Publishing Community Group, Education Task Force Telecon

22 March 2023


Bill_Kasdorf, Bill_Kasdorf_, CharlesL, gautier, JF, sue_neu, wolfgang, zheng_xu
Paul Belfanti

Meeting minutes

<zheng_xu> present*

Demo of Wysebee eReader capabilities re interactives

Showing games, they pass EPUBcheck

within Wysebee

Smart games for children - rendered as EPUB

Animations: created by kids, packaged as EPUB

EPUB used as distribution format

Animations created on Canvas

Animations include audio


using EPUB format as packaging/distribution format, animations and other interactives can be supported

Accessed via browser on Wysebee website

Laurent: Is it possible to denote the EPUBs from github?

Jeff: yes, if made public

EPUBcheck pass is good, but doesn't cover everything

EPUB reading systems follow privacy/security policy introduced in the spec, so can't run javascript

External resources are difficult to support on reading systems

Trying to set options for eReader navigation to be able to click to launch animation without triggering page advance

Can create multi-page EPUB for multiple animations

online eReaders (browser-based) already support javascript

Tapping, swiping navigation is the issue

Maybe frames with margins where user can tap without triggering unwanted navigation is a solution

Wysebee eReader always expands Canvas to full screen

Sue-neu: who is the intended audience?

Jeff: TBD

Charles: assume that animations would have to made accessible

eReader will support accessibility

Wysebee reader supports EPUB as packaging/distribution format for interactives. Will pass EPUBCheck

Won't break CRM

What did you need to do specifically in your reading system to support this content?

Jeff: didn't focus on navigation, other features, focus was on supporting interactives

For other eReaders will require standards/collaboration between content creators and eReader developer

For mobile, need to use browser view, leave space to navigate back to the app

Laurent: Thorium demo

left hand illustration is animated, right text has interactive elements

most cases are fixed layout books, makes it easier to support interactive elements

Working to support external content

Every modern reading system contains a browser

Requires packaging systems for audiobooks, interactives

Want to create a package that can function offline, link to external content like audio/video that is too large to embed in EPUB

Also forms to send i.e., results of quizzes, etc.

looking at event based interactions both within the eReader vs linking to esternal server

Laurent has invited the Brazil based group he is working with to present to this group

What about data?

Looking at everything

Work that Brazil group is doing is candidate to be incubated in the PCG

30 million students

<wolfgang> @Laurent: nice idea to bring in this use case!

Charlesl: demo of DIAGRAM content in Thorium

Adding interactive to ebook via iframe

gautier: interactive content creation requires advanced skills - beyond MSWord, etc.

Need to make distinction between incubation and demonstration - capabilities may already exist on the web

Wysebee provides a packaging app to create EPUB opf, etc.

Next steps: report on these demos to PCG, determine if documentation, specification added to EPUB standard, etc. is needed

Also, keep abreast of further developments on these reader platforms - exciting things are happening

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Larent/Laurent/

Maybe present: Animations, Charles, Jeff, Laurent, Sue-neu

All speakers: Animations, Charles, Charlesl, gautier, Jeff, Laurent, Sue-neu

Active on IRC: Bill_Kasdorf, Bill_Kasdorf_, CharlesL, gautier, JF, laurent_, Paul_B__, sue_neu, wolfgang, zheng_xu