15:52:08 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 15:52:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/08-vcwg-irc 15:52:12 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:52:13 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:52:21 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco 15:52:21 Date: 2023-03-08 15:52:21 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/3094a419-a55e-4608-aac1-6144804c5201/20230308T110000 15:52:21 chair: brent 15:52:21 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-03-08: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/3094a419-a55e-4608-aac1-6144804c5201/20230308T110000 15:53:31 present+ 15:58:06 Paul_Dietrich_GS1 has joined #vcwg 15:58:10 present+ 15:59:21 Brent, is there a different zoom link? Im on with only one person. 15:59:53 present+ Paul_Dietrich_GS1 16:00:00 present+ shigeya 16:00:37 present+ natran 16:00:39 kgriffin-gleif has joined #vcwg 16:00:52 present+ griffin 16:01:08 Will has joined #vcwg 16:01:09 present+ mircea 16:01:31 present+ will 16:01:43 Phil-ASU has joined #vcwg 16:01:54 present+ 16:01:55 present+ 16:02:01 present+ 16:02:01 present+ manu, Phil-ASU, elfors 16:02:11 regrets+ kristina 16:02:34 present+ dmitri 16:03:16 mirceanistor has joined #vcwg 16:03:54 oresent dlehn 16:03:54 present+ dlehn 16:03:57 Orie has joined #vcwg 16:03:57 present+ 16:03:57 s/oresent dlehn// 16:03:57 present+ orie 16:03:57 present+ 16:04:09 scribe+ 16:04:29 bumblefudge_ has joined #vcwg 16:04:35 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 16:04:35 present+ 16:05:00 brent: agenda is work item proposal, status updates and PRs. Finish with Issue discussion as time permits 16:05:01 present+ jandrieu 16:05:21 present+ 16:05:28 present+ kerri 16:05:28 brent: introductions 16:05:34 Gregory_natran has joined #vcwg 16:05:44 Kerri_Lemoie has joined #vcwg 16:05:48 present+ 16:06:04 mircea 16:06:11 gregory_natran_ has joined #vcwg 16:06:17 Topic: Work Item Proposals 16:06:20 q+ to "introduce" "VC Specs Dir" after introductions. 16:06:42 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 16:06:44 q+ PROPOSAL: The VCWG will adopt Securing Verifiable Credentials using Authentic Chained Data Containers. as a work item using the short name vc-acdc, and move https://weboftrust.github.io/vc-acdc/ to the VCWG as an editor’s draft. 16:06:53 brent: work item proposals. This is to round out the body of work we attempt to complete and then feature freeze. 16:06:55 present+ 16:07:09 present+ 16:07:24 q+ to demonstrate the syntax 16:07:24 q- 16:07:24 ack manu 16:07:24 manu, you wanted to "introduce" "VC Specs Dir" after introductions. 16:07:25 q+ Multilingual 16:07:35 https://w3c.github.io/vc-specs-dir/ 16:07:55 q? 16:07:57 q+ to PROPOSAL: The VCWG will adopt Securing Verifiable Credentials using Authentic Chained Data Containers. as a work item using the short name vc-acdc, and move https://weboftrust.github.io/vc-acdc/ to the VCWG as an editor’s draft. 16:08:01 q+ shigeya to discuss "Multilingual" 16:08:09 q- Multilingual 16:08:30 manu: Announcement over email. VC specifications directory pulled in. Open to take for a test run, This is experimental. Question to group. Was this problematic or should we start adding PRs. 16:08:31 ToddSnyderGS1 has joined #vcwg 16:08:46 q+ to ask that an example JSON file be shown in the "how to register" section 16:08:47 manu: Request to the other chairs to redirect other registries to this directory. Looking for guidance. 16:08:52 present+ 16:08:52 present+ snyder 16:09:07 q? 16:09:09 ack kgriffin-gleif 16:09:09 kgriffin-gleif, you wanted to PROPOSAL: The VCWG will adopt Securing Verifiable Credentials using Authentic Chained Data Containers. as a work item using the short name vc-acdc, 16:09:10 dwaite has joined #vcwg 16:09:10 present+ dwaite 16:09:13 ... and move https://weboftrust.github.io/vc-acdc/ to the VCWG as an editor’s draft. 16:09:24 present+ 16:09:49 present+ smccown 16:09:58 kgriffen-gleif: send a proposal to the group for VC-ACDC. PROPOSAL: move the draft for VC-ACDC to editors draft. 16:10:19 smccown has joined #vcwg 16:10:25 q- 16:10:28 brent: Work item adoptions. Must be on the mailing list for a week, Must be in scope of the charter Must have 3 parties endorsing. 16:10:32 DavidC has joined #vcwg 16:10:33 present+ davidc 16:10:38 present+ 16:10:44 present+ 16:10:48 brent: believes that the three steps for the work items have been addressed 16:10:54 q+ 16:11:05 q? 16:11:14 ack Orie 16:11:31 q+ to ask on how we're handling normative references in the specification? 16:11:52 Orie: understand the process around rough consensus for the work item. Wants to understand how much regular group work time will be spent on this. What is the expectation for work time in the group? 16:12:08 q+ 16:12:26 andres has joined #vcwg 16:12:30 brent: chairs recognize there are a lot of work items. They will focus on work items that are progressing and don't expect to spend a lot of time on this item. 16:12:36 present+ 16:12:37 ack manu 16:12:37 manu, you wanted to ask on how we're handling normative references in the specification? 16:13:06 oliver has joined #vcwg 16:13:11 present+ oliver 16:13:22 manu: question to spec editors. Has normative references to other specifications not in this group. One thing required to move along the track is stable references to specifications. 16:13:30 W3C guidelines for normative references: https://www.w3.org/2013/09/normative-references 16:13:46 q+ to repsond to manu 16:14:05 manu: How much will this specification need to pull in this other work. 16:14:21 manu: We will need to address this in candidate specification 16:14:24 q? 16:14:30 ack ivan 16:15:29 ivan: Kevin, be prepared for the horizontal reviews for this specification as well. It will need internationalization and other experts. This will take working group time. The other thing is the CR phase as we will have a testing environment. This will include tests and implementations. 16:15:39 ack kgriffin-gleif 16:15:39 kgriffin-gleif, you wanted to repsond to manu 16:15:44 ivan: these are all to be factored in. 16:15:47 ? 16:15:50 q? 16:16:19 kgriffin-gleif: regarding the work, this is a transformation effort. 16:16:53 kgriffin-gleif: regarding related specifications, its proceeding with Sam Smith in IETF. They fully expect to continue to move them forward 16:17:09 +1, thank you for the response kgriffin, that addresses my concerns (they will be standards-track at IETF in time and normatively referenced) 16:17:28 q+ 16:17:30 brent: See the guidlines for writing normative references in the chat 16:17:31 q+ 16:17:37 q? 16:17:45 ack manu 16:18:22 present+ cabernet 16:18:30 cabernet has joined #vcwg 16:18:32 present+ 16:18:50 manu: Offer advice. Its a good answer to reference these normative specs from IETF. The danger is that the work is in the group and published as a draft. If this group goes into maintenance mode before IETF completes, this may get stuck in limbo. 16:19:23 manu: other option is that this work doesn't have to be done in this group. But it would be good to have input from this group for the transformation rules. 16:19:37 ack ivan 16:19:44 manu: can the work in IETF be done in time to make sure it doesn't end up in limbo. 16:20:47 ivan: its possible to work towards a working group note which would reduce the severity of the normative references requirement. but this needs to be decided between now and the first working group draft. 16:20:53 thank you for the feedback Manu and Ivan. 16:21:24 PROPOSAL: The VCWG will adopt Securing Verifiable Credentials using Authentic Chained Data Containers. as a work item using the short name vc-acdc, and move https://weboftrust.github.io/vc-acdc/ to the VCWG as an editor’s draft. 16:21:30 +1 16:21:37 -1 16:21:47 0 16:21:55 0 16:21:56 0 16:22:00 0 16:22:02 0 16:22:03 0 16:22:03 +0 (supportive of the work happening, will not be able to contribute to the work nor plan to use it) 16:22:04 0 16:22:04 0 16:22:05 -1 16:22:07 +0 16:22:09 +1 16:22:14 0 16:22:23 0 16:22:23 0 16:22:25 0 16:22:26 0 16:22:37 0 16:22:42 -0.5 I'm concerned that we may not have enough resources for already existing work items 16:22:50 present+ awhitehead 16:23:03 Reason for my -1 is that I cannot contribute to the work, and I am concerned it will reduce contribution to other work items, which I am required to contribute to. 16:23:45 I would also like to see more +1's which would indicate that there will be more support / contribution / editing for the work item. 16:23:48 brent: at this point we don;t have consensus. Recommendation to engage with the folks that voted -1 or 0. 16:23:50 present+ butters 16:24:22 q+ to mention both time constraints and standards 16:24:32 brent: recognizes concerns about the amount of work but would rather that concern not be used as a reason to vote no on any particular proposal. 16:24:35 +1 to brent's comments on not voting -1 on any particular work item due to number of work items 16:24:35 q? 16:24:37 ack shigeya 16:24:37 shigeya, you wanted to discuss "Multilingual" 16:25:13 q+ to suggest a PR for multilingual support via external mapping file. 16:25:21 shigeya: want to propose multilingual support. Not sure it needs to be proposed as a work item if its already in the charter. Doesn't have a complete proposal at this moment but is willing to do the work. 16:25:41 brent: believes there are issues open on this. 16:25:42 ack JoeAndrieu 16:25:42 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to mention both time constraints and standards 16:26:00 q+ 16:26:28 JoeAndrieu: speak in favor of ACDC eventually being a VC standard both with the feature freeze and the normative references. 16:26:32 ack manu 16:26:32 manu, you wanted to suggest a PR for multilingual support via external mapping file. 16:26:56 I also agree with Daniel Hardman's comment on the list, that the work can progress regardless of adoption by this working group. 16:27:02 manu: +1 to Joe. Need good examples for how transformations can be done, but feeling pressure of time constraints. 16:27:26 q+ to ask a process question 16:27:52 manu: +1 to multilingual support. What shigeya has previously proposed was a great example. Effectively using a translation file that allows a credential to be linked to a translation file. 16:28:13 ack ivan 16:28:49 Sounds like a mic issue 16:29:42 ivan: in favor of shigeyas work. From a formal point of view there is no need for a resolution on a work item. Its something we must deliver in the charter. 16:29:50 scribe- 16:29:52 scribe+ 16:30:01 Thanks dmitriz 16:30:01 ack kgriffin-gleif 16:30:03 kgriffin-gleif, you wanted to ask a process question 16:30:23 kgriffin-gleif: process question. If I was to amend the proposal, re ACDC, could that later be amended to change the language? 16:30:51 ... for example, if we wanted to take Ivan's advice and introduce it as a note, which would alleviate some of the workload concerns. Could we then say "the work's progressed far enough, let's make it normative" 16:31:12 brentz: there is a distinction between a Note and a Recommendation that is not clear if you're not deeply entrenched in a W3C process 16:31:38 ... a Note is any statement made by a WG, doesn't necessarily reflect consensus. In the past, it wasn't uncommon to see a Note published, and then have the Note become a REC track document 16:31:47 ... recent W3C clarification recommended that not be the way to do things. 16:32:11 ... it would be appropriate to publish a Note that says, here is ACDC, here's the transformation to have it match the VC Data Model 16:32:19 ... that would work, would not prohibit a later REC track document 16:32:22 +1 to Brent 16:32:25 Thank you, Brent. 16:32:26 ... I hope that clarifies the options a bit more 16:32:48 ... so, you wouldn't produce a Note that says "this will be REC track, it's a Note for now" 16:33:03 ... so, your proposal is not off the table, chairs are happy to give you more time to drum up more support, to try and address concerns 16:33:03 kgriffin-gleif: thanks 16:33:07 brentz: any other proposals for new work items? 16:33:12 q+ 16:33:35 manu: not a proposal, just circulating 16:33:37 brent_ has joined #vcwg 16:33:45 Work item suggestion: ECDSA Cryptosuite -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2023Mar/0014.html 16:33:49 q+ 16:33:49 q? 16:33:52 ack manu 16:34:13 ... I wanted to highlight the work item suggestion that went out to the mailing list on the ECDSA Cryptosuite. Reasoning for it is - since we have withdrawn the work for JWS2020, which had support for ECDSA, now we don't have one 16:34:30 ... ECDSA is important for many hardware support for crypto operations (FIPS compliant) 16:34:40 q+ to make steps on withdrawing jws2020 16:34:52 VC-JWT has supported ECDSA and many other registered algorithms in the IANA registry. 16:34:54 ... which only leaves ECDSA for elliptic curves. This will change in the next couple of years, but for the moment, it's our only option 16:35:17 ... in terms of how much work this will be - not that much more work. we already have the EddSA crypto suite. so ECDSA is just switching out a couple of algorithms. 16:35:26 ... the spec so far has been written to align with the Data Integrity specs 16:35:32 kristina has joined #vcwg 16:35:34 present+ 16:35:42 ... if you're an org that believes you'll need hardware encryption support, consider signing the letter of support 16:35:45 Letter of support for ECDSA: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wcEg1P3AXOF0tUwzgNo_2IDLC_vBJNEGJRg_5JfprRM/edit 16:36:07 ... chairs, we'll plan to bring this in front of the group once we feel there's adequate signatures 16:36:12 brentz: thank you for heads up 16:36:14 If you plan on using URDNA2015 with ECDSA, you will need this "data integrity proof suite".... if you plan to use VC-JWT, you can continue to use ES256, ES384 etc... 16:36:21 ... if there are no more work item proposals, we can move to PRs 16:36:26 ack andres 16:36:48 andres: wanted to highlight VC JSON Schemas proposals that went out to the list 16:36:54 q+ 16:37:00 ... which is, to adopt the work item to improving the VC JSON Schema spec, which has been worked on by the CCG 16:37:03 present 16:37:21 ack ivan 16:37:21 ivan, you wanted to make steps on withdrawing jws2020 16:37:23 zakim, who is present? 16:37:23 I don't understand your question, kristina. 16:37:35 present+ kristina 16:37:42 ivan: before we forget - JWS2020 has been withdrawn, so we have to make steps by re-issuing the draft and making its status clear (that it's been withdrawn) 16:37:45 +1 Ivan, we need to do administrative changes. 16:37:59 ack DavidC 16:38:13 DavidC: this is about the document that Mark (?) and myself has produced, an example of the 'evidence' property 16:38:25 ... briefly presented here, and in the CCG. neither group has adopted it yet. is there interest in this group? 16:38:34 ... or whether we should get it adopted as a CCG work item 16:38:58 brentz: good question, jump on queue if you have opinion. mine is: if we have an extension point for the spec, I hope we have something normative to point to 16:39:02 q? 16:39:17 ... not seeing anyone on the queue. So, these are additional possible work items. 16:39:35 i think davidC item belongs in the new directory 16:39:48 DavidC: I don't think it's a Work Item as such; it's under existing charter. It can just be a PR that's the body of the current document, could go as an annex to the VC data model, or in the Evidence section as an example 16:40:01 brentz: I leave it to you to determine how best to move forward 16:40:05 DavidC: thanks 16:40:07 q+ to ask the group what they thik about render? :P 16:40:15 ack manu 16:40:15 manu, you wanted to ask the group what they thik about render? :P 16:40:26 q+ to more comments about render 16:40:32 q+ 16:40:34 does the directory has to point to a URL or can have a specific text? 16:40:38 manu: question to the group - what do people think about the 'render' property for the core spec 16:40:55 ... there's a PR, we know of at least 3 other mechanisms to provide render hints (and this proposal unifies those) 16:40:58 +1 for rendering in the directory, -1 in the core spec 16:41:02 ... this is not a new work item, it's an extension point 16:41:07 +1 for rendering in the directory, -1 in the core spec 16:41:14 ... if you want this credential rendered, use this extension point 16:41:22 me sorry, can't speak 16:41:39 manu: to be clear, what we'd need to do in the group is just agree to an extension point called 'render'. and then the VC directory would list the various specs 16:41:42 We don't need to agree to an extension point in this group, we have @context for that :) 16:41:48 ... so, just looking for feedback 16:41:53 q? 16:42:07 +1 to render endpoint 16:42:13 scribe+ 16:42:16 ack dmitriz 16:42:16 dmitriz, you wanted to more comments about render 16:42:20 Where is the PR @Manu 16:42:24 +1 to rendering extension 16:42:33 +1 to rendering extension 16:42:52 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1035 16:42:52 dmitriz: Wanted to say +1 to proposal for render extension point, Orie is right, PR to VC context, but also means adding a paragraphs/section to VC spec to say "render" is an extension point, for options go see the directory. 16:42:53 +1 to rendering extension 16:43:02 +1 to rendering extension in the directory or in the core spec 16:43:04 @dlongley - thank you. 16:43:07 +1 to `render` extension point 16:43:41 (or `rendering` if people prefer that name) 16:43:51 dmitriz: The render proposal was a paper in RWoT, with the proposal takes a look at existing prior art, Open Badges, DIF render, this mechanism adds support for expressing all those options. There was a session at IIW , packed room, on render, lots of interest from many parties. Question to the community, is there support for adding an extension point, then specifics in the directory. 16:44:01 q? 16:44:06 brentz: from what I see in the chat, folks seem generally favorable, so I encourage to go to the PR 16:44:06 +1 to `render` instead of `rendering` 16:44:07 ack Orie 16:44:17 Orie: the DID Core @context has very few terms defined in core 16:44:34 ... it relies using the JSON-LD @context for extensions, defined as RDF classes or properties 16:44:52 ... there are cases where we probably made the wrong call on that, in DID Core 16:44:59 ... for example, not defining any public key formats in DID Core 16:45:08 ... there may be cases like that in the VC v1 or v2 context 16:45:13 zakim, who is here? 16:45:13 Present: ivan, brent_, Paul_Dietrich_GS1, shigeya, natran, griffin, mircea, will, Phil-ASU, dlongley, manu, elfors, dmitri, dlehn, Orie, mirceanistor, dmitriz, jandrieu, 16:45:17 ... bumblefudge_, kerri, Kerri_Lemoie, TallTed, JoeAndrieu, ToddSnyderGS, snyder, dwaite, smccown, davidc, andres, oliver, cabernet, awhitehead, butters, kristina 16:45:17 On IRC I see kristina, brent_, cabernet, oliver, andres, DavidC, smccown, dwaite, ToddSnyderGS1, JoeAndrieu, gregory_natran_, Kerri_Lemoie, dmitriz, bumblefudge_, Orie, 16:45:20 ... mirceanistor, Phil-ASU, Will, kgriffin-gleif, Paul_Dietrich_GS1, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, TallTed, tzviya, dlehn, Jem, manu, w3c_modbot, cel[m], bumblefudge, ounfacdo, 16:45:20 ... saysaywhat, cel[h], npd, stenr, dlongley, cel, csarven, shigeya, hadleybeeman, bigbluehat, Dongwoo, stonematt, rhiaro 16:45:23 ... where we're defining things in the @context that we shouldn't be defining there, that would be better in an extension or in a second context 16:45:32 ... or we're missing something that SHOULD be defined in the core context. 16:45:49 ... this 'render' property feels like a perfect candidate for the VC Directory 16:45:55 ... I don't feel it's ready for the core spec though 16:46:24 q+ to note that the reason we add extension points in the core spec is to convey how people should extend... not providing that guidance will result in "renderStuff", "renderBlah", "renderFoo", "rendering", "beefRendang", and so on. 16:46:25 ... the challenge with including the 'render' property in the core VC spec, is the interaction with that render property, protected contexts, the terms defined in the specs 16:46:37 ... I propose we wait and see how it's deployed in the wild 16:46:54 ack manu 16:46:54 manu, you wanted to note that the reason we add extension points in the core spec is to convey how people should extend... not providing that guidance will result in "renderStuff", 16:46:55 ... so, I recommend we just rely on the JSON-LD mechanism, and not add it to core spec 16:46:57 ... "renderBlah", "renderFoo", "rendering", "beefRendang", and so on. 16:47:11 manu: to provide a counter-argument. the reason we define extension points in the spec, is to convey how people SHOULD extend 16:47:26 ... we already have feedback from multiple implementers that they want to render credentials somehow, signaling to the market that rendering has value 16:47:38 ... especially since there are many issuers today who DO care what the VCs look like 16:47:52 +1 to relying on json-ld mechanisms for now, instead of adding a new property in the core spec for rendering. 16:47:57 ... the danger if we do not specify the property in the spec, is that market will fragment with many terms, renderFoo and renderBlah etc 16:48:08 ... the ask is very minimal. can we specify it /as/ an extension point 16:48:11 q+ 16:48:12 q+ to say the spec directory is good for open innovation, but isn't standardization. having a standard for rendering is going to be useful. 16:48:13 ... so, very tightly scoped 16:48:26 ... with a pointer to the VC Specs directory, where people can do the extension stuff that Orie is mentioning 16:48:32 Manu, sounds like you are arguing that JSON-LD's extension mechanism leads to fragmentation, perhaps this is the core problem this is highlighting. 16:48:44 Orie: it's not binary like that. 16:48:56 yeah, Orie, please don't misrepresent the argument. :) 16:48:56 Topic: Work Item status updates/PRs 16:49:00 q- 16:49:04 q+ 16:49:08 q_ 16:49:12 ack dlongley 16:49:14 q- 16:49:20 the spec directory (not a registry) is good for open innovation, but isn't standardization. having a standard for rendering is going to be useful. 16:49:21 ack andres 16:49:31 andres: just want to make sure we ran the proposal for adopting the VC JSON Schema 16:49:39 brentz: wasn't clear to me that you wanted to run it today 16:49:52 andres: ah, ok, we can wait, but I want to make sure it's not forgotten 16:50:17 q+ 16:50:20 brentz: if you're an editor for one of our work items and want to provide an update, please jump on the queue, then we'll move to PRs 16:50:22 ack Orie 16:50:28 q+ 16:50:36 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/60 16:50:38 Orie: so, for VCJWT, we have 2 open PRs. PR 60 open by our wonderful chair Brent 16:51:02 subtopic: VC-JWT 16:51:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:51:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/08-vcwg-minutes.html TallTed 16:51:24 ... PR 60 - initially changes requested, seems currently no changes requested. 16:51:48 ... the PR uses everyone's favorite programming language, English, to describe a mapping, and address some of the concerns 16:51:57 ... from compact native representations to the VC data model. Please review. 16:52:07 ... it's been open for 5 days with no objections. we'll merge it after a week 16:52:08 present+ 16:52:14 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/61 16:52:16 ... the next PR on JWT is 'shorten media types' 16:52:30 ... it shortens the 'verifiable-credential' media type to VC 16:53:06 ... there's still no consensus on whether we should shorten the media type. But again, there are approvals on the PR and no objections. 16:53:18 ... so, if folks are objecting, please use the Github review feature to make the objections clear 16:53:28 ... help me as an editor, so that I don't accidentally merge over an objection 16:53:37 ... TallTed added comments 16:53:45 subtopic: vc-data-model 16:53:47 ack manu 16:54:10 manu: I'm not going to go over old PRs, please take a look at them 16:54:23 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1062 16:54:24 ... latest one - 1062, just does editorial fixes to media types section 16:54:32 ... take a look at it, should be just editorial 16:54:45 subtopic: VC-DI 16:54:48 ... moving quickly - VC Data Integrity - we're adding an algorithm for retrieving the verificationMethod 16:55:04 ... we'll need more people approving, but it seems to be - seems that people want to see this defined 16:55:06 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/86 16:55:12 ... so, please take a look at it, comment, approve, etc. 16:55:27 q+ to comment on JCS vs JSON. 16:55:27 manu: for EDDSA, there are 2 PRs, one just updates test vectors, the other one is naming things 16:55:37 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-di-eddsa/pull/26 16:55:47 ... so if you want to get involved in bikeshedding, on what to call the crypto suite that uses JCS for canon + signs with Eddsa, comment on issue 26 16:55:59 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-specs-dir/pull/1 16:56:07 ... we have 2 PRs for the VC spec dir. one is for VC Status List, which I imagine will go in 16:56:17 ... that's PR 1. then we have a new one, for the 1EdTech specs 16:56:26 ... so take a look at those PRs if you have an opinion 16:56:44 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-specs-dir/pull/2 16:56:48 ... the way the registry works is - if there are no objections and it's formatted correctly, it just goes in 16:56:53 ... question to the chairs is - do the PRs even need reviews 16:56:57 brentz: we'll discuss 16:56:57 ack Orie 16:56:57 Orie, you wanted to comment on JCS vs JSON. 16:57:23 Orie: just to comment on JCS canon scheme - we discussed it at the f2f, and one of the reason we withdrew the JWS work item, is we knew that JCS was going to be proposed 16:57:38 ... I'm pretty strongly opposed to calling that suite 'JSON' when it requires the JCS dependency 16:57:47 ... lots of devs use JSON but don't know about JCS. 16:58:07 ... I'm vocal on the PR regarding the namechange 16:58:13 ... but I'm very supporting of /using/ JCS 16:58:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:58:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/08-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 16:59:50 zakim, end meeting 16:59:50 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, brent_, Paul_Dietrich_GS1, shigeya, natran, griffin, mircea, will, Phil-ASU, dlongley, manu, elfors, dmitri, dlehn, Orie, 16:59:50 ... mirceanistor, dmitriz, jandrieu, bumblefudge_, kerri, Kerri_Lemoie, TallTed, JoeAndrieu, ToddSnyderGS, snyder, dwaite, smccown, davidc, andres, oliver, cabernet, awhitehead, 16:59:50 ... butters, kristina 16:59:50 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:00:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/08-vcwg-minutes.html Zakim 17:00:27 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:00:27 Zakim has left #vcwg 17:00:29 rrsagent, bye 17:00:29 I see no action items