Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

30 Mar 2023


Helen, ToddL, kathy, catherine, trevor, thbrunet, ChrisLoiselle, Wilco, present, Daniel



ACT Standup

<Catherine_Droege> +present

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/2012

wilco: resolved 2 rules, PR just got 3 reviews, and meta element refresh work to fix test case rendering
... daniel and I met with Total Validator to get them as implementers, met with Trevor

kathy: looked over label in name issues

helen: github down monday

daniel: planning sessions, met with Total Validator with Wilco

trevor: worked on state, need to do some PRs for issues

chris: hope to work on manual test project next week, want to pursue Oracle implementation of ACT

catherine: not much to report

tom: plan to work on language rules, work on IBM tools


<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/aria/discussions/1850

wilco: aria wg has been reviewing our work and left comments in Discussion thread in github
... if you are working on aria rules, mostly wilco and tom, please see those
... will add a link to intro page in rules tracker sheet to that discussion

TPAC 2023, September 11 - 16

wilco: W3C is holding Technical Plenary. 1 week of W3C groups meetup. In Seville, Spain
... do we want to meetup?

daniel: the Jewish New Year is that Friday

wilco: AGWG will focus on Monday/Tuesday. Only times available would be Thurs/Fri for us to meet

daniel: can reply privately if you like

wilco: are people interested to meet in Spain? also inviting CG
... I will likely be there

<ChrisLoiselle> I can do remote only.

daniel: I will be there also

tom and catherine: would love to but unlikely to get funding

helen: won't be able to

wilco: there will be a hybrid option
... if we can get 3 or 4 likely attending, then that's a good reason for us to meet
... a 2-day session at TPAC would be valuable

Better define how rules related to page states (30 min)

trevor: issue 1935

<trevor> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1953

trevor: include prep steps in applicability, wilco added comments
... status message rule where if some element is activated, text appears, does it meet expectation
... use where-after language
... review of exceptions
... exception is new

helen: it's easier to follow because less noisy

tom: understandable
... what if there's a summary at top and each field has a specific error
... links at top to jump to specific errors

trevor: may not want aria-live on each of those
... how do people feel about this activation?

chris: would oninput be activation?

trevor: would have a definition
... will include examples of activation

tom: may need to cover click activation, change activation

chris: moving out of a text field and aria-invalid

trevor: need to think through different interactions

catherine: it makes sense to me

trevor: second example - modal window becomes visible after activation
... expectation that focus returns to test target after modal closed

wilco: this is a complex example, like that this approach is clean

trevor: the 3 states: find HTML element, activate it to open modal, then close the modal

daniel: another rule may be needed to close the modal

trevor: agree there needs another test to do other testing
... if we have 3 state rules, we'll need a rule to test intermediate state. wonder if it's a common pattern

wilco: liking this approach. will rules format need an update?

trevor: Exception sub-heading

wilco: need to discuss subjective exceptions
... what would examples look like for implementers?
... do the implementers need to trigger these events or they just watch?

trevor: how would a test tool watch this happen?

wilco: watch as test scripts
... glad to see everyone like this approach

trevor: will play with some test cases

Element with role has required states and properties

wilco: surveyed 2 weeks ago
... survey comments - Q2 trevor

trevor: acc req mapping ARIA5 says "this rule is not required..." not how it's usually done

wilco: 1.3.1 and 4.1.2 are not rendering correctly as secondary reqs
... Q2 wilco comment re acc tree missing in input aspects
... Q3 trevor comment

trevor: "comply" word? none of the other aria roles rules had this assumption

wilco: it's tied to the ARIA5 technique

daniel: "conform" would be better

trevor: agree

wilco: Q3 wilco comment - first assumption can go to background

tom: agree

wilco: Q3 helen comment

helen: only use aria when you have to
... not in place of html

wilco: adding such a note would have implications for many rules
... these rules aren't guides for content authors so personally think no

<ChrisLoiselle> referencing here https://www.w3.org/TR/using-aria/#firstrule could possibly put it in accessibility support?

wilco: poll group to add avoid aria note in rules?

trevor: background is getting pretty big but wouldn't be against it but may be better to leave it out

daniel: not sure of value add

tom: would have to go in lots of rules

helen: a note on the main page?

wilco: helen will explore
... next survey comment, open issue 2029
... diff between aria 1.2 and 1.3

tom: 1.3 isn't done yet

wilco: leave issue open until 1.3 public draft
... discuss other survey comments
... liaison unassigned for now.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/03/30 14:03:02 $

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Default Present: Helen, ToddL, kathy, catherine, trevor, thbrunet, ChrisLoiselle, Wilco, present, Daniel
Present: Helen, ToddL, kathy, catherine, trevor, thbrunet, ChrisLoiselle, Wilco, present, Daniel
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