12:01:46 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 12:01:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/06-wot-script-irc 12:01:54 meeting: WoT Scripting API 12:02:00 present+ Kaz_Ashimura 12:04:42 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 12:05:51 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:07:12 cris_ has joined #wot-script 12:09:22 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:09:24 TOPIC: Previous minutes 12:09:26 topic: previous minutes 12:09:28 scribenick: cris_ 12:09:40 s/topic: previous minutes// 12:09:42 -> March 27 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/02/27-wot-script-minutes.html 12:09:49 s/March/Feb/ 12:10:09 dape: we reviewed two PRs 12:10:15 ... and issues 12:10:27 ... we discussed about biblio refs and versioning 12:11:42 ... the summary is that we are going to use git tags and publish more often 12:11:47 ... minutes look good 12:11:53 ... any objections 12:12:07 ... ok approved 12:12:21 zkis has joined #wot-script 12:12:21 topic: Quick updates 12:12:39 dape: remember the Daylight saving time change 12:12:43 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-wg/2023Feb/0015.html 12:12:44 present+ Zoltan_Kis 12:13:45 ... in the next two weeks we are going to accommodate our time slot to compensate with the different time changes in different countries 12:14:09 ... please use the calendar invites 12:14:32 ... does anyone have any problem with the new timing? 12:15:05 cris: it's ok for me 12:15:12 zoltan: good for me too 12:15:31 q+ 12:15:33 dape: I'll ask Cristiano to chair the next two calls 12:15:54 kaz: the time change in Europe is just for two week 12:15:58 dape: correct 12:16:08 s/two week/two weeks/ 12:16:10 ack k 12:16:39 dape: I'd not cancel the calls because we need to finalize the note doc soon 12:16:54 s/0015.html/0015.html Kaz's message on DST change (Member-only)/ 12:17:10 ... other comments? 12:17:24 ... ok 12:17:37 subtopic: Note pubblication 12:17:52 dape: we have two weeks for the pubblication 12:17:56 ... keep it in mind 12:18:12 topic: Next charter 12:18:18 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-charter-drafts/wot-wg-2023-draft.html 12:18:22 dape: please review the current draft 12:18:31 ... scripting is mentioned as other deliverable 12:18:55 ... we didn't talk about if the Scripting API should became a Rec document 12:19:03 ... we should bring this up again 12:19:20 ... Kaz do you want to bring this up in the main call? 12:19:31 kaz: we can ping the chairs beforehand 12:19:48 dape: it is better if you ping them 12:20:09 ... since you also talked with Philip 12:20:13 topic: PRs 12:20:54 dape: let's pick first the easy one 12:21:05 subtopic: PR 460 12:21:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/460 12:21:20 dape: there was a missing dependency in TS definitions 12:21:24 s/should became/should become/ 12:21:31 ... the PR simply updates the package.json 12:21:56 ... any objections? 12:21:59 s/draft.html/draft.html Draft WoT WG Charter/ 12:22:01 ... merged 12:22:08 subtopic: PR 461 12:22:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/461 12:22:18 s/Philip/Philippe/ 12:22:26 dape: it is a PR from my side 12:22:39 ... it tackles optional values 12:22:56 ... in webIDL we have some constraints 12:23:25 s|pull/460|pull/460 PR 460 - add wot-thing-description-types as dependency for scripting api| 12:23:33 ... the PR is very simple in changes the prose 12:23:42 ... to handle undefiend values 12:23:52 s|pull/461|pull/461 PR 461 - add undefined where missing in prose| 12:23:56 ... but do we need this null initialization ? 12:24:57 ... it seems that I cannot use undefined to replace null 12:25:03 zoltan: are you sure? 12:25:17 ... it seems the problem is not related to that change 12:25:31 q? 12:25:35 q+ 12:27:29 zakim, who is on the call? 12:27:30 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis 12:27:30 ack cris 12:28:26 zoltan: actually we can use the error and change the default to {} 12:28:29 cris: I agree 12:29:51 dape: shall I update the TS definitions too? 12:29:57 zoltan: yes 12:30:00 cris: +1 12:31:27 subtopic: PR 462 12:32:00 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/462 12:32:46 s|pull/462|pull/462 PR 462 - Update README.md with versioning information| 12:34:08 q+ 12:34:34 q? 12:34:36 cris: changed the Readme 12:34:42 ... with guidelines for versioning 12:35:13 dape: usually we use snapshot for expiremental features 12:35:14 q+ 12:35:32 ... but for releases we just remove snapshots 12:35:35 q+ 12:35:46 ack dape 12:36:34 ack k 12:36:44 kaz: I was confused, we should clarify which information should be included in each file, together with what major.minor.patch means. 12:37:09 s/I was/I'm a bit/ 12:37:16 s/confused,/confused./ 12:38:13 s/in each file, together with/in which file, in addition to the notation on/ 12:38:38 s/in addition to/along with/ 12:39:40 cris: release tag might be good for pintpoint explicity that we published the doc 12:40:17 ... and I agree we should explain where to put the versioning info and explain major.minor.patch 12:41:05 q? 12:41:08 ack cris_ 12:42:52 cris: how should we decide which version gonna be 12:42:54 ? 12:43:12 s/?/... ?/ 12:43:25 dape: I think we can do at the publication time 12:43:30 cris: +1 12:43:32 1+ 12:43:35 q+ 12:44:55 cris: isn't a little bit confusing to tag stuff with 0.8.1-snapshot and then suddenly change it to 0.9.0 12:45:07 dape: yes but we can't help to do it otherwise 12:45:38 cris: ok I'll capture this in the readme for the next week 12:45:45 subtopic: 463 12:45:48 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/463 12:45:54 s/463/Pr 463/ 12:49:52 We should use https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#record-type 12:50:09 cris: I spot a mistake, I think we are using the wrong key for internal slots 12:50:13 ... in algs 12:51:01 s|pull/463|pull/463 PR 463 - Fix internal slot in event handlers| 12:51:19 zoltan: we should use record instead of pairs 12:52:17 s/pairs/Map/ 12:53:46 zoltan: we should use name too 12:54:26 dape: do we need interaction variable? 12:54:29 cris: probably not 12:54:37 zoltan: yes I agree 12:55:35 zoltan: on the other hand pair is fine 12:56:55 ... actually more modern spec uses tuples 12:57:19 Instead of pair, use tuple https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#tuple 12:59:31 cris: section 9.25 what should happen if there is no event subscription handler? 12:59:48 zoltan: should there be a error ? 13:00:37 q+ 13:00:50 ack c 13:00:59 ack k 13:01:04 cris: maybe 13:01:14 dape: ok closing the call 13:01:26 ... keep in mind that there are some issues tagged with spec improvments 13:01:35 ... that we need to tackle in the next weeks 13:01:46 i/dape/kaz: we're out of time. so let's continue this discussion next week./ 13:01:49 [adjourned] 13:02:01 i/kaz:/scribenick: kaz/ 13:02:11 i/dape:/scribenick: cris_/ 13:02:16 rrsagent, make log public 13:02:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:02:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/06-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 15:00:41 Mizushima has left #wot-script 15:03:22 Zakim has left #wot-script