16:00:27 RRSAgent has joined #tt 16:00:31 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/16-tt-irc 16:00:31 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:00:32 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 16:00:43 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/246 16:00:46 scribe: nigel 16:00:54 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/03/02-tt-minutes.html 16:01:03 Regrets: Pierre 16:02:57 Present: Nigel, Cyril, Gary 16:02:57 Chair: Gary, NIgel 16:02:57 Chair: Gary, Nigel 16:06:06 Topic: This meeting 16:06:24 Nigel: Agenda topics for today: 16:06:28 .. Charter status 16:06:32 .. Registry 16:06:49 .. (IMSC-HRM we'll drop in the absence of Pierre) 16:06:57 .. TPAC 2023 planning 16:07:09 .. Plus in AOB, DST affecting the UTC start of future meetings. 16:07:13 .. Any other business? 16:07:29 Present+ Atsushi 16:08:36 Atsushi: I can issue a Zoom URL for TTWG using the W3C Zoom account 16:09:23 Nigel: Who can administer that, just staff, or Chairs too? 16:09:33 Atsushi: I haven't investigated it yet 16:09:54 Gary: At least the Chairs should be able to manage/host the meeting 16:10:02 Atsushi: I think that kind of configuration should be possible. 16:10:12 Nigel: Ok, thank you, let's do that offline. 16:10:29 Topic: Charter status 16:10:44 Nigel: The most important item of business is the CfC for changing the charter draft. 16:10:51 Subtopic: Results of Call for Consensus for w3c/charter-timed-text#86 16:10:53 https://github.com/w3c/charter-timed-text/pull/86 : s/Content implementation/Content-producing implementation 16:10:59 Github: https://github.com/w3c/charter-timed-text/pull/86 16:11:20 Nigel: I told the TTWG by email that I wanted to expedite this change, 16:11:31 .. and asked for positive approvals to allow us to do that. 16:11:44 .. Thank you to everyone who added their approval. 16:12:01 .. There were approvals from all the regular participants, and no "request changes" 16:12:05 .. and no comments. 16:12:24 .. So I think we're good to declare Consensus on this. Gary, happy? 16:12:27 Gary: Yes 16:12:50 Nigel: Chairs declare CfC in this pull request to be concluded with consensus to make the change. 16:13:00 SUMMARY: Chairs declare CfC in this pull request to be concluded with consensus to make the change. 16:13:12 Nigel: Also worth noting Apple approved it too. 16:13:32 .. That's merged now. 16:13:37 github-bot, end topic 16:14:05 Nigel: The next action is for me to inform Florian so that the W3C Council can conclude. 16:14:16 .. Thank you everyone. 16:15:23 .. Anything else for this agenda topic? 16:15:33 Nothing more 16:15:55 Topic: Defining a Registry #241 and #243 16:16:27 Nigel: Not sure if anyone other than me and Atsushi have had a chance to review this yet. 16:16:32 .. Please do! 16:16:53 .. The wider questions are: 16:17:07 .. * should we adopt this in the TTML Profile Registry? 16:17:23 .. * Should we be publishing a document we can reference from Registries. 16:17:36 .. or aiming to include by duplication. 16:18:10 .. I don't have strong opinions right now. 16:19:31 Cyril: It would help if we had a preview of what changed 16:19:47 Nigel: The limitation is with PR Preview, since this ttwg repo has more than one document in it 16:19:57 .. I think Atsushi created a copy of it 16:20:52 .. Otherwise you have to clone it and open it locally. 16:21:30 Atsushi: I'll recreate that... 16:21:50 https://ttml.w3c.himor.in/boilerplate-registry-20230316.html 16:23:26 Nigel: Thank you, best to review that offline and add comments on the pull request. 16:23:57 Cyril: Is the final name going to be Registry Boilerplate? 16:24:12 .. This is more like a process than something to copy and paste 16:24:23 Nigel: That's what is needed, the registry definition has to include a process 16:24:38 Cyril: Imagine we want to create a registry for DAPT, what would we do, clone the page? 16:24:40 Nigel: Yes 16:24:51 Cyril: And then change section 2? 16:25:00 .. I see that ยง3 is the registry itself. 16:25:14 Gary: Theoretically we could publish the process as a separate document and then reference it. 16:25:24 .. We would still want something to be able to copy, like section 3. 16:25:50 .. I added a checklist for applying to a real registry. 16:25:55 s/../Nigel: 16:26:09 Atsushi: If we can organise everything for the whole registry into one section then it would be 16:26:12 .. easier to copy and paste. 16:26:40 .. Or, there is a feature of Respec to include a section from another file, like index.html 16:26:49 .. inserting section-2.html by Respec. 16:26:57 Nigel: That's a really good idea, I didn't think of that. 16:27:15 Gary: Referencing it sounds like it might be better because if we want to update the definition 16:27:17 https://respec.org/docs/#external-includes 16:27:27 .. and there's more than one registry then we'd have to update all the registries. 16:27:44 .. If we can update in one place and have it propagate everywhere that would be good. 16:28:19 Atsushi: I can't see an easy hack for this, there could be one later. 16:28:29 Nigel: I think your suggestion is already a good hack. 16:28:47 Atsushi: I meant publishing the boilerplate as a statement and then normatively referencing. 16:28:54 .. It seems that is not desired or allowed. 16:28:59 Nigel: Why? 16:29:21 Atsushi: Registry is similar to Rec track operation. Statement has a final review by committee, 16:29:29 .. but not getting the same level of status as Rec track. 16:29:41 .. It's an endorsement but not a Rec track style commitment. 16:29:56 Nigel: Statements are W3C level, not WG level? 16:30:02 Atsushi: Yes, raised from Note. 16:30:35 Nigel: Why shouldn't a Registry Definition reference another Registry Definition? 16:30:53 Atsushi: That is an interesting question I will have to ask about the publication approval process. 16:31:11 Cyril: I had a look at the proposal. My main comment is why do we think the boilerplate should 16:31:32 .. contain all the text that we don't expect to change. All the process part about custodian, 16:31:42 .. the definitions of provisional, final and deprecated. Can we have a TTWG document that defines these 16:32:16 .. and have the registry definition be shorter and just define the bits that are needed. 16:32:31 Nigel: That's the core of the question: this document could be that, potentially. 16:32:40 .. It's quite long when you write it all down. 16:33:01 Cyril: Yes, we should just introduce the registry, point to the normative parts, and define only the local things. 16:33:08 Atsushi: The question is where we can put the common parts. 16:33:37 Nigel: I'd be happy to go back to the Process CG and ask about Reg Definitions referencing other docs. 16:33:49 Cyril: We shouldn't call it boilerplate, we should call it Registry Process, 16:34:05 .. and then have the process bit referenceable, and a boilerplate part for copying and pasting. 16:34:19 Nigel: OK, then the copy-paste part would be in the appendix. 16:34:55 .. Seems to me that the way forward is: 16:35:13 .. 1. I'll check what kind of document a Registry Definition can normatively reference 16:35:28 .. 2. Create a separate repo for this document and restructure as Cyril suggested above. 16:36:09 group: [nods] 16:36:15 Nigel: Anything else on this topic? 16:36:23 Topic: TPAC 2023 planning 16:36:34 Nigel: Placeholder - we need to start thinking about this. 16:36:39 Gary: The survey is due mid-May. 16:36:46 Nigel: What do we need? 16:36:54 Gary: Same as last year... 16:37:15 .. Approx number of in-person, joint meetings, non-overlaps, days we want to meet, flexibility 16:37:22 .. Dates are Sep 11 through 15. 16:37:51 Nigel: IBC in Amsterdam overlaps with the end of the TPAC week 16:38:26 .. so I suggest we ask to schedule media related meetings in the first half of the week. 16:38:38 Gary: Seville to Amsterdam isn't too far 16:38:43 Nigel: Same time zone! 16:38:55 Gary: We need the survey by May 8th specifically 16:39:12 Cyril: I would be as simple as taking the participants who normally come, and making it the maximum 16:39:24 Gary: I doubt it would be that different from last year. 16:40:13 Nigel: Depends a lot on attitudes towards international travel, and if they revert to years gone by, 16:40:23 .. when we had lots of observers in the room, particularly from East Asia. 16:40:49 .. Big question is agenda topics, unclear to me. 16:41:34 .. Not sure if we want to tackle big questions like subtitles and captions in the web ecosystem, 16:41:50 .. or user customisation of subtitle and caption presentation. 16:42:31 Gary: Might be interesting to see if we can push Apple's HTML text track cue preview forward. 16:42:35 Nigel: Agreed 16:42:41 -> https://github.com/WebKit/explainers/tree/main/texttracks TexTTrackCue explainer from Apple 16:42:44 .. Of course there might be some DAPT stuff to work on too. 16:42:52 scribe+ gkatsev 16:43:16 Nigel: The topic is open, we don't have to conclude now. 16:43:25 .. I agree with Cyril's general approach 16:43:36 .. Anything else on this topic? 16:43:44 Topic: AOB: DST Change upcoming 16:44:05 Nigel: Our next call on 30th March, and the subsequent ones until some time in October, 16:44:18 .. will be scheduled 1 hour earlier in UTC to accommodate DST. 16:44:39 .. That's already factored into the TTWG calendar entries. 16:58:26 Topic: Meeting close 16:59:19 Nigel: Thanks everyone, we've completed our agenda. 16:59:24 .. [adjourns meeting] 16:59:28 rrsagent, make minutes 16:59:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:07:14 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 17:07:18 zakim, end meeting 17:07:18 As of this point the attendees have been Nigel, Cyril, Gary, Atsushi 17:07:19 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:07:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/16-tt-minutes.html Zakim 17:07:28 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:07:28 Zakim has left #tt 17:08:33 rrsagent, excuse us 17:08:33 I see no action items