18:00:44 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 18:00:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/21-aria-apg-irc 18:00:55 rrsagent, make log public 18:01:12 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 18:01:18 CHAIR: Matt King 18:01:21 present+ 18:01:25 present+ 18:01:26 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/21-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 18:02:02 jugglinmike has joined #aria-apg 18:02:42 TOPIC: Agenda 18:02:43 jongund has joined #aria-apg 18:02:51 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/March-21%2C-2023-Agenda 18:04:43 RRSAgent: who is here? 18:04:43 I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'who is here' 18:05:20 present+ 18:05:28 Zakim: who is here? 18:06:35 scribe+ 18:06:45 present+ Matt_King 18:07:21 Andrea_ has joined #aria-apg 18:07:30 Matt_King: Three topic areas today, any others? 18:07:36 Matt_King: Hearing nothing. 18:07:47 present+ Andrea_ 18:07:59 present+ jongund 18:08:06 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria-apg 18:08:07 present+ arigilmore 18:08:09 present+ 18:08:15 zakim, who's here? 18:08:15 Present: Matt_King, arigilmore, jugglinmike, Andrea_, jongund, MarkMcCarthy 18:08:18 On IRC I see MarkMcCarthy, Andrea_, jongund, jugglinmike, RRSAgent, arigilmore, Zakim, Matt_King, Mike5Matrix, Github, github-bot, jamesn, ZoeBijl, trackbot 18:09:53 present+ AlexFlenniken 18:12:42 (introductions) 18:13:21 Topic: Status of Site Updates 18:13:38 Subtopic: Review updates to first AT support table - pull request #2569 18:13:39 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2569 : Button Example: Add AT support tables from ARIA-AT 18:13:53 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2569 18:15:40 AlexFlenniken: the last thing I changed was about a week ago--changing the default height 18:16:15 Matt_King: I shared some feedback--was that addressed? 18:16:31 AlexFlenniken: Yes, I've addressed that 18:16:38 Matt_King: Then this is ready for everybody to look at 18:17:59 Matt_King: It looks like Howard_Edwards (not present) and myself are assigned as reviewers. I would like to have some other members of the task force looking at this 18:18:58 jongund: I can take a look at it 18:19:38 MarkMcCarthy: You can add me, too 18:21:34 Matt_King: The long-term plan is that there will only be one example per page. We have a backlog item to address the patterns which have more than one example per page (e.g. button) 18:22:03 jongund: Do you want me to work on separating the button examples into separate pages? 18:22:27 Matt_King: Thank you, but not right now. I think that at the current time, doing so would create too much churn 18:24:46 Topic: Pull Requests 18:25:14 Subtopic: Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified 18:25:24 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2622 18:25:40 Matt_King: A question came up on this one this week 18:26:38 Matt_King: It was from Aleena 18:26:46 jongund: I didn't understand it, though 18:26:57 arigilmore: I also didn't understand it 18:27:42 Matt_King: It sounds as though it may be beyond the scope of this pull request 18:34:17 Matt_King: arigilmore's feedback may be in-scope. We have to determine if VoiceOver's behavior is incorrect. In that case, the example code is fine, and the unexpected behavior is exactly the kind of thing we're trying to find 18:35:00 Matt_King: We don't typically test VoiceOver with Firefox 18:35:24 arigilmore: It was listed in the wiki, though I was surprised to find it there 18:35:38 MarkMcCarthy: I think there was a reason for this; I can check with Jemma 18:37:08 arigilmore: Narrator - Firefox -> unable to select items from all list example pages 18:37:30 Matt_King: So this is when "scan mode" is off and you arrow in the list? 18:37:49 arigilmore: Yeah, it tells me something like "no items found." I forget the exact terminology it uses 18:37:56 Matt_King: That almost sounds like a Narrator bug 18:38:14 MarkMcCarthy: It sounds that way to me, too. 18:41:29 arigilmore: VO - safari/chrome iPhone -> can’t select items in example 1 in unimportant features and in example 2 can only select first item in upgrades you have chosen 18:41:53 arigilmore: In the first one, I could only navigate to the first item in the second column 18:42:11 arigilmore: With VoiceOver, I could only select the first "unimportant" feature, but I couldn't select the one below it 18:42:26 Matt_King: So if you had three in that list, you wouldn't be able to move the second one from "unimportant" to "important"? 18:42:27 arigilmore: Right 18:42:38 Matt_King: But you can do it if VoiceOver is not running? 18:42:43 arigilmore: That's right 18:43:25 Matt_King: So if it can be done when VoiceOver is not running, then it's obviously not a compatibility with mobile. I don't understand what that would be. I guess it's related to aria-activedescendents, somehow 18:43:41 arigilmore: VO/Talkback - safari/chrome iPhone, android -> not announced that you are in a group “water”: 18:43:47 Matt_King: That's clearly a screen reader bug 18:44:00 Matt_King: So I think we're "safe" with all of these, arigilmore 18:44:13 Matt_King: I'm the only reviewer left on this one 18:47:28 Subtopic: Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month 18:47:38 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2618 18:48:16 Matt_King: AlexFlenniken left some review comments 18:48:24 Matt_King: Did you address those, jongund? 18:48:37 jongund: Yup. I adjusted the stylesheet to override the default styles 18:48:46 Matt_King: I'm re-requesting review from you, AlexFlenniken 18:48:59 Matt_King: It's also awaiting review from Siri and me 18:49:04 Matt_King: We should probably ping Siri 18:51:31 subtopic: About Page: Convert to an About section overview that links to several new pages within the about APG section 18:51:39 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2558 18:51:57 MarkMcCarthy: AlexFlenniken, you had feedback for me, and I addressed that just today 18:52:17 s/MarkMcCarthy/Matt_King/ 18:52:47 AlexFlenniken: the current status is that Aleena is trying to determine whether changes to the WAI template are necessary 18:53:24 AlexFlenniken: Apologies, I'm thinking about a different pull request. You can forget my prior comment. 18:54:36 AlexFlenniken: Here is a supporting pull request in wai-aria-practices https://github.com/w3c/wai-aria-practices/pull/207 18:55:00 Matt_King: Can you edit the top comment in 2558 to add that link? 18:55:05 AlexFlenniken: Definitely 18:55:35 Matt_King: After we get that preview, I'm going to change this pull request to not be a draft and then ask people to review it 18:55:52 Matt_King: There's a fair amount of new content in this. We took a look at the introduction the week before last. 18:56:29 Matt_King: Most of the content is just an exact copy of what's currently on the "About" page. The two parts that are new are the introduction and the section titled "ARIA Basics" 18:56:56 Matt_King: It's waiting for review from Jemma and jongund 18:57:36 Matt_King: Anybody else want to be assigned? 18:57:44 Zakim, who's here? 18:57:44 Present: Matt_King, arigilmore, jugglinmike, Andrea_, jongund, MarkMcCarthy, AlexFlenniken 18:57:47 On IRC I see MarkMcCarthy, Andrea_, jongund, jugglinmike, RRSAgent, arigilmore, Zakim, Matt_King, Mike5Matrix, Github, github-bot, jamesn, ZoeBijl, trackbot 18:57:58 Andrea_: I can review 18:58:44 MarkMcCarthy: Michael Cooper will have to grant you permissions to act as a reviewer 18:58:58 Matt_King: You have to be in the "ARIA contributors" team in the W3C 19:00:28 Zakim: end the meeting 19:00:43 rrsagent, make minutes 19:00:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/21-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 19:00:51 Zakim, end the meeting 19:00:51 As of this point the attendees have been Matt_King, arigilmore, jugglinmike, Andrea_, jongund, MarkMcCarthy, AlexFlenniken 19:00:51 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 19:00:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/21-aria-apg-minutes.html Zakim 19:00:57 I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:00:57 Zakim has left #aria-apg 19:01:06 RRSAgent leave 19:01:18 RRSAgent: leave 19:01:18 I see no action items