19:08:23 RRSAgent has joined #immersive-web 19:08:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/07-immersive-web-irc 19:08:32 Zakim has joined #immersive-web 19:42:25 yonet has joined #immersive-web 19:53:22 Leonard has joined #immersive-web 19:53:27 present + 19:58:26 present+ 20:02:02 CharlesL has joined #immersive-web 20:02:20 present+ 20:02:25 present+ 20:02:42 present+ 20:03:11 bialpio has joined #immersive-web 20:05:43 Emmanuel has joined #immersive-web 20:06:17 Brandel has joined #immersive-web 20:06:19 alcooper has joined #immersive-web 20:06:19 cabanier has joined #Immersive-Web 20:06:25 present+ 20:06:29 present+ 20:06:32 present+ 20:06:39 scribe Leonard 20:06:41 https://github.com/immersive-web/semantic-labels/issues/1 20:07:15 rik: Add support for semantic labels for hit testing and others. 20:07:39 etienne has joined #immersive-web 20:07:42 ... Did not want to add the specific labels to the spec -- too many updates 20:08:23 ... Set up simple Repo (https://github.com/immersive-web/semantic-labels) that lists them 20:08:24 q+ 20:08:35 q+ 20:08:36 ack Leonard 20:09:04 bajones_ has joined #Immersive-Web 20:09:08 present+ 20:09:26 ... Also provides horizontal or vertical 20:09:34 q+ 20:09:37 Leonard: Who is going to keep order 20:09:38 ack bialpio 20:09:43 q+ 20:09:55 Rik: No one - general updates 20:10:29 Piotr: Only for labels or is supporting other concepts? 20:10:41 Rik: Just semantic labels 20:11:26 Piotr: No separate feature descriptor. 20:12:11 ... #2: Array of semantic lables on a hit test. Will there also be categories such as furnature --> sofa (taxonomy) 20:12:34 q+ 20:13:25 Rik: No structure, no taxonomy 20:13:46 Piotr: Perhaps more general labels need to be returned with detailed lables 20:14:42 Ada: Is there an expectation that platforms support at least a major-category subset? 20:15:07 Rik: No requirements - completely optional. 20:16:06 Ada: Android allows hit test on any surface. How do things categorize stuff? 20:16:14 q? 20:16:16 ack ada 20:16:28 ack bajones_ 20:16:30 Rik: No restrictions, though best to keep 'floor' for things that are really floors. 20:17:31 ack ack CharlesL 20:18:04 Charles: Anticipate use in assisted technologies? I18n? W3C registry? 20:18:04 q+ 20:18:18 Rik: Could be used for assisted technologies. 20:18:21 ack CharlesL 20:18:59 ... I18n: these are generic terms. Applications need to handle any translations (similar to ENUMS) 20:19:24 ... W3C registry: doesn't know what that is. Suggest filing an issue on registry. 20:19:31 ack bialpio 20:19:40 q+ on registry 20:20:24 Piotr: Is there any anticipation of guessing labels? Do these confidence value? 20:20:38 Nick-Niantic has joined #immersive-web 20:20:43 q+ 20:20:51 q+ 20:21:14 Rik: Does not anticipate "guessing". 20:21:22 Piotr: Will file issue 20:21:24 ack cwilso 20:21:26 cwilso, you wanted to comment on registry 20:21:26 https://www.w3.org/2021/Process-20211102/#registries defines the Registry track. 20:22:00 Chris W: See above link for W3C registry info. 20:22:36 ack Leonard 20:22:48 Leonard: How do you anticipate this being used? 20:25:05 q? 20:25:08 ack Nick-Niantic 20:25:15 Rik: Manual step to populate & label the environment 20:26:14 Nick: Relates the capabilities of their current product. Establishes a collection of semantic layers. 20:28:09 ... System allows fractional assignments. Allows objects to "fade" into background 20:29:16 Rik: HitTest API not required. Also possible to use PlaneTest API. 20:30:43 q? 20:30:57 https://github.com/immersive-web/layers/issues/298 20:31:26 Rik: Skip clearing of texturtes. Revisiting from a few weeks ago 20:31:49 I have loosened my opinions on this, FWIW 20:32:14 ... Request was made to make default value == FALSE. Lots of examples where default == TRUE. 20:32:29 In other words, no objection from me on keeping the value as-is 20:32:45 Rik: ... new attribute does not require textures to be automatically cleared. 20:32:59 q? 20:33:27 Brandon: No voice -- see above comments. 20:33:39 Rik: Will make sure everything is cleaned uo 20:33:57 https://github.com/immersive-web/layers/pull/302 20:34:32 Rik: Different quality for layers. Allows clearer text, etc. 20:34:58 ... Ada had suggested other lables, but Brandon does not necessarily agree 20:35:10 Ada: "Power balance"? 20:35:44 q+ 20:35:54 Rik: Would prefer "default" should be do nothing special 20:36:12 Rik & Ada: 20:39:29 Ada: suggesting that the labels should be more descriptive. 20:39:47 Brandon: Tends to agree w/Rik on 'default' 20:40:21 q+ 20:40:47 ... Doesn't want to see anything labeled 20:41:03 ... *performant* be slower than 'default' 20:43:56 q+ 20:44:00 ... May want a layer to be fast over everything else. 20:44:07 ack bajones_ 20:44:08 Ada: Convinced 20:44:14 ack bajones_ 20:45:04 Leonard: Might use 'inherit' instead of 'default' to inherit system settings 20:45:13 ack Leonard 20:45:15 ack CharlesL 20:45:45 Charles: Disability user may not care about visual (for example) quality 20:46:25 Rik: Might be a need to increase contrast (user dependent) 20:46:32 Ada: Hint? 20:46:41 Rik: It is a hint 20:47:04 Brandon: Many accessibility cases are better handled by UA rather than this hint 20:48:24 q? 20:48:38 q+ 20:48:43 ack Brandel 20:48:49 No other discussion, no other topics 20:49:06 Brandel: Place for feedback for how hint is interperted? 20:49:28 Rik: Spec already addresses text clarity and other features 20:50:10 Brandel: More about how this interacts with the user at run-time. 20:51:09 Brandon: Not part of current proposal. Wants to know more about the use case and how developers interact with various responses 20:53:21 Ada: Concern about exposes accessibility info to websites. Info should remain with the UA. 20:54:22 q? 20:55:40 q? 20:55:58 General discussion: About issues and potential solutions. Nothing decided or agreed to 20:57:05 Ada: Please RSVP to F2F in Apr 24&25 (Apple Infinite Loop). No meetup 20:58:23 adarose@apple.com 20:58:32 name, company name, phone number & email 20:58:41 RSVP to adaRose@applie.com. Need name, company, phone, email. 20:58:55 That is @apple.com 20:59:24 20:59:40 Thank you so much Leonard!! 21:02:16 yonet has joined #immersive-web 21:02:19 RRSAgent, make minutes 21:02:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/07-immersive-web-minutes.html yonet 21:02:55 RRSagent, make log public 23:02:54 Zakim has left #immersive-web 23:59:59 s/scribe Leonard/scribe: Leonard/ 23:59:59 meeting: Immersive Web WG/CG bi-weekly call 23:59:59 agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/wg/2023-03-07-Immersive_Web_Working_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 23:59:59 previous meeting: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/wg/2023-02-21-Immersive_Web_Working_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 23:59:59 i|https://github.com/immersive-web/semantic-labels/issues/1|topic: semantic-labels#1 feedback on semantic label repo (cabanier)| 23:59:59 s/Chris W:/ChrisW:/ 23:59:59 i|https://github.com/immersive-web/layers/issues/298|topic: layers#298 Add option to skip the clearing of textures requested (cabanier)| 23:59:59 i|https://github.com/immersive-web/layers/pull/302|topic: layers#302 Add support for higher quality filtering requested (cabanier)| 23:59:59 s/Rik & Ada:/Rik&Ada:/ 23:59:59 i/Ada: Please RSVP to F2F in Apr 24&25 (Apple Infinite Loop). No meetup/topic: upcoming face-to-face/ 23:59:59 s/RSVP to adaRose@applie.com/Ada: RSVP to adaRose@applie.com/ 23:59:59 s/That is @apple.com/Ada: That is @apple.com/