17:50:16 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 17:50:20 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/04-aria-apg-irc 17:50:20 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:50:21 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Matt_King 17:50:42 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 17:50:49 CHAIR: Matt King 17:50:53 present+ 17:51:02 rrsagent, make minutes 17:51:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/04-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 17:52:07 TOPIC: Review agenda and next meeting date 17:52:26 Agenda available at https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/April-4%2C-2023-Agenda 17:52:38 Next meeting is April 11. 17:52:45 rrsagent, make minutes 17:52:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/04-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 17:54:10 View agenda at https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/April-4%2C-2023-Agenda 17:54:23 rrsagent, make minutes 17:54:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/04-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 17:58:46 jugglinmike has joined #aria-apg 18:01:21 present+ jugglinmike 18:01:25 scribe+ jugglinmike 18:01:50 arigilmore has joined #aria-apg 18:02:04 present+ 18:02:50 CurtBellew has joined #aria-apg 18:04:14 Andrea has joined #aria-apg 18:04:18 Matt_King: Meetings scheduled regularly all through the month of April 18:04:30 present+ Andrea 18:05:16 Andrea_ has joined #aria-apg 18:05:34 Topic: Status of Site Updates 18:05:42 present+ 18:05:50 Subtopic: Previews of 5 AT support tables available: 18:05:56 Matt_King: This is informational 18:06:39 Matt_King: In the "main" branch and preview (but not yet in production): Alert, Command and Toggle Button, Link, and Radio Group 18:06:47 Matt_King: Everything is ready to go with one exception 18:06:57 Matt_King: JAWS with Radio Group is currently at 99% 18:07:47 Matt_King: After speaking with James_Scholes today, we're planning to remove the test which accounts for the missing 1% on JAWS part 18:08:08 Matt_King: Our goal is to push these to production on Tuesday of next week and then do an announcement on Thursday 18:08:20 Matt_King: So we have to get that figured out in the mean time 18:08:36 Matt_King: And my goal is share a draft of the announcement by this coming Thursday 18:09:01 Matt_King: I'm planning to share the draft with the folks here 18:09:13 Subtopic: About page ready for review - pull request 2558 18:09:22 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2558 18:09:26 Matt_King: I'd like to merge this 18:09:33 Matt_King: I've received feedback from a few people on it 18:09:46 Matt_King: Last night, I made a few changes based on feedback from John_Gunderson 18:10:08 Matt_King: I had some difficulty--I made changes to the branch, but they weren't showing up in the preview 18:10:18 present+ Alex_Flenniken 18:11:06 Alex_Flenniken: That's due to how I created the preview for you. It's using Git Submodules in a way that prevents automatic updates. I can manually update the submodule for you 18:11:42 Matt_King: That works 18:12:03 Matt_King: I'd like to merge it in time to include it for the April 11th update 18:12:42 Matt_King: I'd also appreciate a review from jamesn 18:12:52 present+ jamesn 18:13:52 jamesn: So, the sections named "Introduction" and "ARIA Basics"? 18:14:24 Matt_King: Yup, those are the two new sections. The other text could probably use some work as well, but it is wholesale copied from elsewhere on the site--it's what we've already published 18:15:01 Matt_King: we'll skip the other items for this topic in the agenda) 18:15:07 Topic: Pull request reviews 18:15:23 Subtopic: PR 2618 - Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month by jongund 18:15:32 Matt_King: This is merged 18:15:44 Subtopic: PR 2643 - Datepicker Modal Dialog: Updated code and fixed next/prev month bug by jongund 18:15:58 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2643 18:16:05 Matt_King: I'll be doing the editorial review 18:16:15 Matt_King: I'm looking for support on visual design review, code review, and testing 18:16:43 Matt_King: There aren't a lot of changes in this pull request; it's only four files (one CSS and two JS and on HTML) 18:16:58 Matt_King: Because there was a small change to the CSS, I want to make sure someone is looking at this visually 18:17:06 arigilmore: I can do visual review and code review 18:17:22 Matt_King: Great--thank you 18:17:40 Alex_Flenniken: I can do the test review 18:17:55 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria-apg 18:17:58 present+ 18:18:14 Matt_King: arigilmore do you think you'll be able to do that review this week? 18:18:23 arigilmore: Yes 18:18:38 Subtopic: PR 2625 - Tablist Examples: Improve support for magnification by jongund 18:18:47 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2625 18:19:02 Andrea_: I think this just requires a final accessibility review from me 18:19:15 Andrea_: I have to set up some ATs, but I expect to finish that today 18:19:27 Matt_King: Looks like you have some suggested edits in here 18:19:54 Andrea_: Yeah, a couple of typos 18:20:20 Matt_King: looks like Alex_Flenniken is also assigned to this, too 18:20:33 Matt_King: We may be able to include this for April 11, too. That'd be great 18:20:50 Subtopic: PR 2622 - Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified by jongund 18:20:57 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2622 18:21:05 Matt_King: This is waiting on me, at least 18:21:21 Matt_King: Jon is listed as a review on his own tests. That doesn't make sense. 18:21:47 Alex_Flenniken: I ran the tests successfully, but I don't know if I'm supposed to do something else to check the tests 18:22:13 Matt_King: We're interested in the way the tests were coded--a regression test to make sure they're still covering all the things they're supposed to 18:22:20 Alex_Flenniken: I did that 18:22:37 Matt_King: Okay, then this pull request is just waiting on me 18:22:51 Topic: Check-in on gh-pages feedback 18:23:07 Subtopic: Obsolete gh-pages branch: Feedback on redirect presentation and code quality · Issue #2651 · w3c/aria-practices 18:23:09 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2651 : Obsolete gh-pages branch: Feedback on redirect presentation and code quality 18:23:14 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2651 18:24:10 Matt_King: The issue is that the gh-pages (where we previously had the editor's draft of the editor's doc)--we just trimmed that down 18:24:22 Matt_King: This is a page that a lot of people used to refer to 18:24:36 Matt_King: But the goal is for eventually this to receive zero traffic 18:24:51 Matt_King: It used to have a lot of sections and headings; a section for every pattern, etc. 18:25:03 Matt_King: People may have linked directly to those sections 18:25:28 Matt_King: The new version provides links to the specific pages that we've since created 18:25:57 Matt_King: People have taken issue with the way that it's coded 18:26:04 q+ 18:26:32 ack me 18:30:30 The group is considering closing this as a "won't fix" if a pull request is not received in a few weeks' time. 18:33:01 Subtopic: PR 2643 - Datepicker Modal Dialog: Updated code and fixed next/prev month bug by jongund 18:34:23 Topic: Date picker date selection issue 18:34:36 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2646 18:34:51 Matt_King: I didn't know if we wanted to try to fit this in 18:35:01 Matt_King: It's about the Date Picker Dialog 18:36:16 Matt_King: This is interesting because in this example, the selection doesn't follow the focus, but if you press "Enter", it does select and close. 18:36:20 q+ 18:36:29 Matt_King: I'm curious if people here thinks this is a bug or not 18:37:05 Matt_King: In this particular case, the user is moving the date that has focus by pressing the "next month" button, but doesn't ever directly focus on that date 18:38:17 jamesn: I think it's not a bug. It seems like there is a bug here in that this date picker is not doing what the keyboard says it should do when you press "space" on the date grid. I'm not sure I agree with what it says it should do 18:38:31 jamesn: Visually, selection follows focus 18:39:31 jamesn: It seems to me that there's no point in selecting a different date from the one the focus is on (in this example) 18:39:54 jamesn: I didn't even see that there was a style in the one that you press "space" on--it's visually very subtle 18:40:12 Matt_King: So it seems like the bug here is a design problem. That really, selection should be following focus, period 18:40:19 jamesn: That's what the keyboard instructions say 18:40:37 CurtBellew: If you cancel it, it goes back to the default, right? 18:40:43 Matt_King: That's right 18:41:18 Matt_King: If I choose April 1st, and then I go into the dialog and move all around and even choose another, when I hit cancel, it should go back to April 1st 18:41:52 jamesn: That's not how it's behaving right now 18:42:14 Matt_King: So "Space" is actually changing the value of the input 18:42:19 jamesn: That's right 18:42:31 Matt_King: But "cancel" isn't really undoing things, here 18:42:39 CurtBellew: No, not when the space bar is involved 18:43:21 Matt_King: As an aside--we should probably do a "date range" selector at some point, too. 18:44:00 jamesn: So is this a documentation bug, or do we want to change the focus model? 18:44:08 Matt_King: I'm inclined toward the latter 18:44:19 jamesn: Me too, it would simplify things 18:45:55 Matt_King: So, we propose to make Space and Enter behave the same way when the focus is on the grid. That would make it impossible to get into this situation 18:47:54 Matt_King: Right now, I have April 6th in the input field. If I go into the dialog and tab to the button right after "Okay" which is "Previous Year". If I press that button, I assume it's on April 6. If I back-tab, I expect it to read April 6. And it did 18:48:05 Matt_King: So the focus never changed 18:48:56 Matt_King: We already have a problem where the difference between "focused" and "selected" isn't clear, visually. We don't have to solve that here. 18:49:47 Matt_King: There are some related pull requests in review, but since they're almost done, we'll address this with a new pull request 18:49:59 Topic: New Issue Action Planning 18:50:47 Subtopic: Suggestion: aria-live triggers (certain attributes) #2668 18:50:48 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2668 : Suggestion: aria-live triggers (certain attributes) 18:50:52 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2668 18:51:44 Matt_King: They're talking about the DOM changes necessary to get aria-live to trigger 18:52:01 jamesn: This sounds like an ARIA issue, not a aria-practices issue 18:55:27 jamesn: I think this is a duplicate of one or two issues in aria-practices 19:00:06 Zakim, end the meeting 19:00:06 As of this point the attendees have been Matt_King, jugglinmike, arigilmore, Andrea, CurtBellew, Alex_Flenniken, jamesn, MarkMcCarthy 19:00:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 19:00:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/04-aria-apg-minutes.html Zakim 19:00:16 I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:00:16 Zakim has left #aria-apg