14:59:40 RRSAgent has joined #tt 14:59:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/30-tt-irc 14:59:44 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:59:45 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 15:00:10 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/247 15:00:31 cpn has joined #tt 15:00:42 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/03/16-tt-minutes.html 15:00:56 scribe: nigel 15:01:00 Present: Andreas, Chris, Gary, Nigel 15:01:12 Chair: Gary, Nigel 15:01:25 Present+ Cyril 15:02:40 scribe+ cpn 15:03:04 Present+ Pierre 15:04:31 Topic: This meeting 15:04:50 Nigel: Topics for today: news on the charter, status update and issues on DAPT, also IMSC-HRM to understand the state 15:05:03 ... We may be ready to think about CR exit criteria 15:05:15 ... Also proposal from Apple to add to WebVTT metadata for strobing in video 15:05:36 ... TPAC 2023 planning, but may not get to that today 15:05:42 ... Anything else to cover? 15:06:14 Chris: I'd like to cover TPAC, but not urgent 15:06:48 Topic: Charter 15:07:10 Nigel: The Council has concluded and written a report, but needs Atsushi to talk about it 15:07:38 ... Next step is some need to validate the updated charter with everyone who commented. Plan is to have a 1 month extension, so the new charter would start on 1 May 15:07:53 present+ Atsushi 15:08:43 Atsushi: The FO Council report is out, we need to ask every reviewer to check the final version for a 1 week period, starting today 15:09:17 ... It should be settled by next Thurdsay. I hope to get management approval in a week or so, so the new charter could be installed by mid April, I believe 15:09:42 ... We have a 1 month extension approved, so if we don't want a gap, we can start the extension tomorrow 15:09:45 Nigel: Yes please 15:10:06 ... Can I post a link to the Council report? 15:10:17 -> W3C Council Report on the FOs against the TTWG Charter https://www.w3.org/2023/03/council-ttwg-report.html 15:10:28 Atsushi: It's public, I got approval to sent to AC reviews, so I think it's OK to post here 15:10:37 s/sent/send/ 15:10:59 Nigel: I expected an announcement 15:11:39 ... Can we set the charter end date to start date + 2 years? 15:12:13 Atsushi: Yes. If you want 2 weeks spare, you can extend to end of April and start on 1 May, not sure if that would work 15:12:24 Nigel: I'm neutral on that. Any other views? 15:12:50 Atsushi: Not sure 2 weeks makes a difference for the review 15:13:05 Nigel: I think the charter has had plenty of review time 15:13:08 pal has joined #tt 15:13:11 ... Anything else on the charter? 15:13:22 rrsagent, make minutes 15:13:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/30-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:13:36 cyril has joined #tt 15:13:44 RRSAgent, pointer 15:13:44 See https://www.w3.org/2023/03/30-tt-irc#T15-13-44 15:14:57 Nigel: On the report, I've proposed a couple of changes to Florian. Not sure what will happen with those, some were editorial, others more formal 15:15:22 ... For example, it says we didn't accept the proposed changes in full, which I think we did 15:16:03 ... But this shouldn't hold up the charter 15:16:09 Chris: I also sent you a comment directly 15:16:17 Nigel: OK, will feed that back to Florian to 15:16:21 s/to/too/ 15:16:24 Topic: DAPT 15:17:00 Nigel: Last time Cyril and I did an issue we identified some to be resolved before FPWD 15:17:35 ... The editorial ones have been done, needs an editorial pass, but the document is now feature complete 15:17:35 ... Cyril generated some more issues. Thank you Andreas for your input 15:18:06 ... I want to identify which issues we think need to be resolved for FPWD, if any, and label them 15:18:13 Cyril: Do we think there are any? I don't think so, personally 15:18:25 ... What's the expectation for FPWD? It doesn't need to be stable 15:19:08 Nigel: It's there to invite review from the group 15:19:10 Cyril: Would it trigger any communicate communication from W3C? 15:19:48 Nigel: There'll be an announcement, and we could write a blog post 15:19:53 q+ 15:19:55 example for IMSC-HRM -> https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9318 15:20:03 ack at 15:20:08 Chris: Also a patent exclusion opportunity, so worth getting in the features if they have patent implications 15:20:37 Andreas: I found some issues that I may open. Should I do that now or wait until it's published as FPWD? 15:20:44 Nigel: I prefer not to wait 15:20:48 Cyril: I agree 15:20:56 ... Are those blockers for FPWD? 15:21:00 Andreas: I don't think so 15:21:35 Nigel: For the issues recently looked at, one is more structurally substantive than the others, about changing script types 15:21:53 ... So we have a workflow script type and a separate application script type, dubbing or AD 15:23:06 ... Feels useful to do that sooner than later. 15:23:06 Cyril: I think you're right, but do we have agreement? 15:23:06 Nigel: There seems to be agreement from those who commented 15:23:06 ... I'll label it as FPWD and assign to you 15:23:06 ... Issue #75 15:23:38 Cyril: Also worth discussing the SSML intergration 15:23:49 -> Clarify how to use SSML with DAPT https://github.com/w3c/dapt/issues/121 15:24:22 Cyril: Reviewing the AD part of the spec with colleagues, we have TTML attributes that seem overlapping with SSML 15:24:42 ... So what's the relationship? Can we use these attributes or the SSML equivalent syntax or not? 15:24:55 q+ 15:25:01 ... Proprietary data, not in DAPT or TTML namespaces. Extending that example with SSML could be interesting 15:25:04 ack n 15:25:34 Nigel: Yes, definitely. We have to decide on the direction here. Thinking about how TTML2 deals with styling, a lot is imported from CSS 15:25:48 ... Defined in TTML2 using styling vocabulary unique to TTML2 15:26:07 ... Audio styling attributes: pitch and speak, are both based on SSML semantics based on the prosidy element 15:26:41 ... What we found with TTML2 and CSS, is there's friction. We could say in TTML2 we won't add more SSML attributes, but do it by injecting SSML into the document 15:27:09 ... That would mean definining precedence rules between two audio attributes. I think that would allow unlimited addition of SSML content 15:27:18 ... Not sure if it can all be done in attributes, but think so 15:27:37 ... Other direction is to define equivalnent vocabulary in TTML2 for everything you may want to use in SSML 15:27:40 Cyril: Please no 15:28:08 Nigel: It's a choice we have, so prefer the first option 15:28:23 Cyril: A third option could be to say not use the TTML2 attributes and only SSML syntax 15:28:55 Nigel: If we do that, we would need to adopt the special URI that's defined for the audio source attribute 15:29:09 ... ttml/resource/#speech 15:29:13 ... (reads definition) 15:29:29 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/ttml2/#embedded-content-value-audio TTML2