07:00:25 RRSAgent has joined #i18n 07:00:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/28-i18n-irc 07:04:35 atsushi has joined #i18n 07:04:53 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Agenda%2B+i18n%22 07:05:36 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Agenda%2B%22+label%3Ai18n-tracker 07:05:54 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/labels/i18n-tracker 07:10:09 fantasai: for Specify width of autospace gaps , do we need multiple controls or do we need one? 07:10:12 ... i think we need one 07:10:17 ... just want to confirm 07:10:28 florian: makes sense 07:10:34 ... punctuation works differently 07:11:11 xfq: I'm inclined to think we need one 07:11:18 ... will confirm with the i18n group 07:11:20 Proposal: only one control needed, would apply to all values except 'punctuation' (which would not be controlled by it) 07:11:26 Meeting: I18N ⇔ CSS 07:11:33 present+ florian , fantasai , xfq_ , atsushi 07:12:13 florian: are you talking about ideograph-alpha and ideograph-numeric 07:12:19 ... or is there any other thing? 07:12:30 fantasai: ideograph-alpha and ideograph-numeric 07:12:39 scribe: xfq_ 07:13:03 florian: some very picky people might insist that they want slightly bigger spacing 07:13:18 ... I can't say I couldn't imagine anyone wondering about this 07:13:48 ... no need to do things excessively 07:14:03 ... it would be good to see if any lreq people think otherwise 07:14:18 Topic: text-spacing - what do we copy? 07:14:20 Topic: [css-text-4] text-autospace: what gets copied? 07:14:22 gtihub: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8511 07:14:27 github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8511 07:14:57 fantasai: open question 07:15:03 ... I have my own take on the issue 07:15:12 ... would be good to hear your opinions 07:15:33 florian: it's probably true you want the punctuation to be copied 07:15:50 ... maybe you do want the spacing because the spacing will not remain otherwise 07:16:19 xfq_: I think the inter-script spacing is a kind of styling 07:16:26 ... and it should not be copied 07:16:43 s/you do want the spacing /you do want to keep the U+20 removed by 'replace' for ideograph-alpha or numeric/ 07:16:52 scribe+ fantasai 07:17:24 fantasai: some text might have U+0020 spaces and some text might not have U+0020 spaces 07:17:31 ... we have insert and replace keywords 07:17:50 ... when we copy the text do we copy whatever in the source, or do we remove the spacing 07:18:58 xfq_: for CR/REC ??, the editor decided not to add any inter-script spacing intentionally 07:19:11 ... not using U+20, because it's styling, should not be added as a space 07:19:19 ... also supplementary materials etc. 07:19:31 ... there were some ppl outside the group who thought space should be added 07:19:56 florian: we could look at PDF output of high-quality engines, to see what they do? 07:20:02 ... maybe people have thought about this before 07:20:10 xfq_: width of U+20 is dependent on font 07:20:14 florian: yes, and generally too big 07:20:37 fantasai: could ask Murakami-san? 07:20:42 florian: also Nat McCully 07:20:48 florian: for French @@, for CJK it's probably different 07:21:37 s|CR/REC ??|clreq's documents| 07:21:47 s/the editor/the editors 07:22:07 s/@@/it's pretty much always a correction, so keeping the corrected output seems reasonable/ 07:22:23 s/CJK it's probably/CJK it might be 07:23:22 rrsagent, make log public 07:23:25 rrsagent, make minutes 07:23:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/28-i18n-minutes.html xfq_ 07:24:26 Topic: text-spacing: trim-all 07:24:27 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8482 07:24:43 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4246#issuecomment-1416647486 07:25:08 florian: for those who haven't looked at the interesting comment in another thread that gives more details it's this one ^ 07:25:22 ... I kind of agree to your opening comment 07:26:32 florian: can we ask Unicode to add half-width variants of commas and middle dots, or is it unrealistic? 07:26:50 fantasai: do we need a tag in HTML? 07:27:03 florian: this is also a plain text problem 07:27:22 s/florian: this is also a plain text problem/fantasai: this is also a plain text problem 07:27:55 florian: all these CJ punctuations should never have the space baked in them 07:28:02 fantasai: this is the problem 07:28:47 https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2017/17056-sv-western-vs-eastasian.pdf 07:29:33 https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2017/17436r-sv-eastsian-punct.pdf 07:30:03 florian: CSS is the easiest place to introduce it, but maybe not the correct place to introduce it 07:31:27 fantasai: VS 1 for western style and VS 2 for east asian style 07:31:36 ... VS1 for left-aligned and VS2 for centered 07:31:57 ... we don't have a way to indicate half-width in a consistent way 07:32:15 ... we need to start a discussion with Ken Lunde also 07:32:48 ... should we start an email thread for that purpose? 07:33:22 public-i18n-core 07:33:32 Ken Lunde 07:33:35 Murakami-san 07:33:44 fantasai + florian 07:33:54 Nat McCully 07:34:22 florian: do we also want to involve any browser implementer people? 07:34:32 Jonathan Kew 07:34:38 Myles Maxfield 07:34:46 Koji Ishii 07:36:03 fantasai: we should probably do whatever is implemented in the font 07:36:21 ... if VS is adopted and not all fonts implement this 07:36:35 ... should the browsers compensate this somehow 07:36:45 s/the font/the Adobe fonts, even though the way Ken set up the VS selectors is inconsistent/ 07:36:58 xfq_: It's more difficult to update the fonts than to update the browsers 07:37:26 florian: can this be handled by the text rendering layer, underneath the layout engine 07:37:34 florian: is that the sort of thing that should by halfbuzz? 07:37:48 s/halfbuzz/HarfBuzz 07:38:09 florian: it does the right thing for some definition of right thing but the right thing is underdefined 07:38:24 i/fantasai/Behdad Esfabod?/ 07:39:00 s/should by/should be handled by 07:39:25 florian: do we possibly want to involve Behdad, or is that too many people in the same thread? 07:39:51 fantasai: we could start with a smaller group 07:39:55 ... it's a public thread 07:40:03 florian: it's an option, let's go with that 07:40:06 xfq_: +1 07:40:49 florian: we could involve Kida-san 07:43:27 ], 07:43:42 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6091 07:44:02 https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/pull/358 07:44:12 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6091#issuecomment-1406082714 07:44:25 atsushi: for jlreq we discussed this and produced combinations 07:44:32 i/],/Topic: Fullwidth Collapsing before stops and commas 07:44:33 ... waiting for final check from Kida-san 07:45:11 florian: didn't we handle this already? 07:45:22 fantasai: we did follow up 07:45:30 ... but that doesn't cover commas and periods 07:46:07 ... colons and semicolons 07:46:36 florian: if it's 2-3 it's fine, if it's 15 maybe we need a different approach 07:47:04 atsushi: I believe in jlreq TF no one objects to Pf or Pe 07:47:42 florian: we want pretty much all sentence ending punctuations fit in the same box 07:47:48 ... there's quite a few of them 07:48:00 s/all sentence ending/all sentence or phrase ending 07:48:29 https://www.w3.org/2023/02/21-clreq-minutes.html#t02 07:48:44 xfq_: Chinese group also discussed, but concluded that no fullwidth punctuation should be trimmed 07:48:58 ... since it would not be part of the Chinese text 07:49:03 florian: It looks weird, but don't correct it? 07:49:55 fantasai: do we handle C and J differently? 07:50:31 xfq_: So for some punctuation, fullwidth bracket is center-aligned 07:50:34 ... it may cause a problem 07:51:00 s/some punctuation/some fonts 07:51:07 florian: in Korean, Murakami was saying that they mainly use ASCII punctuations, but sometimes mix with fullwidth brackets 07:51:50 https://www.w3.org/2023/02/21-clreq-minutes.html#x111 07:53:03 florian: it's never right to handle it right 07:53:20 ... for Korean @@ 07:54:19 s/@@/it seems needed. If it's merely unnecessary rather than wrong for Chinese, then maybe we should indeed do it 07:54:33 xfq_: discussed having different switches for different punctuation 07:54:37 ... or using SPAN 07:54:53 florian: What's the use case for keeping the space? I see a reason to not care, but what's the use case for wanting the extra space to stay? 07:55:10 ... if you have fullwidth bracket followed by a period 07:55:47 fantasai: If you have centered fullwidth brackets, you must never trim. It's not about mixing with ASCII or not 07:56:33 fantasai: in the spec we have rules about fullwidth punctuation 07:56:49 ... if we need to we can expand the rule 07:56:57 ... changing behavior between centered vs non-centered punctuation 07:57:03 “Whether fullwidth colon punctuation and fullwidth dot punctuation should be considered fullwidth closing punctuation or fullwidth middle dot punctuation depends on where in the glyph’s box the punctuation is drawn. If the punctuation is centered, then it should be considered middle dot punctuation. If the punctuation is drawn to one side (left in horizontal text, top in vertical text) and the other 07:57:09 half is therefore blank then the punctuation should be considered closing punctuation and trimmed accordingly. ” 07:57:15 florian: we need to make sure the rule protects center-aligned punctuations 07:58:15 fantasai: currently it assumes the fullwidth bracket is always on one side 07:58:18 fantasai: Right now the spec assumes only colon and dot punctuation can be centered 07:58:36 ... if Chinese has centered brackets now, then we need to make updates to the spec 08:00:30 fantasai: it would be useful to understand why the fonts are designed that way 08:00:48 ... I wonder if the centering of such brackets is due to the lack of software support for space collapsing 08:01:05 ... since if the software doesn't support such collapsing, it looks better to have centered brackets 08:01:28 ... IIRC the rules in Chinese, you're not supposed to have centered brackets 08:01:37 xfq_: True. Some fonts do, though. Not most 08:01:47 Microsoft JhengHei 08:01:50 ... including some fonts that come with OS 08:02:03 florian: These would have trouble with any kind of collapsing, not just the mix with ASCII 08:03:06 fantasai: If it's only a few fonts right now, then hopefully if we deploy trimming then fonts will have less incentive to do such things 08:03:08 florian: if these become famous the browsers can make a safelist 08:03:19 s/ these become/ these fonts become 08:03:22 fantasai: also authors who want such fonts specifically can turn off collapsing 08:03:49 rrsagent, make minutes 08:03:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/28-i18n-minutes.html xfq_ 08:03:57 fantasai: Back to the issue, I think we should handle ASCII periods and commas at least 08:03:57 ... less sure about colons and semicolons 08:04:00 s/if these fonts become famous the browsers can make a safelist/if there are a few famous fonts among the problematic ones, special processing can be hardcoded in browsers 08:05:28 florian: interrobang maybe also 08:05:53 fantasai: don't need to do as far as things like Indic dandas 08:06:20 s/interrobang maybe also/interrobang maybe also, it's probably not part of ASCII, but conceptually it belongs to the same set of latin-derived broadly used punctuations 08:06:54 fantasai: what happens if you have CJK closing bracket following by a U+20 space 08:07:13 florian: if it's closing bracket, u+20 space, and kanji 08:07:24 ... currently don't do anything 08:07:32 ... people have a tendency to use space for alighment 08:07:37 ... and they shouldn't do 08:07:56 florian: we should only collapse ideograph space, but not ascii space and any other space 08:08:04 s/florian/fantasai/ 08:09:10 xfq_: what's the default value for text-space-trim? 08:09:44 s/text-space-trim?/text-spacing-trim? 08:10:04 fantasai: by default we turn it on 08:10:11 rrsagent, make minutes 08:10:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/28-i18n-minutes.html xfq_ 08:20:41 xfq_ has joined #i18n 08:25:33 xfq__ has joined #i18n 09:14:41 xfq__ has joined #i18n 09:18:29 xfq_ has joined #i18n 09:31:02 Zakim has left #i18n 09:41:32 xfq__ has joined #i18n 10:50:03 xfq_ has joined #i18n 10:51:17 xfq_ has joined #i18n 12:51:22 xfq_ has joined #i18n