CLReq Editors' Call

28 March 2023


Bobby, Eric, huijing, xfq_, Yijun, Zhengyu

Meeting minutes

xfq: I attended the I18N ⇔ CSS call today

xfq: we discussed a few Chinese-related issues

Specify width of autospace gaps

xfq: Do we need multiple controls or do we need one?
… I think we need one
… what do you think?

Yijun: I can't think of a use case for multiple controls
… one control is simpler

huijing: is it implmented?

xfq: not yet, but Apple is interested


[Discuss the default value of text-spacing]

xfq: if the element’s content language is French, space is inserted where required by French typographic guidelines

xfq: it is controlled by the same mechanism

[css-text-4] text-autospace: what gets copied?


xfq: if a content author applies auto-space, then a reader copies the text containing gaps. What ends up on the clipboard?


xfq: in today's I18N ⇔ CSS call the conclusion seemed to be landing on copying the transformed output
… for both French and CJK


[Discuss the French case]

Eric: for Chinese and Japanese, manually adding spaces pollutes the text

Eric: Because it is a typographic requirement

Eric: the French case is different

Eric: French will add spaces even if the browser doesn't support this

Eric: There must be spaces in plain text

xfq: I agree
… Florian said that we could look at PDF output of high-quality engines to see what they do

Eric: Most of the Chinese and Japanese texts do not have the extra space added manually

Eric: If the browser supports text-autospace, and there's a space when copied out, the text will be polluted

Yijun: for French if there's no space it is a typo

Yijun: for Chinese, ideally other environments should add spacing automatically instead of the browser adding this space

Yijun: it is styling and the source text shoudn't be modified

xfq: 'text-transform: uppercase;' shouldn't make the copied text uppercase

Zhengyu: I don't think the copied French text should have spaces either

Zhengyu: CSS is only responsible for styling and should not modify the source text

Zhengyu: The enabling and disabling of a certain CSS style sheet by the user agent should not affect the copied text

Zhengyu: even though CSS has visually transformed one character into another, like text-transform

Zhengyu: The behavior of copy and paste should not be affected by CSS

Zhengyu: Fundamentally speaking, adding spaces to French is completely different from adding gaps between ideographs and non-ideographic letters/numerals

Zhengyu: The French case is an issue of grammar or writing style, while ideograph and non-ideograph case is a design issue

Zhengyu: I even think they should be controlled by different CSS properties, but that's a separate issue

Zhengyu: so I think space should not be added into the copied text

Eric: so we have consensus on this issue

xfq: I expressed my personal opinion in today's I18N ⇔ CSS call, and I will give feedback on behalf of our TF later

xfq: also interested to see the opinion of the jlreq TF

Eric: with this feature French people don't need to type spaces any more? I don't believe so. But for Chinese, without this feature, we should not manually add spaces

Yijun: The same is true for commas and periods in English, if there is no space after it, the browser should not add it automatically

[Discuss the behavior of 'insert' and 'replace' of 'text-autospace']

Yijun: If there are spaces in the original text, then the spaces should be preserved

Eric: yes

Fullwidth Collapsing


Previous clreq meeting minutes: https://www.w3.org/2023/02/21-clreq-minutes.html#t02

xfq: we discussed this issue before and concluded that the spacing around non-fullwidth punctuations should not be changed

[xfq summarizes the discussion in https://www.w3.org/2023/03/28-i18n-minutes.html#t04 ]

xfq: Unless we can cite the disadvantages of not trimming the spacing around non-fullwidth punctuations, the conclusion of CSSWG is to trim

Eric: those who don't want it can turn it off, otherwise, those who want can't achieve it?

Eric: From this point of view, there is no problem

xfq: Which punctuation to handle has not yet been determined
… like fullwidth closing parenthesis followed by ASCII period or fullwidth right corner bracket followed by ASCII comma

Eric: Korean also has this issue

Eric: dependant on the font

[Discuss the Korean issue]

Eric: Korean is monospace, but not necessary square

Eric: I withdraw my objection

Go through the issue list



Eric: I don't think we need to list the shared code points among CJKV, this is out of the scope of clreq

Yijun: I agree

Eric: but we can list the shared code points between Chinese and Western text, which is a separate issue, though

Zhengyu: I agree

Zhengyu: I don't understand this comment: w3c/clreq#529 (comment)
… they seemed to be talking about the shared code points between Chinese and Western text

[Discuss the differences between Chinese and Japanese punctuations]

xfq: I'll reply to the issue

Zhengyu: w3c/clreq#430 is also related

Next teleconference time

April 25 (Tuesday), 19:00-20:00 (UTC+8)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 215 (Thu Feb 23 14:56:49 2023 UTC).