Publishing Community Group

08 March 2023


Bill_Kasdorf, gautier, jamesy, jeffrey_griggs, liisamk, sue-neu

Meeting minutes


Update of A11Y TF Update of Ed TF: “Immersive Content in Scholarly Publishing” [Issue #56] (https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/56) Present the current state of our discussion and try to define basic parameters for further investigation Update of Anti-Counterfeit TF AOB

AvneeshSingh: working on user experience guide
… grouping accessibility metadata into different categories.
… we will provide some example
… of metadata too
… We are also working on none-visual metadata items. And welcome any comments and feedback

JF: Where should the a11y conformance statement stay?

<Zakim> JF, you wanted to comment on where the accessibility statement should live

AvneeshSingh: we will take it to next a11y call

wolfgang: next item, EDTF update

Update of Ed TF: “Immersive Content in Scholarly Publishing” [Issue #56] (https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/56) Present the current state of our discussion and try to define basic parameters for further investigation

sue-neu: From librarian there is worry about if the way that students present their thesis could be reusable for other librarian
… how to present thesis in an interactive way is the use case

Bill_Kasdorf: it's probably not only the EPUB issue. Might need some technology to incubate

<Bill_Kasdorf> s/might need/might not need/

Paul_B: is there any lack of support of ereader and mostly spec stuff

Paul_B: is there any limitation on epub for interactiev content

<Bill_Kasdorf> +1 to Sue's suggestion

sue-neu: there are some companies providing interactive content now

liisamk: maybe some best practice about how to pointing to resources outside from package
… related to external links and 3D model data hosted online

Bill_Kasdorf: most of high education platforms can provide interactivity contents

sue-neu: an interactive publication vs interactive web app? How do we distinct

wolfgang: the publication manifest might be useful for interactive content providers?

<Paul_B> q_

gautier: from reading system point of view we have seen each education system is using online platforms

gautier: we would love to help publishers
… we don't see big publishers providing interactive contents
… I have seen some use cases but we need economically useful use cases

liisamk: I have quite a lot interactive contents that I don't know where to put them

gautier: I would like to help to get out from this situation.
… we can talk later with publisher to see if could get it started

<Bill_Kasdorf> The incubation in Thorium that Gautier is suggesting would be an ideal next step for the CG

gautier: I very like to help incubating interactive contents.

<Bill_Kasdorf> Looking at how some of the existing platforms (higher ed, scholarly) do this would maybe be a first step.

<Paul_B> +1 on seing Zheng's demo

wolfgang: next, Update of Anti-Counterfeit TF

<sue-neu> bill+1 on Zheng's demo

<gautier> +1 on seing Zheng's demo

<sue-neu> +1 Gautier's incubator idea

liisamk: we have been exploring two different ways for anti-counterfeiting

<wolfgang> +1 on Zheng's demo, but also on exploring Gautier's ideas for incubation

liisamk: now we are getting to the point of how to get them implemented
… we are continuing to work through. Hope can pick up one of proposal in next meeting and see some demo.

Bill_Kasdorf: have you looked at project origin (Hope I got the name correctly)?
… it has some implementation for C2PA

<Paul_B> apologies, I have to drop

<Bill_Kasdorf> Project Origin: https://www.originproject.info/

sue-neu: how about use ISBN?

liisamk: yeah, we have not give up possibility of using ISBN yet
… we are essentially looking for a key for a book and a trusted way to pass the key along

<Bill_Kasdorf> C2PA (Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity): https://c2pa.org/

Thanks Bill

wolfgang: any other suggestions and ideas?

<JF> bye all

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/digital publishing/EPUB/

Failed: s/might need/might not need/

Succeeded: s/poining/pointing/

Maybe present: AvneeshSingh, JF, Paul_B, wolfgang

All speakers: AvneeshSingh, Bill_Kasdorf, gautier, JF, liisamk, Paul_B, sue-neu, wolfgang

Active on IRC: Bill_Kasdorf, gautier, jamesy, jeffrey_griggs, JF, liisamk, Paul_B, sue-neu, wolfgang, zheng_xu