Publishing Community Group, Education Task Force Telecon

22 February 2023


Bill_Kasdorf, CharlesL, JF, sue_neu, tzviya, wolfgang
Paul Belfanti

Meeting minutes

Paul: Susan you were working on a few use cases?

Susan: I will post a link


Paul: Let's take a minute to read through this

JF: Do we know that Academic publishers may respond to more options, because typically are conservative

Wolfgang: This could be a quesiton of economics, publishers may think it is too costly if there is no market

John: I think that might be too declarative, we may see more use in K-12

Bill: This issue may have a generational aspect. Old established faculty vs. newly minted PHD who grew up with Social Media

Paul: True! Who says digital native anymore..

I'm interested in the bullit "better way to express immersive culture" There may be a way in humanities or other disciplines that it becomes the preferred way.

<JF> acl p

<wolfgang> Sue: interviewee , academic librarian and project manager said: "If academic publishers knew they could disseminate this kind of work they would be willing to take more chances"

Susan: That quote came from an interviewee, who works in the open access academic space

John: about better expression of culture, one use is language, like sample pronunciation. Maybe even STEM, learning to pronounce multisyllabic words...

I remember a project from WGBH related to the Genome project that used a javascript library that let users access a timeline to access videos

John: I see something like that being integrated into ePub

Charles: At the diagram center we put interactive content into a book on STEM, interactive SVG, physics simulations, you could move John Travolta's foot or hand, with sound clips...

<JF> FYI: http://ncamftp.wgbh.org/rd/hgp/hgp.html

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to say that this already exists in ScholPub

I can see with 3D and VR being put into these, even though EPUB includes javascript, we could show more

Tzviya: Do these things exist elsewhere, what are we trying to accomplish? Is the issue that a linked database, repository, isn't linked into a package? Is the problem that people don't have a system that binds these experiences togetgher...

Is the problem tooling? bookness? What are we trying to address here?

Paul: It could be that this is a case of education or promoting better adoption. It's not really clear what the obstacles are if it is not technical

Bill: I can give you examples of platforms that do exactly this. Fulcrum at the U of Michigan. U of Minnesota Manifold...

In those cases, sometimes they are talking about articles or books...

I'm the guy who keeps saying "What do we want from the web?" Not necessarily what do we want from EPUB. People are already doing that, the web has this.

Charles: If you are doing a research project, and you want to have a book at the end, you'd like it all bound together, a book if we want to call it...

So I can get a copy of that person's work

Charles: websites go down

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to go back to the question of "bundles"

Tzviya: The common theme is bundle, I disagree that we waant to include a jupiter notebook, it would be too much data...

It is similar to the use case I sent about higher education/courses
… It's not necessarily a thing, but a place were we can find things. We worked on a manifest, a json-based manifest...
… this could be very flexible. The current version is pretty straightforward

<JF> +1 to "manifest" files

<tzviya> use case: Higher Education no longer revolves around books but courses. Books (often in the EPUB format) are available to students, but the primary UI is courses. This means that pieces of text are offered to the student along with video, test questions, and other interactive elements. The thing called a “course” is not standardized. It might just be something that lists what the course contains. We might consider working with 1EdTech

<tzviya> (formerly IMS Global) to better document the needs.

<tzviya> https://www.w3.org/TR/pub-manifest/

Susan: I agree. There could be connection between the two use cases—

<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask if there is an intersection with those manifest files and scorm compliance?

John: Is there a relationship between courseware and SQURM course ware specification?

Tzviya: What we're talking about here is the elements within the course, but not the course itself. Other course managements systems are in use. There would need to be a level of awareness with ed tech

Paul: I feel we are ready to bring this to the publishing community group

Wolfgang: It would make sense, doing this, it would make sense to get some criteria, two or three aspects and write them down. To pin it down: is this solutions for epub? for the web?

Bill: I think we are actually talking about two use cases. Susan articulated a need for non-text content. The other use case is talking about "course" rather than "book" They are related but not necessarily the same
… we need to focus ont he course, not necessarily the book anymore.

Bill: I think we should bring them both up at the same time since they are related

Paul: we need to bring the course Use Case to a bit more maturity, get it into GIT.

Paul: I think we need to present the non-text use case first. So we don't cross the wires so to speak

Paul: the non-text use case may be a matter of education, dissemination. The course ware use case will require some technical changes

Wolfgang: A big difference between the book and the course is that the book is to be consumed. A course is more directed to a type of learner with exercises and feedback...

there is common ground but they are different. These are two issues with links between them.

Paul: to Charles' point, there is an issue of permance here, too. A course is more ephemeral

Bill: A book has to be citable.

Paul: I think we are in agreement that we are ready to bring Susan's Use Case to the Publishing group in two weeks.

Susan: an additional difference is that courses should be modifiable

Paul: There is not a presumption of permanence about a course.

Paul: any other topics or comments?

We can call this a successfull meeting

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


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Maybe present: Bill, Charles, John, Paul, Susan

All speakers: Bill, Charles, JF, John, Paul, Susan, Tzviya, Wolfgang

Active on IRC: Bill_Kasdorf, CharlesL, JF, Paul_B, sue_neu, tzviya, wolfgang