13:49:41 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:49:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/24-silver-irc 13:49:46 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:49:47 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:49:55 agenda? 13:50:07 zakim, clear agenda 13:50:07 agenda cleared 13:50:34 agenda+ highlights of F2F, CSUN, and Axe-Con 13:50:34 agenda+ Create a list of Methods for Error Notification 13:56:16 janina has joined #silver 13:59:46 Lauriat has joined #silver 14:00:02 Present+ 14:00:10 Chuck has joined #silver 14:00:15 present+ 14:03:48 Makoto has joined #silver 14:03:56 present+ 14:03:58 present+ 14:04:11 scribe+ kirkwood 14:04:30 topic: Next week in AG 14:04:34 present+ 14:04:50 Jeanne: next week AG working group focus on 2.2 14:04:56 zakim, take up next 14:04:56 agendum 1 -- highlights of F2F, CSUN, and Axe-Con -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:05:41 … any noteworthy discussions about last weeks Axe-con, CSUN etc? 14:05:52 (none) 14:06:15 Jeanne: excellent presentations at Axe con. particular if at CSUN register at Ae con for free 14:06:23 … in particular this one: 14:06:46 Jutta Treveranus talk at Axe-Con https://www.deque.com/axe-con/sessions/preparing-accessibility-for-the-future-and-the-present/ 14:07:23 … highly recommend speaks about impact of WCAG 2.2 in powerful way. long term impact of WCAG 2.2 14:08:03 … very inspiring most about AI and people with disabilities. highly recommnend it 14:09:14 … refences for COGA as well 14:10:55 Makota: went to CSUN meet and was fruitful feel. WCAG 3 postion concis and comprhensive 14:11:17 s/Makota/Mokoto 14:12:31 Mokoto: attended sessions at CSUN. number of sessions regarding web accessibility seems to be decreasing maybe because of Axe con because of timing 14:12:55 … good community of web accessibility at CSUN seems to be changing 14:13:12 … attendees seem to be changing 14:13:27 … not bad but getting smaller i felt 14:13:42 maryjom has joined #silver 14:14:35 Makoto: not really a COVID any more. almost no one wearing masks, big differnce 14:15:59 Jeanne: stopped going to CSUN because of behavior to PWD 14:16:37 … CSUN is important to get info out to community, so have mixed feelings about scale of CSUN reducing 14:17:07 Jenne: thoughts about the face to face? 14:17:19 zakim, take up next 14:17:20 agendum 2 -- Create a list of Methods for Error Notification -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:17:36 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jtZaUzLi-jgmGdAypRUeJPzVz_ZUpMO0wdOrORiuO7w/ 14:17:38 Jeanne: coming towards end of error notifications 14:17:48 Error Notifications -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jtZaUzLi-jgmGdAypRUeJPzVz_ZUpMO0wdOrORiuO7w/edit# 14:17:53 … error notifications document 14:18:32 Jeanne: we have inherited so much from subgroups, placehlder done, user need outcomes section done 14:18:50 … 2 weeks now , did tests and tests for outcomes sketchy for exploratory 14:18:55 … next is methods 14:19:16 … list of methods not necessarily whats in each method 14:19:36 …. from the test section: 14:19:38 Test Section of Error Notificiation -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jtZaUzLi-jgmGdAypRUeJPzVz_ZUpMO0wdOrORiuO7w/edit#heading=h.dscepopsvke9 14:19:55 … we would like to create the list of methods 14:20:18 … to recap we have 5 potential outcomes 4 built out and 5th needs research 14:20:29 … first notifications are provided 14:20:57 … (going through document about error notification) 14:22:08 always? 14:22:41 q+ to propose that an app should notify of error only when unable to complete something without user intervention/correction 14:23:31 q+ to argue that an error should be given when the system fails even if the user can't fix it 14:24:35 ack me 14:24:35 Lauriat, you wanted to propose that an app should notify of error only when unable to complete something without user intervention/correction 14:24:45 ack Rachael 14:24:45 Rachael, you wanted to argue that an error should be given when the system fails even if the user can't fix it 14:24:56 +1 to that case as well 14:26:12 Rachael: even if user can’t do something to fix error they should be notified 14:26:27 Might it be easier to define when errors don't need to be presented? 14:26:37 Shawn: including server error please try again in half an hour 14:28:11 q+ to ask about semantics 14:29:27 ack me 14:29:27 Lauriat, you wanted to ask about semantics 14:36:36 present+ 14:36:48 +1 to consistent visual and programatic location. 14:37:05 q+ 14:37:35 q- 14:37:47 Maybe consistent relative to the view, process or trigger 14:58:07 rrsagent, make minutes 14:58:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/24-silver-minutes.html jeanne 17:36:31 chair: jeanne, Shawn 17:37:41 rrsagent, make minutes 17:37:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/24-silver-minutes.html jeanne 17:38:02 present+ Rachael 17:38:15 rrsagent, make minutes 17:38:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/24-silver-minutes.html jeanne