14:29:46 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 14:29:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-irc 14:30:15 Meeting: Invisible XML community group teleconference 14:30:27 Scribe: cmsmcq 14:30:53 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/02/07-ixml-minutes 14:31:37 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Mar/0001.html 14:32:04 rrsagent, make log public 14:32:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:32:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 14:39:44 Steven has joined #ixml 14:40:34 rrsagent, here 14:40:34 See https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-irc#T14-40-34 14:57:46 john has joined #ixml 15:01:43 BTW has joined #ixml 15:03:30 Chair: Steven 15:04:21 Topic: ACTION 2022-12-13-b 15:04:55 SP proposes (again) that we should publish both the RFC grammar and a second grammar that gives URIs a different structure. 15:05:05 Topic: ACTION 2022-12-13-c 15:05:12 Has been posted. Take up next time. 15:05:24 Topic: Other actions 15:05:47 ACTION 2023-01-10-b - continued 15:06:23 ACTION 2023-01-10-d - initial proposal sent 15:06:44 So: done. 15:06:53 ACTION 2023-01-10-f continues. 15:07:14 ACTION 2023-01-10-g done. On the agenda. 15:07:25 ACTION 2023-01-10-h continues. 15:07:32 ACTION 2023-02-07-a continues 15:07:54 ACTION 2023-02-07-b same proposal as 2023-01-10-d 15:08:02 ACTION 2023-02-07-c done 15:08:14 ACTION 2023-02-07-d done 15:09:06 ACTION 2023-02-07-e continues. Bethan also to send a batch of stickers to SP for the Web conference in May. 15:10:20 Topic: Status of implementations 15:11:05 NDW changed implementation of XSLT extension function to return a parse-against-given-grammar function. 15:11:18 JL will try to make his similar 15:11:49 Topic: Status of testing and test suites 15:11:58 Nothing to report. 15:12:04 Topic: publication plans 15:12:16 Web Conference reviewers have inquired about our publication plans: 15:12:16 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2023Mar/0000.html 15:12:51 SP: the reviewer of his dev-track proposal clearly knew the right questions to ask. The answer should presumably be 'yes'. 15:13:12 NW: if we can figure out what the rules are, I'll see how hard it will be to do it. 15:13:26 ACTION: SP to find the rules so we can consider what needs to be done. 15:13:43 norm has joined #ixml 15:13:53 s/the rules/the rules for publishing as community-group report/ 15:14:39 ACTION: NDTW to take a first pass at generating the community-group report in a form that satisfies W3C rules. 15:16:26 Topic: modifying test catalog for Unicode and other dependencies 15:17:47 MSM talked us through the proposal. 15:32:44 MSM suggested that we need to distinguish three distinct things: run-time options (which are there now in some test catalogs), environment properties (not under direct implementation control), and dependencies like the dependency on a given version of Unicode. 15:33:00 JL observed we might take a leaf from the QT3 test suite 15:51:30 We discussed the proposal and came the conclusion (in NDTW's words) that it could be done differently, but only experience will tell, so we should run with it for now. 15:52:01 ACTION: MSM to work out some examples of options, environment, and dependencies elements, and update the test catalog tag set documentation. 15:52:39 Topic: next meeting 15:52:53 April 11. 15:54:56 Adjourned at 54 minutes past the hour. 15:55:12 rrsagent, make minutes 15:55:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 15:56:32 Present: John Lumley, Steven Pemberton, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Bethan Tovey-Walsh, Norm Tovey-Walsh 15:57:02 s/Topic: publication/Topic: Publication/ 15:57:10 RRSAgent, please make minutes 15:57:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 15:57:53 s/Topic: publication/Topic: Publication/ 15:57:59 RRSAgent, please make minutes 15:58:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 15:58:39 s/Topic: next meeting/Topic: Next meeting/ 15:58:44 RRSAgent, please make minutes 15:58:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 15:59:17 s/Topic: mod/Topic: Mod/ 15:59:29 RRSAgent, please make minutes 15:59:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 16:00:00 RRSAgent, bye 16:00:00 I see 3 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-actions.rdf : 16:00:00 ACTION: SP to find the rules so we can consider what needs to be done. [1] 16:00:00 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-irc#T15-13-26 16:00:00 ACTION: NDTW to take a first pass at generating the community-group report in a form that satisfies W3C rules. [2] 16:00:00 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-irc#T15-14-39 16:00:00 ACTION: MSM to work out some examples of options, environment, and dependencies elements, and update the test catalog tag set documentation. [3] 16:00:00 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2023/03/14-ixml-irc#T15-52-01