RDF-star Working Group

23 February 2023


AndyS, Doerthe, Dominik_T, enrico, gkellogg_, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pfps, TallTed, Timothe
AndyS, gkellogg_

Meeting minutes

<gkellogg_> prseent+

ACTION: chairs to contact I18N group to start discussion.

<ghurlbot> Created (with some help) action #31

Pick scribe

<ktk> propose to accept minutes

AndyS: I'll scribe.

Approve last week's minutes

<pchampin> <https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-rdf-star-minutes.html>

ktk: Minutes accepted

Improving the WG process

pfps: WG processes shoudl be regularized.

gkellogg_: There is a github project but isn't getting used.
… hard to keep track of all GH repos
… pfps suggested using WG repo for WG issues.

TallTed: the chairs could please create a boilerplate agenda, to be populated with list items for each document
… chairs could put state in the agenda, and rotate eachmeeting so nothing gets lost

<pfps> my comments on agenda and minutes are at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Feb/0155.html

pfps: issue is finding the bits and pieces - one place to go.
… agenda is appearing on the day, not 24 hours before meeting

<TallTed> +1 to agenda email being sent earlier would be better. calendar is generally best holding a link to that email, rather than a complete agenda

<Zakim> gkellogg_, you wanted to propose that we normalize the use of the calendar for setting the agenda and reference to meeting minutes

<gkellogg_> https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/rdf-star

gkellogg_: We have a home page https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/rdf-star

<gkellogg_> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/8a431cda-d732-4c77-a896-be3a6e4a0028/20230223T120000

gkellogg_: each meeting, past and upcoming events
… with agenda - agendabot help.

<pfps> my concern about the calendar is that many meetings don't have agenda in them

gkellogg_: shoudl use GH to see the state of the many doc repos
… not sure how search across minutes is done

pfps: link to minutes
… searching

<pfps> minutes at https://www.w3.org/services/meeting-minutes?channel=rdf-star&num=200

Tallted: please use the queue

<pfps> agreed queue discipline is a good idea (and I am a prime offender)

Tallted: suggest one README with all WG details, to which all other repo READMEs link

Timothe: for the agenda - projectbot for rdf-star
… must urgent issues

<gkellogg_> Group dashboard: https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to say that so far we have beeen discussing agenda communication, but there is also the problem of controlling technical activities of the working group

TallTed: what is problem you (pfps) see?

pfps: implied WG work in docs.

pfps: concerned that the GH issues process will not work.

AndyS: Don't think the group will come to consensus on this topic.

ktk: Chairs informed - will bring back a proposal

Different semantics of quoted triples

enrico: Summary ...
… use cases all fall into 3 classes : syntactic, semantic and modal.
… semantic ?

<ora> Sorry I was late. :-(

enrico: syntax: <<>> is just a triple
… not events. meta data can be about the event or the triple - different use cases.
… reified triple is instance of a resource for the event. Model predications.
… consequences:
… semantic predication - asserts triple, is transparent. Is true as an event.
… syntax predication - from CG - non-transparent/transparent -> instance of "syntax triple"
… different syntax for two cases.
… a quoting operation
… original 3 symbols, now think we can have one syntax and quoting mechanism
… I think multiedge is solved in std RDF.

Timothe: semantic and modal difference is that in semantic triple is asserted. Modal case, it is instance of statement class

<TallTed> so there are different entity classes -- events and "things"?

TallTed: asking whether it is two classes

enrico: special syntax for syntactic triples.
… embedded triples are instance of events e.g. wedding
… "is recorded" means the triple, other metadata refers to the event

enrico: sem reif - more properties about the event e..g year of enrollement
… triple of the enrolling, there is an "enrolling" resource

<pfps> it's unclear to me whether LPGs can representing anything other than binary predicates either

<Zakim> AndyS, you wanted to ask anout relationship to n-ary proprties

ora: example - university - KG of classes, faculty members, publications.
… is it a snapshot in time or a historical record?
… e.g. adjunct professor becomes full professor
… plain RDF - need a have something in the model that abales and expects this change

enrico: not just time and space

ora: also when was this triple added to the KG

enrico: many systems have a separate metamodel

ktk: we do event modelling in RDF makes "now" hard to express. RDF-star enable adding unplanned extra information.


ora: did reach out to I18N to find out how to coordinate

<gkellogg_> Regrets for next two meetings

ktk: next meeting - next week, same time.

Summary of action items

  1. chairs to contact I18N group to start discussion.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 215 (Thu Feb 23 14:56:49 2023 UTC).