WoT Profile

08 March 2023


Ben_Francis, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes



Lagally: (goes through the minutes)



McCool: the schedule was tight and we've already missed some of the goals
… should think about the updated schedule for the next charter

Lagally: why don't we put "End of March" instead?

McCool: "End of April" would be better
… since we need 2-week review within the WG
… one month should be fine for the basic profile
… but would require 2 months if we include synch/asynch, etc.
… so resolution mid May

Kaz: is that a feasible one?
… probably we should think about two more milestones, e.g., difficult features for spec itself, and testing

McCool: yeah, testing is a big thing
… OK with adding those items

Kaz: for that purpose, we should clarify which features to be included in the CR draft at the end of April
… there are several possible options, I think

Lagally: (adds "Testing" as an item first)

McCool: regarding the features
… should be OK with publishing a CR with normative basic profile and informative actions, for example

Kaz: so we still need some more time to define the actual content for CR

McCool: right

CR draft: End April (6 weeks for wrap-up)
2 weeks review
resolution to publish Mid May
CR End May (at the latest)
testing - In the next charter period

<benfrancis> I object


PR 374

PR 374 - Define values of in and name for basic security scheme

McCool: (explains the PR)
… name is tricky here
… if there is a proxy, the value would be proxy.something

diff - 5.4 Security

Lagally: (goes through the diff)
… have to fix the TD spec for the default value, technically

Ben: (explains his comments)

Ben's comments

some Thing implementations might prefer the simpler BasicSecurityScheme
if the only alternative is a full OAuth2 implementation.

Ben: Do you introduce the constraint on which is not available?
… do the HTTP Basic Profile allow us distribute the password?

McCool: don't think so
… the problem is we don't have barer token as an option here

McCool: we can leave it open
… and go back to the Security TF to have more discussion

Ben: would like to make you aware

McCool: "Basic" here doesn't mean basic HTTP authentication
… if we merge this PR, that means we would limit the standard ways
… think barer token is allowed to be used

fyi, RFC7617 The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme

Kaz: so the Security TF need to look into the problems. right?

McCool: right

PR 371

PR 371 - Async action clarifications

Lagally: (goes through the diff)

diff - Asynchronous Action Response

Luca: this is an easier option

McCool: means "it might be a queue"
… it's an implementation detail
… this allows finite state machine
… finite and possibly empty

Luca: just asking for clarification here

McCool: would agree the approach itself
… but need to clarify the expected interaction

Kaz: I think we need to clarify the interaction scenario about what kind of information caused what
… starting with TD on the Thing

<McCool> (probably should let others on the queue talk...)

<McCool> +1 for creating issues for further improvements...

Kaz: there is text describing the behavior, but that assumes readers have enough background information like us, the WoT WG participants

<benfrancis> https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/#h-note-3

Ben: merging this PR is fine but the first part is redundant
… I put the Note which has similar content above

Kaz: I'm OK with merging this PR itself

<McCool> (need to drop - main call coming)

Kaz: but we do need significant improvement about the whole description about the expected interactions within the spec

PR 297

PR 297 - Revised Abstract and Introduction - fixes #115

Ben: review comments have been addressed, and it's ready for being merged


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).