and issues and assign to person with associated github identity

sheri_b-H: Action Item for all: Review spreadsheet that was emailed out for discussion next week. Report bugs and send questions to Sheri

janina: zakim, bye

janina: rrsagent, make minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


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Maybe present: bpoday_, Mark_Miller, sheri_b-H, SusanaPallero

All speakers: bpoday_, CharlesL, janina, jlkline, Mark_Miller, sheri_b-H, stacey, SusanaPallero

Active on IRC: scribe