12:02:52 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 12:02:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-irc 12:02:58 meeting: WoT Profile 12:03:06 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally 12:05:58 Mizushima has joined #wot-profile 12:06:32 McCool has joined #wot-profile 12:06:39 mlagally_ has joined #wot-profile 12:07:27 present+ Ege_Korkan, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:08:48 topic: Housekeeping 12:09:04 ryuichi has joined #wot-profile 12:09:06 ml: proposed agenda, note future agendas for looking at wide review feedback 12:09:22 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Profile_WebConf#Profile_-_March_1st.2C_2023 12:09:25 ml: minutes from Feb 22, 2023 12:09:32 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/02/22-wot-profile-minutes.html Feb-22 12:10:28 ... any objections to approving the call notes? 12:10:33 ... hearing none, approved 12:10:44 topic: wide reviews 12:10:54 ml: to recap, started wide review 12:11:35 ... however, the schedule may need to be updated 12:11:51 mm: note that asked for wide review to create issues in our repo 12:12:57 ml: ok, looks like they have noticed our request, let's see if there are any issues 12:13:04 i|to recap|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/358 wot-profile issue 358 - Wide review| 12:13:05 ... and also any other new issues 12:13:10 rrsagent, make log public 12:13:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:13:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:13:28 ml: seems to be no wide review issues yet 12:13:39 Ege has joined #wot-profile 12:16:15 ml: some followup conversation on cloud message format 12:16:40 q+ 12:16:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:16:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:17:06 chair: Lagally 12:17:34 i/some foll/topic: PR 330/ 12:17:53 .. regarding cloud events, I think we need to make a clear policy decision 12:18:07 ege: suggest however we skip this for now since it's informative 12:18:19 i|some fol|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/330 wot-profile PR 330 - Cloud Events Message Format| 12:18:38 q+ 12:18:40 ack e 12:18:48 ... in particular security and async actions 12:19:09 q? 12:19:12 q+ 12:19:52 ack k 12:19:55 kaz: regarding PR #330, not sure we can discuss without ben 12:20:07 q+ 12:21:22 s/without ben/without Ben. If we need his participation for this PR, we should invite him to one of the Profile calls rather than we discuss this without him today./ 12:21:35 ege: regarding policy, in current spec (maybe old text), said reduce impl burden... 12:21:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:21:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:22:00 mm: still, suggest we prioritize normative topics today; since security is WIP, that leaves async actions 12:22:22 topic: PR 271 12:22:23 topic: Pr 271 12:22:23 https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/271 12:22:34 s/topic: Pr 271// 12:22:51 ml: this is in the normative section, implementation of a conversation we had about identifiers 12:23:10 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/271|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/271 wot-profile PR 271 - Common constraints - identifiers| 12:24:03 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wot-profile/271/885bfe1...2178fa8.html#sec-identifiers diff 12:24:13 s/diff/diff - 8. Identifiers/ 12:24:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:24:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:24:59 q+ 12:26:14 https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/349 12:26:26 mm: issue is we can't have contradictory assertions about requiring immutable identifiers in one place and not allowing them in another 12:26:44 ege: also, in some cases we are repeating assertions already in the TD spec 12:27:14 [[ 12:27:15 Ideally, any required immutable identifiers SHOULD only be made available via affordances, such as a property, whose value can only be obtained after appropriate authentication and authorization, and managed separately from the TD identifier. 12:27:16 ]] 12:27:34 mm: agree with ege; we can have an informative statement referencing another assertion in another spec, but repeating it should be avoided 12:28:02 ege: in the end profiles define TDs which need to follow the TD spec 12:28:13 q+ 12:28:18 ack e 12:28:22 ml: still, TD may have assertions that are not applicable 12:28:43 ... if there are anything contradictory, please point them out, we don't want that 12:29:30 ege: if there are some assertions that are not applicable, if there is a subset, may need a mechanism for this 12:29:52 ... but if it's simply that we don't use some features, don't really have to say anything 12:29:55 q+ 12:31:21 mm: we need to be clear by what we mean by "not using a feature" - it can be not mentioning something, and there can be forbidding use of a feature 12:32:00 ege: question is whether the profile doc can override an assertion in the TD spec 12:32:02 q+ 12:32:08 q? 12:32:16 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/349 related issue 349 - Are all TD 1.1 assertions valid in all profiles? 12:33:08 ml: please create if PR 12:34:16 mm: subset may be confusing; meant in mathematical sense, but... 12:34:31 ... still, suggest we look at actions 12:34:55 kaz: question is which level of text should be included in profile, normative or not, etc. 12:35:28 ... for example, some things could just be guidelines, and then reference other specs for normative content 12:35:40 ... more important things can be normative 12:37:03 ... still seems to be some overlap and confusion that need to decide how to resolve 12:37:23 ... e.g. maybe some TD text should be moved to this spec 12:37:36 q? 12:37:38 ack m 12:37:41 ack k 12:38:02 ml: let's look at P1 issues, esp async actions 12:39:15 q+ 12:40:53 ack m 12:40:58 topic: Actions 12:41:08 ml: specific issues? 12:41:28 ege: remember discussion, not sure there are specific issue, but problem is testing 12:41:34 s/create if PR/create a PR/ 12:41:42 ... some discussion about removing it; how needed is it? 12:41:58 luca_barbato has joined #wot-profile 12:42:12 ... also, it tends to result in large TDs or those that don't follow TD spec 12:42:23 ml: if does not follow, please create issues 12:42:51 i|specific issues|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AP1 Priority 1 issues| 12:42:51 ege: some TDs submitted for testing were very large 12:42:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:42:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:43:05 ml: what is the problem with that? 12:43:24 ege: feel the schema definitions are not being using in the intended way; additional responses being used to model interactions 12:43:41 ml: what is "enough" implementations? 12:43:51 q+ 12:43:55 ege: at least one more on thing side and two more on consumer side 12:44:00 https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/data/input_2022/Profile/TD/Oracle/TDs/BluePump%20WebThing.td.jsonld 12:44:10 ml: want draft first, then implementations 12:44:21 ege: also a question about how needed it is 12:44:39 ... e.g. discussion of removing device flow for OAuth, that's ok 12:44:53 ml: in many use cases async actions are widely used 12:45:15 present+ Luca_Barbato 12:45:19 ... if TD does not allow us to model payload formats, it becomes a problem 12:45:59 ... seems to be overkill to go a binding template for one or two payload formats 12:46:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:46:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 12:46:17 q+ 12:46:22 ... feel that profile is redefining a payload format and behavior 12:46:28 q+ 12:47:12 luca: we tried to implement async actions, do think that actions in general should be treated asynchronously 12:47:32 ... we are missing some features, for example a way to observe actions, part of the problem 12:47:46 ... at least, when we try to implement that part, saw there was a problem 12:47:57 also relevant comment about this: https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/55#discussion_r1114152244 12:48:25 ... but in general, actions *are* asynchronous, if we assume they are synchronous it leads to a lot of problems 12:48:43 ... another issue is multiple invocations of an actions 12:49:14 ... lots of clarification is needed, but in general I don't feel we can get away with not doing then 12:49:43 q+ 12:49:54 ack lu 12:50:21 mm: to clarify, you thing async actions are important, and are working on an implementation? 12:50:35 s/you thing/you think/ 12:50:37 luca: correct, but also see some problems in the current spec, e.g. event mechanism 12:51:12 ml: let me capture the event problem in an issue... 12:51:58 q+ 12:55:10 ack m 12:55:40 mm: note that queuing etc. has various issues and different behavior have different use cases 12:56:00 ... also need to worry about arbitrary space being used for a queue 12:56:18 kaz: think we need to think about where this goes... does it belong in profiles? 12:56:37 ... can discuss it here, but may have to bring to other TFs later 12:56:59 ml: have some problems with that from timeline perspective 12:57:33 ... at end of charter, don't see problem with specifying additional behavior since TDs does not really say anything specific here 12:57:54 ... do feel this behavioral description is a profile topic 12:58:31 kaz: if we really do want to include all this information that is not described by other specs, then spec should be called "Implementation Details" or something 12:58:40 ml: that does not really help anybody... 12:58:41 q+ 12:58:42 q? 12:58:45 ack k 12:59:11 ml: Profiles is about how to use existing features in an unabiguous way, so imo this makes sense 12:59:28 kaz: still, I think this discussion is broader than profiles 12:59:35 ... think we need to think about it more 12:59:54 ml: we do have a spec, an implementer has raised some issues about some loopholes 13:00:14 ... do not want to reopen such fundamental things that have already been decided 13:00:27 ... have a chapter which has already been reviewed, etc. 13:01:08 ege: don't oppose async actions themselves, but feel TD is immature at this point, can't describe some of this 13:01:10 s/about it/about how to describe it within which specification(s)/ 13:01:25 ... also tried to implement queued actions, need to dig into threading, etc. 13:01:41 ... much simpler to implement actions that overwrite another one 13:02:03 ... since queue is more difficult for implementors, so... 13:02:49 ml: propose a consensus, that we remove queuing and use overwriting 13:03:18 mm: agree, KISS principle, but maybe we want an event if an action gets overwritten/cancelled by another action posted 13:03:51 luca: ok, let me look into it and see what I can do about a PR 13:04:08 ml: issue 369 13:04:45 luca_barbato has left #wot-profile 13:05:46 FYI The current actions protocol binding is not a queue. It doesn't say that actions can not be performed in parallel. 13:06:26 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/369#issue-1604939950 comments on Issue 369 based on the discussion today 13:06:29 [adjourned] 13:06:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:06:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/01-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 14:56:06 Mizushima has left #wot-profile 15:04:20 Zakim has left #wot-profile