Open UI Telecon

23 March 2023


Brecht_DR, dandclark, dbaron, flackr, gregwhitworth, JakeA, jarhar, jhey, masonf, scotto, tantek, xiaochengh
gregwhitworth, masonf

Meeting minutes

[selectmenu] Should the text inside <option>s be selectable?

<gregwhitworth> *wave*

<gregwhitworth> github: openui/open-ui#687

masonf: this ones pretty straightforward in terms of description, should the text be selectable when the listbox pops up should you be able to select these things

masonf: its not specced like this, but its hard to select some things and in select you cant select any of the text

masonf: im ok with anything just want to do the right thing for the user

gregwhitworth: there is no looking at the different web properties any consistency i can find in terms of comboboxes and select

gregwhitworth: lets just pick a default that makes sense, i literally dont care

gregwhitworth: we should probably use something that can be overridden by the css property, people should be able to make their stuff selectable or not selectable

dandclark: lacking a strong reason to go one way or the other, lets go with whats in the existing implementations

dandclark: native select and other datetime control popups the text is not selectable

dandclark: i was seeing the text not being selectable in bootstrap etc

dandclark: i do get a caret when hovering over things in listbox which seems weird, preference to make it not selectable

dandclark: authors should still be able to override (not a !important rule)

<JakeA> _speaking_

jakea: so you want to be able to put richer content in selectmenu, so it might be worth thinking about whether links should be clickable

jakea: you could imagine a select and one of the items has a trash can to delete items or add items

jakea: if use no user-select, does that impact that as well?

masonf: its a button though, you could still click it you just cant highlight the text

jakea: that clarifies it, i didnt know if this was just about select

jakea: if we are going with consistency with select, theres a difference there. select just has one thing per option

jakea: if we are adding richer content, then maybe consistency with select is not the goal

masonf: a selectmenu is primarily still just for picking options

masonf: if there is something else to do with options that is an accessibility gray area

brecht: agree that defaults with select

brecht: if it doesnt have any accessibility issues to make it selectable then i dont see any reason we shouldnt be able to override it with css

brecht: could add value to this new ui

scotto: i agree with not making the options inherently selectable

scotto: the rich content throws a wrench into this

scotto: the only thing that comes to mind for an accessibility thing is more for if they have a motor disability where they are trying to select an option but one could accidentally click and drag and select a piece of the text, how is that supposed to behave

scotto: how do we know if someone is trying to select an option or they have a tremor and now theyve selected the text

scotto: does that mean they need to click again

scotto: buttons dont behave this way for similar reasons

scotto: if its overridable thats probably enough but it shouldnt be the default

<dandclark> That's a great point

jhey: mason hit what i was going to say

jhey: if you want to add buttons to things youd probably just create another control. a button that just anchors a popover to it

gregwhitworth: jake the scenario you brought up has been brought up before, like a composited control

<masonf> Proposed resolution: options in a selectmenu are user-select:none, but not !important, via the UA stylesheet.

<dandclark> +1

RESOLUTION: options in a selectmenu are user-select:none, but not !important, via the UA stylesheet.

gregwhitworth: what this means is that authors can override user-select:none

[popover] Timing of <dialog> 'close' event, popover 'toggle' event, <details> 'toggle' even

<gregwhitworth> github: whatwg/html#9046

jakea: so we've got with both popover and with dialog, you get an event at the end of stuff has happened, so close and toggle events on dialog and popovers respectively

jakea: but the way theyve been specced is that a task is queued to fire that event

jakea: but these events are already happening on the main thread, in response to a click or a javascript call, its already on the main thread

jakea: so queueing a task that means that the event is going to sit on either side of the next render, it might happen before or after, and that seems bad for an event thats like hi im here now

jakea: the things the developer does might happen a frame late

jakea: i propose we ensure the event fires before the next render, a couple of ways of doing that

jakea: we could dispatch the event synchronously, which matches the rest of the platform, but because some of this is related to dom changes, apparently we dont like to fire events in response to dom changes

jakea: we could dispatch it in a microtask, which also feels like the compatible thing to do since going from async to sync could break stuff

jakea: a microtask will always be before the next render

masonf: i kind of like the model that there is a beforetoggle that is synchronous, its before anything happens and you can cancel it

masonf: and we have toggle, which maybe should have been called aftertoggle

masonf: i wonder if we could add beforetoggle to details and beforeclose to dialog

jakea: thats possible but thats a separate thing. so we have the event thats cancelable and then we have the event thats im here now

jakea: adding a before event which isnt a predictable im here now event, these seems like separate things

masonf: i am supportive of switching to microtask

flackr: i agree that this should be an event that developers if they do something in that event is guaranteed to happen before the next render

<gregwhitworth> +1 to microtask

flackr: are we guaranteed that there is a microtask checkpoint?

jakea: we are guaranteed, the only time we arent guaranteed of a microtask checkpoint is if youre already in the render steps

jakea: the only way a popover can be shown in that case is when a popover is shown from script inside rendering

masonf: it can be dispatched through a click on a button which has no script

jakea: a click is going to be a task, and there is a microtask checkpoint after tasks regardless of stack

jakea: its worth asking, i went and checked

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: Fire "closed" and "toggle" events in a microtask rather than a task

<masonf> +1

<dandclark> +1

<flackr> +1

RESOLUTION: Fire "closed" and "toggle" events in a microtask rather than a task

Should popover/dialog show/hide when already shown/hidden throw?

jakea: if you call close on a closed dialog, or you call show on an open dialog, it doesnt throw

jakea: unless the dialog is also an open popover

<dbaron> (this is https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9045)

jakea: if you call showmodal on an open dialog or show on an open dialog thats also in the popover showing state

jakea: we've got inconsistency, ive been trying to think that we should do

jakea: looking at most of the web platform, we tend to just noop if the request is to do something that will leave it in the same state

jakea: if you remove something from a set that nots there, remove an element thats not in a document, remove an event listener that doesnt exist, it just noops

jakea: there are a couple examples that are different, element.removechild if you give it an element thats not there it will throw

jakea: these tend to be older ancient apis

jakea: exitfullscreen if you call it while not in fullscreen it will throw, whereas requestfullscreen on something thats already fullscreen is fine

jakea: its all over the place

jakea: thinking about how people tend to think of things on the web, all the frameworks are built around an idea that you build a state and if everything is already in that state then its fine

jakea: im leaning that we should do that model here

jakea: there are a couple options for that

jakea: specifically for popover, if you say showpopover and the popovers already shown we could do nothing or make sure that popovers at the top

jakea: i dont have a feeling what to do there

jakea: for dialog we have two kinds of showing, we could noop or we could switch from one to the other

jakea: modal to non-modal

jakea: or maybe that is a case where throwing is fine, we just document it as an edge case

jakea: and then weve got the issues around if you try to show a dialog as a popover, what to do there

jakea: maybe again if these features are incompatbiel then throwing is an option as an edge case

jakea: or we try to make sure these features cant be used at the same time

jakea: what do folks thing

masonf: my opinions in reverse order

masonf: we did discuss the dialog popover case

masonf: we should not allow that at all, but there are use cases and there are accessibility cases

<gregwhitworth> I'm going to need to drop but I'm supportive of noop unless there is an area where it's not possible?? I can't think of one at the moment

masonf: so we cant outlaw that entirely

masonf: if you show with dialog and popover, youve done something wrong and we should let you know with an exception

masonf: if you call showpopover twice on a popover i have no problem not throwing, same thing for hide, we randomly decided to throw an exception and its fine not to

masonf: on the dialog case and dialog popover case, i think we should throw exceptions when you try to switch modes modal non-modal

masonf: if we dont throw exceptions then we need to at least close and then reopen, we shouldnt do a magical upgrade between modal and non-modal

masonf: theres all kinds of algorithms that will mess up

jakea: one fun edge case there is with the events we just spoke about, with the microtasks if we hide and show

jakea: make sure that these are all happening in the right order

masonf: thats exactly what im worried about

jhey: same thing as mason, i built a lot of popover demos and being able to pop to the top of the stack again would be super useful

jhey: three or four lines of boilerplate every time you want to move something to the top

jhey: massive dx win

jakea: so no toggle event needed?

jhey: if its already showing, then you already have something thats been triggered when it was first shown

jhey: if youre going to do something again when it goes up you could just do it at that point

jhey: its pretty edge casey, not many demos need it

masonf: theres a nuance there if you say the same thing about popovers

masonf: promoting something to the top is complicated because youre reordering things

jhey: yeah i was talking about popover

jhey: the moment you have to check if its already open and then hide it and show it to bring it to the top is unintuitive

jhey: hopefully we dont need another method to move it to the top

jakea: we should not pass that complexity on to every developer

masonf: if we want to support that we need to think about the consequences

masonf: if you have 3 nested popovers, they are ancestors of each other

masonf: if you promote the first to the top you need to close the other two

masonf: theres a chain of things that will happen, including other popovers that will close

masonf: it might be a footgun, you might never get the thing that you want

masonf: you can never put one on top of two and three if one of an ancestor

jhey: i think id rather have that edge case than every time i want to promote something i have to do a workaround

masonf: the way popover ancestors are defined you can never do that

masonf: so youre talking manual popovers

jhey: yes

masonf: ok yeah thats fair

jakea: lets try to break this up

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: Popover should not throw on show/hide when in that state. More discussion needed around "pop to top behaviour"

jakea: for those examples, i dont have the examples in my head so it would be good to write up more of the problem

RESOLUTION: Popover should not throw on show/hide when in that state. More discussion needed around "pop to top behaviour"

jakea: for popover dialog - dont cross the streams?

masonf: yes

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: Still throw when trying to switch from open popover to open dialog

scotto: i would be very concerned if someone can do showPopover and then do showModal

jakea: i think its fine to noop if youre an open popover and then you try to close dialog

masonf: and vice versa?

jakea: agreed

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: Still throw when trying to switch from open popover to open dialog. Although it's fine to hide a popover that's already hidden, but it's a shown dialog (and vice versa)

masonf: so you get an exception when youre trying to change modes

RESOLUTION: Still throw when trying to switch from open popover to open dialog. Although it's fine to hide a popover that's already hidden, but it's a shown dialog (and vice versa)

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: For dialog, throw when trying to switch shown modes, but don't throw if call is for the current state (eg hidden to hidden)

jakea: if youre trying to go from showmodal to show, or vice versa, it throws

masonf: does it currently throw both ways?

masonf: we can resolve that the behavior stays the same as it is now but it would be good to clarify

jakea: normal show on a open dialog does not throw. that seems bad though, right?

jakea: if you do the call like i want you to be non-modal and it just noops that seems weird

masonf: it feels similar to the popover dialog case, its a mistake that you should be notified with an exception

masonf: on this one there are potential web compat issues

jakea: that might fall by the wayside then

masonf: lets resolve what we think the right behavior is, subject to web compat testing

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: For dialog, throw when trying to switch shown modes, but don't throw if call is for the current state (eg hidden to hidden). Subject to webcompat testing

RESOLUTION: For dialog, throw when trying to switch shown modes, but don't throw if call is for the current state (eg hidden to hidden). Subject to webcompat testing

Should togglePopover() return a boolean? #9043

<masonf> github: whatwg/html#9043

jakea: weve got togglepopover

jakea: i believe that was added for consistency in the platform where we have toggles like domtokenlist

jakea: but, in those other toggle places it returns a boolean so you know which way it went

jakea: for compatibility, should we return a boolean?

dbaron: im hoping the boolean returns the new state

jakea: whatever classlist does, which i believe it is yes

masonf: yes

<flackr> +1

<Brecht_DR> sounds good, consistent

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: `togglePopover` should return a boolean representing the new state

RESOLUTION: `togglePopover` should indeed return a boolean representing the new state

<dbaron> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMTokenList/toggle

Is it ok for popover to claim general names like :open and :closed? #9055

<masonf> github: whatwg/html#9055

<JakeA> whatwg/html#9055 (comment)

jakea: according to html spec, :open and :closed only apply to popovers and nothing else

jakea: but it seems like there is some appetite for other things like details and select and dialog

jakea: and theres a resolution that suggests that

jakea: there is some risk in doing that later since developers get into their head that this is a popover feature, they write code that assumes its only for popovers

jakea: then if we change it that will blow up

jakea: even if that change can be made im worried about the differnet definitions of open

jakea: its normal for psueco classes to be vague and have many definitions like :default

jakea: which applies to the default selected radio button

jakea: but with buttons its the default button for submitting a form

jakea: but in those cases you can use selectors to limit which definition of default youre talking about

jakea: but if you have dialog:open that can mean open dialog or open popver

jakea: maybe too similar maybe not idk

jakea: details:open select:open can mean pretty different things

jakea: it can be two kinds of open at the same time

jakea: with :closed pseudo class its an element with open and closed states and its currently closes

jakea: you can have a details popover where both classes apply at the same time

jakea: we can change that in the spec

jakea: instead of an element with open and closed state, but then weve shifted the problem around a bit

jakea: what does details open mean? it could mean the details is used as a popover, but still closed as a details element

jakea: sounds messy, what should we do

masonf: for context, there was a several meeting long discussion in csswg to get here

masonf: there was a general desire to make these general

masonf: css is defined generally, anything that has an open state

masonf: details popover is troublesome

masonf: two aspects: csswg resolution said it should be general, whats missing is that in whatwg/html we should define it

<dbaron> (This also feels like it goes back to the discussion about popover being an attribute or an element.)

masonf: but i think your point brings up a problem that we should bring back to csswg

masonf: because things can be open or closed in multiple ways

masonf: they could be called popoveropen and detailsopen

masonf: i hesitate to reopen can of worms

scotto: yeah being more specific makes sense

scotto: i dont disagree with jakes problem that he brought up

scotto: who is doing to make a details popover

scotto: yeah thats a problem, but also they shouldnt be doing that

scotto: i guess im just kind of wondering should the open pseudo selector

scotto: should the select element, what is the use case for that? obviously select is difficult to style

scotto: would that apply in the combobox state? what about when size>1 and its always open

scotto: these pseudo selectors dont make sense on certain elements

scotto: details is just weird

scotto: i dont know how to solve that without really looking at details summary and taking a modern perspective and that we should fix this because it has other issues

scotto: yes agree solve the problem, but dont know how to fix it without burning everything down

jakea: yeah we dont want to put footguns into the platform

jakea: if we dont think that people should make details popovers we can enforce that

jakea: we are going to have to think about other things in the future that are openable tlike selectmenu

jakea: openables which are created by an attribute rather than a new element, difficult to make rules about that

jakea: if theres another one in the future, its difficult to pull those apart

dbaron: some of this ambiguity is related to popover being an attribute rather than en element

dbaron: that was a long discussion

dbaron: maybe the issue with the pseudo classes is that :open and :closed should be open and closed that is associated with the type of element

dbaron: maybe there should be a separate pseudo class for popover since it can intersect with the others

dbaron: a details open closed cant intersect with a summary open and closed

masonf: fullscreen was debatably on the border of something open and closed, another thing where any element can be open or closed

dbaron: maybe fullscreen should be another, shouldnt use open and closed

masonf: it already has :fullscreen so maybe it doesnt need :open

<tantek> does that imply that popover should have its own pseudo?

<dbaron> yes, that's what I was suggesting

<tantek> :popped

masonf: modulo select, details and dialog cases can be disambiguated with attribute selector

jakea: we can remove the overlap by saying that popover does not work on anything that is otherwise openable

jakea: or we come up with more specific names for different kinds of open

masonf: the only one i want an exception for is dialog

masonf: and im a little fearful

masonf: how we got here with an attribute is that the semantics of the things that are popping up are based on the element

<Brecht_DR> (Mason said it... agree with the dialog)

masonf: if you want the semantics of a details then you should be able to do that

scotto: to be fair details doesnt have a role

jakea: should we take this to the csswg then?

masonf: it would be good since we have a lot of good context here,is there anything we agree on?

masonf: david said that fullscreen can apply to any element and therefore it has its own pseuco class

<dbaron> (I also wonder how to tell the semantic difference between a details that's *inside* a popover and a details that *is* a popover.)

masonf: maybe popover should have its own pseudo class

masonf: in addition to supporting open

masonf: popover has an additional one to disambiguate

jakea: whats the use case?

masonf: animations is one of the

jhey: you can use something like has, has this popover opened somewhere in the page, stuff like that

jhey: general transition stuff

jhey: those are the kind of use cases, tell if something is open

jakea: good point, its useful

flackr: you need the state change to transition the trigger away

flackr: is there a need for a pseudo class for a popover thats not open? like just one pseudo class for popover in the open state

<Zakim> tantek, you wanted to support separate pseudo

masonf: thats parallel to fullscreen i like it

tantek: +1 to support separate pseudo class

tantek: take it to csswg when there is a specific proposal, that way there is less time spent bikeshedding

tantek: lets bikeshed here

tantek: there is only :fullscreen, you can use :not to check that its not in fullscreen, good place to start

<JakeA> Proposed resolution: Talk to CSSWG about specific pseudo-class instead of `:open`, such as `:popover` (similar to `:fullscreen`)

<masonf> Proposed resolution: add a :popover pseudo class that applies only to open popovers.

tantek: maybe this is a way of saying that open and closed should be something else completely

<tantek> +1

masonf: maybe :open and :closed is not needed at all

jakea: maybe :open is handy for details and select, selectmenu in particular

jakea: if popover is a different thing then we've removed the overlap so its fine

RESOLUTION: Talk to CSSWG about specific pseudo-class instead of `:open`, such as `:popover` (similar to `:fullscreen`)

<Brecht_DR> +1

<dbaron> yes, that works, there's an icon in the upper right corner now

<dbaron> (they split 30 minutes each)

Summary of resolutions

  1. options in a selectmenu are user-select:none, but not !important, via the UA stylesheet.
  2. Fire "closed" and "toggle" events in a microtask rather than a task
  3. Popover should not throw on show/hide when in that state. More discussion needed around "pop to top behaviour"
  4. Still throw when trying to switch from open popover to open dialog. Although it's fine to hide a popover that's already hidden, but it's a shown dialog (and vice versa)
  5. For dialog, throw when trying to switch shown modes, but don't throw if call is for the current state (eg hidden to hidden). Subject to webcompat testing
  6. `togglePopover` should indeed return a boolean representing the new state
  7. Talk to CSSWG about specific pseudo-class instead of `:open`, such as `:popover` (similar to `:fullscreen`)
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/still be able to override/still be able to override (not a !important rule)/

Succeeded: s/carrot/caret/

Maybe present: brecht

All speakers: brecht, dandclark, dbaron, flackr, gregwhitworth, jakea, jhey, masonf, scotto, tantek

Active on IRC: Brecht_DR, dandclark, dbaron, flackr, gregwhitworth, JakeA, jarhar, jhey, masonf, scotto, tantek