13:57:14 RRSAgent has joined #pcg-ed 13:57:19 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/22-pcg-ed-irc 13:59:07 zheng_xu has joined #pcg-ed 13:59:49 JF has joined #pcg-ed 14:00:00 present+ 14:00:05 present* 14:00:08 present+ 14:00:12 present+ wolfgang 14:00:17 zakim, start meeting 14:00:18 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:00:19 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Paul_B__ 14:00:21 zakim, what meeting is this? 14:00:21 I don't understand your question, JF. 14:00:28 Meeting: Publishing Community Group, Education Task Force Telecon 14:00:52 Date: 22 March 2023 14:00:56 Chair: Paul Belfanti 14:01:19 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pcg-ed 14:01:39 present+ 14:05:24 CharlesL has joined #pcg-ed 14:05:35 gautier has joined #pcg-ed 14:05:42 present+ 14:06:03 present+ 14:06:39 scribenick: Paul_B 14:08:22 Demo of Wysebee eReader capabilities re interactives 14:08:37 sue_neu has joined #pcg-ed 14:08:40 sue_neu has left #pcg-ed 14:08:43 Showing games, they pass EPUBcheck 14:09:01 within Wysebee 14:09:13 sue_neu has joined #pcg-ed 14:10:00 Smart games for children - rendered as EPUB 14:10:01 present+ 14:11:14 Animations: created by kids, packaged as EPUB 14:11:27 EPUB used as distribution format 14:12:06 Animations created on Canvas 14:13:04 q+ 14:13:54 Animations include audio 14:14:13 https://www.wysebee.com/dashboard/animation 14:15:24 using EPUB format as packaging/distribution format, animations and other interactives can be supported 14:16:06 Accessed via browser on Wysebee website 14:17:14 Laurent: Is it possible to denote the EPUBs from github? 14:17:42 Jeff: yes, if made public 14:18:12 q+ 14:19:04 EPUBcheck pass is good, but doesn't cover everything 14:19:41 EPUB reading systems follow privacy/security policy introduced in the spec, so can't run javascript 14:20:11 External resources are difficult to support on reading systems 14:21:31 Trying to set options for eReader navigation to be able to click to launch animation without triggering page advance 14:22:23 Can create multi-page EPUB for multiple animations 14:23:10 online eReaders (browser-based) already support javascript 14:23:28 Tapping, swiping navigation is the issue 14:24:07 Maybe frames with margins where user can tap without triggering unwanted navigation is a solution 14:24:45 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #pcg-ed 14:25:49 Wysebee eReader always expands Canvas to full screen 14:26:05 q? 14:26:24 ack sue_neu 14:26:31 ack sue-neu 14:27:32 Sue-neu: who is the intended audience? 14:28:00 Jeff: TBD 14:28:04 ack CharlesL 14:28:23 Charles: assume that animations would have to made accessible 14:28:45 q? 14:28:54 eReader will support accessibility 14:29:05 q+ 14:29:21 q- 14:30:32 Wysebee reader supports EPUB as packaging/distribution format for interactives. Will pass EPUBCheck 14:30:47 laurent_ has joined #pcg-ed 14:30:55 Won't break CRM 14:31:31 q+ 14:32:06 What did you need to do specifically in your reading system to support this content? 14:33:12 Jeff: didn't focus on navigation, other features, focus was on supporting interactives 14:34:14 For other eReaders will require standards/collaboration between content creators and eReader developer 14:35:22 present+ 14:35:40 For mobile, need to use browser view, leave space to navigate back to the app 14:36:06 q+ 14:36:11 q+ 14:36:19 q? 14:36:24 ack CharlesL 14:36:35 q+ 14:36:47 q? 14:36:58 ack CharlesL 14:37:13 ack laurent 14:38:21 Laurent: Thorium demo 14:40:27 q? 14:40:41 left hand illustration is animated, right text has interactive elements 14:41:36 most cases are fixed layout books, makes it easier to support interactive elements 14:42:59 Q+ 14:43:05 q? 14:43:05 q- 14:43:07 q- 14:43:14 q? 14:43:22 Working to support external content 14:44:41 Every modern reading system contains a browser 14:45:12 Requires packaging systems for audiobooks, interactives 14:45:26 q+ 14:45:52 Want to create a package that can function offline, link to external content like audio/video that is too large to embed in EPUB 14:45:59 q? 14:46:05 ack JF 14:46:27 Also forms to send i.e., results of quizzes, etc. 14:47:20 q+ 14:47:29 q+ 14:47:30 q? 14:47:37 looking at event based interactions both within the eReader vs linking to esternal server 14:47:40 ack sue_neu 14:47:42 q? 14:47:47 ack sue-neu 14:48:18 Larent has invited the Brazil based group he is working with to present to this group 14:48:31 s/Larent/Laurent/ 14:48:57 q+ 14:49:27 q? 14:49:32 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 14:49:35 What about data? 14:49:42 Looking at everything 14:50:29 q- 14:50:37 q? 14:52:23 Work that Brazil group is doing is candidate to be incubated in the PCG 14:52:23 30 million students 14:52:23 q? 14:52:23 ack zheng_xu 14:52:23 @Laurent: nice idea to bring in this use case! 14:53:01 q? 14:53:07 q+ 14:53:13 q? 14:53:20 q+ 14:54:46 Charlesl: demo of DIAGRAM content in Thorium 14:54:53 q? 14:55:03 Adding interactive to ebook via iframe 14:55:20 ack gautier 14:56:22 q+ 14:56:35 gautier: interactive content creation requires advanced skills - beyond MSWord, etc. 14:56:54 q? 14:56:56 ack Bill_Kasdorf 14:57:56 ack zheng_xu 14:58:16 Need to make distinction between incubation and demonstration - capabilities may already exist on the web 14:59:06 Wysebee provides a packaging app to create EPUB opf, etc. 15:00:28 q? 15:02:24 Next steps: report on these demos to PCG, determine if documentation, specification added to EPUB standard, etc. is needed 15:02:30 CharlesL has left #pcg-ed 15:03:01 Also, keep abreast of further developments on these reader platforms - exciting things are happening 15:03:18 rrsagent, make logs public 15:03:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:03:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/22-pcg-ed-minutes.html Paul_B__ 15:03:40 zakim, end meeting 15:03:40 As of this point the attendees have been JF, zheng_xu, wolfgang, Bill_Kasdorf, CharlesL, gautier, sue_neu, Bill_Kasdorf_ 15:03:43 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:03:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/22-pcg-ed-minutes.html Zakim 15:03:50 I am happy to have been of service, Paul_B__; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:03:52 Zakim has left #pcg-ed 15:04:08 rrsagent, end meeting 15:04:08 I'm logging. I don't understand 'end meeting', Paul_B__. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:04:31 RRSAgent excused 15:11:52 quit 15:53:30 Paul_B has joined #pcg-ed