16:30:11 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 16:30:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/27-waicc-irc 16:30:18 rrsagent, make log world 16:30:19 zakim, clear agenda 16:30:19 meeting: WAI Coordination 16:30:19 chair: MichaelC 16:30:19 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2023Feb/ 16:30:19 scribeOptions: -final 16:30:19 agenda cleared 16:30:19 clear agenda 16:30:19 agenda+ -> Last message date https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2023Feb/ : Monday, 27 February 2023 15:33:36 UTC 16:30:19 agenda+ Archived on: Monday, 27 February 2023 15:33:37 UTC 16:30:19 present+ 16:30:21 regrets+ matatk, jnurthen 16:30:21 janina has joined #waicc 16:30:36 agenda? 16:30:44 zakim, clear agenda 16:30:44 agenda cleared 16:30:59 present+ 16:31:04 agenda+ Infoshare 16:31:07 agenda+ Tracker retirement 16:32:19 maryjom has joined #waicc 16:32:39 agenda+ Transcript saving 16:32:45 agenda+ W3C site beta 16:32:58 Jem has joined #waicc 16:32:58 present+ 16:33:03 present+ 16:33:19 Brent has joined #waicc 16:33:25 agenda+ Call time 16:33:30 agenda+ Next week 16:33:37 present+ 16:33:42 present+ 16:33:51 present+ 16:34:02 present+ Daniel 16:34:12 scribe: Mary Jo Mueller 16:34:13 agenda? 16:34:21 scribe: maryjom 16:34:33 zakim, take up item 1 16:34:33 agendum 1 -- Infoshare -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:35:27 gk: Matt posting last calls for DPUB ARIA 1.1 16:35:38 https://www.w3.org/TR/2023/WD-dpub-aria-1.1-20230222 16:35:42 tzviya: DPUB ARIA 1.1 and AAM 16:35:42 https://www.w3.org/TR/2023/WD-dpub-aam-1.1-20230223 16:36:02 zakim, take up next 16:36:02 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, maryjom 16:36:10 q? 16:36:13 ack g 16:36:14 zakim, take up next 16:36:14 agendum 2 -- Tracker retirement -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:36:41 mc: Lisa noted issues with zakim start meeting command and the replacement for issue tracking. 16:37:02 ...Checked with Ralph today and hope to get things documented better 16:38:10 I use it all the time, but have to do /invite zakim before zakim, start meeting 16:38:27 ...There are ways to make it easier to make sure the meeting name is set, etc. so we'll have instructions on that. 16:38:39 zakim, take up next 16:38:39 agendum 3 -- Transcript saving -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:38:49 https://github.com/w3c/Guide/issues/170 16:39:00 +1 to jania for using invite zakim first. 16:39:35 mc: Above issue opened on this. Suggest anyone who has comments, please add to this issue. 16:40:05 ...This will sit for a few weeks before we get moving on this. 16:40:35 jk: Was hoping this would be an easy issue to address, but it seems it's more complicated. 16:40:54 mc: We actually need a change in policy and need the issues addressed so we can get that change in policy. 16:41:04 ...Our needs without harming others' needs. 16:41:15 zakim, take up next 16:41:15 agendum 4 -- W3C site beta -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:41:36 mc: Beta version of the W3C site will be announced today 16:41:40 https://beta.w3.org/ 16:42:20 mc: It's been under redesign and scaled back. Some amount of addressing accessibility in this redesign. 16:42:42 q+ 16:42:43 ...Take a look at it, and if there's anything blocking your ability to using it let us know. 16:43:07 ...Not all content will be there yet. Don't want you to test, WAI will be looking at it. 16:43:24 Jem The WAI template is different from the W3C template? 16:43:27 Kim_patch has joined #waicc 16:43:40 mc: Yes, we may merge them in the future but not at this time. 16:43:58 It is good to hear because ARIA APG just redo the site with WAI template. 16:44:05 mk: Is that the case for WAI website? It is retaining its current design? 16:44:24 mc: Yes, we are keeping the WAI design. 16:45:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/ is the site which used w3c wai template. 16:45:04 ...at least for the rest of this year. Will look into a rebuild and possible integration with the W3C site, but it's unknown how that will work. 16:45:20 mk: Is the calendaring part of the W3C website? 16:45:39 mc: Yes, it is but we don't know if there are accessibility improvements in that yet. 16:46:18 https://github.com/w3c/w3c-website 16:46:20 mk: Should we be filing new issues for any accessibility issues, or is it the same content as before? 16:46:47 mc: It's useful to file any issues to the w3c-website github repository, link above. 16:47:20 ...Don't know the timeline for review, probably not super-long, but the date will be in the announcement. 16:47:24 zakim, take up next 16:47:24 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, maryjom 16:47:34 q? 16:47:36 ack me 16:47:38 q- 16:47:41 ack j 16:47:41 zakim, take up next 16:47:42 agendum 5 -- Call time -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:48:14 janina: The only conflict with this time remaining was COGA and most people could start that call 1/2 hour earlier. 16:48:38 janina: This will enable Lisa to be able to join this call. They may have that conversation in the COGA meeting today. 16:49:06 mc: Hearing that, we'll drop meeting time from this agenda and keep this call day/time. 16:51:04 mc: One other topic, Making a presentation on transitioning WAI and what staff are focusing on, priorities, connections to W3C. 16:51:39 ...Next WAI coordination call we'll look at the presentation. Want to look at this before CSUN. 16:51:48 rrsagent, make minutes 16:51:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/27-waicc-minutes.html maryjom 17:51:39 janina has left #waicc 19:50:17 kevin has joined #waicc