17:56:28 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:56:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/23-aria-irc 17:56:32 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:57:03 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:57:03 meeting: ARIA WG 17:57:03 agendabot, find agenda 17:57:03 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:57:03 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/665c08c6-871d-4f53-a758-d6259ca56ca1/20230223T130000 17:57:03 clear agenda 17:57:03 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3SnZN9Q 17:57:03 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3IlmFC3 17:57:03 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates 17:57:03 agenda+ F2F Planning - May 3/4 in Seattle, WA - host Adobe 17:57:03 agenda+ -> should aria-expanded be allowed on searchbox and textbox? #1875 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1875 17:57:28 Adam_Page has joined #aria 17:58:34 scotto has joined #aria 17:58:41 pkra has joined #aria 18:01:31 agenda? 18:01:32 spectranaut_ has joined #aria 18:01:52 siri has joined #aria 18:02:12 scribe: pkra 18:02:19 arigilmore has joined #aria 18:02:25 present+ 18:02:29 present+ 18:02:30 present+ 18:02:36 present+ 18:03:23 present+ 18:03:29 zakim, next item 18:03:29 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3SnZN9Q -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:04:55 spectranaut_: w3c/core-aam #165 18:04:56 melsumner has joined #aria 18:05:18 scotto: move to html-aam 18:05:26 ... there's already a PR there. 18:05:39 jnurthen: should we just close with link? 18:05:43 scotto: sounds good. 18:05:53 https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/pull/446 18:06:06 spectranaut_: will do 18:06:56 ... next w3c/aria #1877 another from Anne 18:07:17 ... about tooling 18:07:42 StefanS has joined #aria 18:07:53 present+ 18:08:33 pkra: assign to me for the chairs meeting 18:08:42 jnurthen: yes, editors' issue 18:09:06 spectranaut_: next w3c/html-aam #461 18:09:18 scotto: it's a clarification 18:09:50 ... I'll make it clearer, help to connect the dots 18:09:59 spectranaut_: w3c/aria #1875 18:10:01 ... on agenda 18:10:09 zakim, next item 18:10:09 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3IlmFC3 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:10:17 present+ Daniel 18:10:21 spectranaut_: w3c/aria #1876 18:10:25 ... mixins 18:11:02 ... upstream is merged 18:11:06 ... we can un-draft it again. 18:11:38 jnurthen: can we ask Alice? 18:11:44 spectranaut_: yes! 18:12:22 jnurthen: cynthia would also be a good reviewr. 18:12:38 ... will also ask in AOM meeting. 18:12:58 spectranaut_: next up: w3c/aria #1873 18:13:24 ari: there was already some discussion. 18:14:06 ... 1-9 seems fine across the board, the rest a bit iffy 18:14:20 mattking: I thought 8 was the limit. 18:14:28 spectranaut_: jawsTest did a bunch of testing 18:14:57 ... JAWS struggling with greater than 6 18:15:10 jnurthen: it's not a browser problem. 18:15:18 mattking: sounds like an ARIA-AT test in the making 18:15:53 spectranaut_: PR limits authors to 6 18:15:58 mattking: so then just like HTML 18:16:15 spectranaut_: more because every browser+AT combo supports it. 18:16:45 ... pkra and scotto suggested that it's more a browser / AT bug 18:16:54 scotto: I didn't suggest a limit. 18:16:55 pkra: me neither 18:17:13 I think we should support what HTML does and not do more than that. 18:17:17 scotto: [channeling jcraig a bit] 18:17:30 mattking: it's a structuring problem of course. 18:17:37 ... no way to navigate with AT etc 18:18:01 sarah_higley has joined #aria 18:18:16 ... if we align with HTML, then we only go to 6. 18:20:02 pkra: I feel like while it's a bad idea, we would be breaking existing implementations. Stopping at 6 when there's more that's supported seems unnecessayr 18:20:06 mattking: use cases? 18:20:12 scotto: I recall a code editor 18:20:28 CurtBellew has joined #aria 18:21:09 pkra: I know use cases in publishing. 18:21:15 present+ 18:21:21 ... but they are niche and practically frequently rewritten 18:21:35 spectranaut_: maybe we should talk to browsers and AT about the inconsistencies 18:22:00 if we were to change would need to file a WCAG issue https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/aria#:~:text=ARIA%20Techniques%20for%20WCAG%202.0%201%20ARIA1%3A%20Using,role%20of%20a%20user%20interface%20component%20Applicability%20 18:22:16 scotto: maybe the PR should add a note that best practice is 1 through 6, the problems with going beyond it. 18:22:20 ... e.g., number keys in AT 18:22:36 https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/aria/ARIA12 18:22:50 mattking: e.g., VoiceOver has a "find next of same type" which would theoretically work. 18:22:59 scotto: and just H key would not skip. 18:23:11 q+ 18:23:14 mattking: I like the idea of a note. 18:23:32 pkra: +1 18:23:46 q? 18:23:50 jnurthen: I added a link to a WCAG technique referring to level 7./ 18:24:01 spectranaut_: could aria-at help here? 18:24:09 mattking: yes, we could do that. 18:24:28 q+ 18:24:29 ... it could get AT to support the level we want 18:24:34 q 18:24:35 q? 18:24:42 q- 18:24:43 ack melsumner 18:25:05 melsumner: the wcag documentation is a made up example so I feel that should be abel to change 18:25:21 ... it's a cognitive issue. 6 levels are too much. 18:25:36 q? 18:25:38 ... we should not support problematic use cases. 18:26:09 q+ 18:26:22 mattking: would the note be sufficient? If there's a specific use case, then why deny it? 18:26:38 q+ 18:26:45 melsumner: there's a difference between what's allowed and what is a good idea. 18:26:58 ... allowed becoming an escape hatch 18:27:13 q+ 18:27:35 ack StefanS 18:27:37 StefanS: this is potentially related to other number dependent properties, e.g., aria-level 18:27:55 ... no theoretic limit but cognitive one. 18:28:01 q- 18:28:03 ack spectranaut_ 18:28:19 spectranaut_: APG exists for more specific guidance. 18:28:26 Matt_King has joined #aria 18:28:30 ... Ari opened an issue there beforehand. 18:28:34 present+ 18:28:58 ... jcraig, scott added that sometimes there are edge cases that are still usable, based on usability research. Not sure we should limit that. 18:29:14 ... if there's a book, e.g., art or poetry, then perhaps that's something that works. 18:29:29 q? 18:29:29 ... in a "regular" situation, this is not what authors should do. 18:29:33 ack me 18:30:13 jamesn: I also think we should limit ourselves to technically possible. E.g., legal documentation is such an example. 18:30:44 ... e.g., documents as a single page in shorter form, then lower level headings, but combined together it has additional levels. 18:30:54 ack scotto 18:31:35 scotto: even wcag is vague sometimes about what's good. e.g., keyboard navigable does not have to be "good". 18:31:59 ... which is why we should have a note to make it clear what is good practice vs what's technically possible. 18:32:44 ari: I will work on a note. 18:33:23 StefanS: so this feels like APG territory, including aria-level. 18:33:54 ... so heading maybe up to 7, maybe trees are different etc. 18:33:58 zakim, next item 18:33:58 agendum 3 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:34:18 spectranaut_: mininum role next week 18:34:37 ... then continue to discuss secondary actions at F2F 18:35:02 https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/e957ab02-020d-4e5d-9f31-65505f8b1d82 18:35:09 zakim, next item 18:35:09 agendum 4 -- F2F Planning - May 3/4 in Seattle, WA - host Adobe -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:35:43 jnurthen: please re-check deep dive meeting details - they have changed. 18:36:01 spectranaut_: F2F planning. 18:36:20 jnurthen: there's availability for a room at Adobe. 18:36:27 ... wait with flights until we have confirmation 18:37:03 spectranaut_: remember to add F2F candidate label on PRs and issues when you want to discuss those 18:37:18 ... it's important for people to decide if they attend 18:37:46 mattking: are there issue marked for longer workshop-like sessions? 18:37:57 jnurthen: not yet. 18:38:01 ... maybe openUI 18:38:10 ... more thoughts on fixing tables. 18:38:20 ... I would like those but nothing firm. 18:38:26 +100 to tables 18:38:53 mattking: any information on accomodations around the location? 18:39:26 jnurthen: I think it's not ideal. 18:40:00 sarah_higley: fremont neighborhood. lots of restaurants etc around it. good bus connections. 18:40:42 zakim, next item 18:40:42 agendum 5 -- -> should aria-expanded be allowed on searchbox and textbox? #1875 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1875 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:41:04 jnurthen: seemed like a spec inconsistency. 18:41:18 ... searchbox and textbox allow auto completion 18:41:37 ... but aria-expanded is not allowed. 18:42:02 ... should it be allowed? Should auto-complete only be limited? 18:42:13 q+ 18:42:22 mattking: an interesting conundrum. 18:42:42 q+ 18:43:24 q? 18:43:26 ... on a search box, it becomes a kind of combo box. primary use case for text box is probably type-ahead. 18:43:41 ... doesn't make sense for single line text box, then it's just a combo box. 18:44:18 scotto: we had some discussions with product team. They wanted to do this but we suggested combo box. 18:44:43 ... search box is another example. Usually you get "search, search box". 18:45:15 ... so we were wondering about the functional difference. 18:45:25 ... does it really need to go on a search? 18:45:41 usually search boxes that provide suggestions are marked up as combobox 18:45:54 ... e.g., ghosting autocomplete, hitting tab to complete, should that really be a combobox? 18:46:02 ack scotto 18:46:05 ack sarah_higley 18:46:13 q+ 18:46:36 sarah_higley: adding to that. From usability studies on combo-box. people expect to pick from options, not a lot of people start typing. 18:46:56 ... especially screenreader users responded that they didn't expect they could type. 18:47:14 ... despite scenario descriptions that might have hinted at it. 18:47:34 ... combobox is not the most useful role for a search box. 18:47:46 ... feels like expanded is the one thing that's missing. everything else is there. 18:48:18 ... then content editable situations isare another example that's not a combo box. 18:49:28 mattking: need a purpose for search box role; specifying, what it really is. 18:49:40 ... html select maps to combo-box when size is 1. 18:50:04 ... in OSs there's been an editable combo-box for a long while. 18:50:11 ... very differently announced, too. 18:50:26 ... also maps to combobox.... but this has been a rather problematic pattern for some time, and people don't often like it because the datalist can't be styled 18:50:31 q? 18:50:34 ack Matt_King 18:51:02 ... to make a text box with all the features of combo box is just that but announced as text box. 18:51:21 ... that would force AT to announce all properties to make users aware 18:51:39 sarah_higley: free form box was throwing people. The fact that they could type something that wasn't in the suggestions. 18:52:17 mattking: interesting. maybe it's more appropriate to say it's a text box in that case. E.g., VS Code in the search field, it's actually a multiline text field. 18:52:31 ... when you write a long regular expression, it wraps. 18:52:39 ... you can move outside it and it might change to previous search. 18:52:51 ... I don't think aria provides a good solution to that. 18:53:39 Adam_Page: examples I run into is type ahead vs results presented as list. was search box role suggested to cover both cases? 18:53:58 siri: we have different types of combo boxes, e.g. as adam mentioned. 18:54:36 mattking: I feel we haven't decided what search box is 18:55:17 ... e.g., search in iOS doesn't work like typeahead but you might see a list of suggested results. It doesn't have an equivalent to expanded/collapsed in iOS. 18:55:30 ... I don't really know if the role search box is valuable to AT users or not. 18:55:52 q+ 18:56:00 ... if we tried to make a distinction, I'm not sure those are going to end up helping users. 18:56:02 q+ 18:56:15 ... I always feel fewer roles are better. 18:56:28 ... then explain what it does to users. 18:56:33 ... more roles risk more confusion. 18:56:46 ack sarah_higley 18:57:13 sarah_higley: in theory I agree, in practice I found when allowing free text input and suggestions, combo box is not the best solution for end users. 18:57:18 ... so feel like allowing it. 18:57:23 ... textbox I find more difficult. 18:57:36 ... primary use case seems to be a multiline input. 18:57:48 ... that implies to authors they can remake the combo box role witout combobox 18:58:00 ... seems like edge case for text box but main case for a combo box pattern. 18:58:17 ... if we don't allow it - since we already have active descendant - I feel either both or neither. 18:58:29 q? 18:58:31 mattking: but in multiline is not expanding something, right? 18:58:39 zakim, close the queue 18:58:39 ok, jamesn, the speaker queue is closed 18:58:57 ... the span that triggers the expansion is the thing that is expanded. not the parent text area. 18:59:04 ... that feels hard to solve. 18:59:17 sarah_higley: but the focus is on the parent. 18:59:25 mattking: but caret is inside 18:59:37 sarah_higley: almost as if the web wasn't designed for editable documents ;-) 18:59:49 jnurthen: I'd love to find something useful to do for search box. 18:59:56 ... seems like nobody knows something useful to do with it. 19:00:11 scotto: if you put expanded on it, NVDA turns it into a menu-item. 19:00:43 spectranaut_: are there next steps? 19:01:26 mattking: feels like we haven't done this because the other use cases are a bit undefined. free form text input where something inside triggers popup 19:01:33 ... is something we don't have a solid pattern for. 19:01:49 ... maybe approach this from use case perspective instead of starting from aria. 19:02:32 jnurthen: we should just solve 1 or 2. The it's at least useful. 19:02:37 ... something for openUI perhaps, too. 19:02:52 present+ 19:03:01 present+ 19:03:03 RRSAgent: make minutes 19:03:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/23-aria-minutes.html pkra 19:03:12 RRSAgent, make minutes 19:03:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/23-aria-minutes.html pkra 19:22:38 jongund has joined #aria 20:02:45 jongund has joined #aria 20:03:45 jongund has joined #aria 20:04:30 howard-e has joined #aria 20:16:18 jongund has joined #aria 20:49:13 jongund has joined #aria 21:15:43 howard-e has joined #aria 21:51:13 howard-e has joined #aria 22:02:58 jongund has joined #aria 22:15:34 jongund has joined #aria 23:11:31 jongund has joined #aria