8th WoT WG Charter Meeting - Day 2

29 March 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

minutes review

McCool: any objections to the minutes?
… no objections, publish

quick updates

McCool: dev meeting today in the second half of TD slot

Ege: using the TD webex but a different irc

McCool: please send a reminder with the logistics
… to the wg and ig mailing lists

ACTION: Ege to send out the Dev Meeting logistics information including the WebEx coordinate to the member-wot-wg and member-wot-ig


McCool: there is an architecture presentation to review, will send out a link
… send a request to Ege for any comments

Kaz: we need to set up a meeting to review the feedback. Also should specify some specific deadline based on the event day.

McCool: we could review it on April 5th, but should allow more time
… is April 12th OK?

Ege: can't attend discovery review if it's shifted to the 19th

<McCool> proposal: defer Arch Dev meeting to April 12 (second hour of TD slot) and Discovery to April 17 (Discovery call slot).

<McCool> proposal: defer Arch Dev meeting to April 12 (second hour of TD slot)

Kaz: this could be tentative because we don't know about Lagally availability. So at least the date of the Arch Dev meeting is subject to change.

RESOLUTION: defer Arch Dev meeting to April 12 (second hour of TD slot)

<McCool> proposal: defer Discovery Dev Meeting to April 17 (Discovery call slot).

RESOLUTION: defer Discovery Dev meeting to April 17 (Discovery call slot).


McCool: scheduled for next week, focus on profiles
… maybe we aren't ready for profiles
… maybe we could work on all deliverables, is there any objection?

Kaz: what do we need to do?

McCool: we could resolve the at-risk items

Kaz: we need to clarify which testfest is used for what purpose. Also who to provide which data, etc.

McCool: we can discuss more in the testing call


<kaz> Agenda for the WoT WG Charter discussion

McCool: would like to get to a final draft today, and resolve to proceed to review
… the charter requires all resolutions to be tentative and allows a week to accept/reject
… so we can resolve today and finalize on April 5th

McCool: leaves 6 weeks to May 17
… then 4 weeks to June 14th
… then only 2 more calls until July 1st

McCool: today we have PRs and issues to cover

PR 103

<kaz> PR 103 - Avoid use of "protocol binding" in charter

McCool: PR 103, any objections to merge?
… merged

PR 104

<kaz> PR 104 - Say "prescriptive when appropriate" in Mission

McCool: PR #104, any objections?

<Github> w3c/wot#104 : Wording: Time series instead of streams

McCool: any objections?
… merged

<Github> w3c/wot#104 : Wording: Time series instead of streams

McCool: PR #105, any objections?

<Github> w3c/wot#105 : proposal of IG scopes as pull request

<Github> w3c/wot#104 : Wording: Time series instead of streams

McCool: merged

PR 106

McCool: PR #106, updates the starting and ending date to July 1st

<Github> w3c/wot#106 : Status update on proposal for type system

<kaz> R 106 - Update charter start and end dates|

Kaz: this is tentative, and there are still notes saying "ESTIMATED", "Start date + 2 years", etc.

McCool: no objections, merged

PR #107, update the timeline

<Github> PR 107 - Update timeline

McCool: changed the timeline to quarters for deliverable dates

Kaz: we would like all of the editors to review these dates

<kaz> diff including the proposed timeline

McCool: any objections to merging?
… no objections, merged

PR #108, editorial

<Github> PR 108 - remove dangling </dl> to remove undesired space

McCool: any objections?
… no objections, merged

PR # 109, webagents CG collaboration

<kaz> PR 109 - Add webagents CG to collaboration

McCool: add webagents CG to the list of collaborators

Kaz: we don't need to add all related groups to the list to collaborate

Ege: we could move it to the related groups list

Ege: the goal of the group is to standardize proactive web content

McCool: any objections to merging the PR
… no objections, merging

PR 110

<kaz> PR 110 - Update Proposed Co-Chairs

McCool: subtopic: Michael Koster candidate for WG chair role

McCool: we need to keep the WG Chair and TF Leader candidacy separate

McCool: there will be a week for anyone to object

McCool: no objections, merged

Kaz: W3M makes the decision, so we will have them review

PR 111

<kaz> PR 111 - Cleanup To Do Notes and Markup

Kaz: cleanup extra markup

seb: agree that it makes sense to have 3 chairs because of the many workstreams we have

<kaz> @@@ Sebastian's words to be moved later

seb: chairs can focus on specific task force workstreams

Kaz: will talk with W3M

McCool: no objections to merging PR #111

<Github> w3c/wot#111 : Update wot-ucr.xml

McCool: merged


issue #14

<Github> Issue 14 - Confusing use of the term "protocol binding"

McCool: any objection to remove the label on Charter?
… no objections, removed there Charter label

draft resolution for charter

<mjk> s/closing/re-labeling

<McCool> proposal: Proceed with W3M and wide review of the draft WoT WG charter at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/wot-wg-2023-draft.html (this is a "tentative" resolution and will become effective on April 5, leaving one week for review).

<sebastian> +1

McCool: any objections to the proposed tentative resolution?

McCool: call the question, any objections?

Kaz: this is a call for the resolution to be adopted Wednesday, April 5th

<McCool> proposal: Proceed with W3M and wide review of the draft WoT WG charter at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/w3m-review-draft/wot-wg-2023-draft.html (this is a "tentative" resolution and will become effective on April 5, leaving one week for review).

McCool: any objections to the proposed resolution?

RESOLUTION: Proceed with W3M and wide review of the draft WoT WG charter at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/w3m-review-draft/wot-wg-2023-draft.html (this is a "tentative" resolution and will become effective on April 5, leaving one week for review).

<kaz> fyi, rendered version URL

McCool: no objections

remaining items

McCool: Social impact questionnaire

McCool: any updates on OPC-UA?

seb: invited to participate in an OPC podcast and talk about WoT

McCool: we need to have a strategy discussion about adoptability and adoption

Kaz: we should have a W3M representative to participate in the discussion

McCool: AOB?
… thank you for all the work on the charter, now we have a lot of meeting minutes to review
… everyone please review these minutes off-line so we can have a single resolution to adopt them
… can Kaz post a list of the minutes for review?

Kaz: there are links already in the Charter README

<McCool> w3c/wot-charter-drafts

McCool: adjourning the meeting, testing call in 10 minutes

<kaz> [testing call 10 mins past the hour]

Summary of action items

  1. Ege to send out the Dev Meeting logistics information including the WebEx coordinate to the member-wot-wg and member-wot-ig

Summary of resolutions

  1. defer Arch Dev meeting to April 12 (second hour of TD slot)
  2. defer Discovery Dev meeting to April 17 (Discovery call slot).
  3. Proceed with W3M and wide review of the draft WoT WG charter at https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/w3m-review-draft/wot-wg-2023-draft.html (this is a "tentative" resolution and will become effective on April 5, leaving one week for review).
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).