11:54:28 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 11:54:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/20-wot-script-irc 11:54:47 meeting: WoT Scripting API 11:57:00 present+ Kaz_Ashimura 12:01:34 cris_ has joined #wot-script 12:02:49 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#February_20.2C_2023 12:03:11 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner 12:03:24 dape has joined #wot-script 12:05:15 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 12:07:00 scribe: dape 12:07:18 TOPIC: Previous minutes 12:07:23 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/02/06-wot-script-minutes.html 12:07:29 CR: 2 minor issues 12:07:34 Kaz: fixed 12:08:45 s/CR:/CA: 12:09:25 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:09:26 CA: Minutes are accepted 12:09:33 TOPIC: Quick updates 12:09:51 CA: checked list w.r.t. to spec improvements 12:10:12 ... 1 month time-frame should be ok 12:10:17 q+ 12:10:53 DP: reasonable plan 12:11:00 Kaz: fine by me also 12:11:16 ... could add it to schedule.md document 12:11:28 https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md 12:11:50 s/schedule.md/schedule MD/ 12:11:54 CA: will create issue 12:12:30 Kaz: Or PR directly 12:12:42 ... mention resolution in main call 12:13:37 CA: Issue is # 453 12:13:49 https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/453 12:15:13 PROPOSAL: Publish update to Scripting API document (18th of March) 12:16:01 zkis has joined #wot-script 12:16:05 PROPOSAL: Publish update to Scripting API document (18th of March). Task-forces finalizes review 2 weeks before the publication date. 12:17:34 present+ Zoltan_Kis 12:17:35 present+ Zoltan_Kis 12:18:00 PROPOSAL: Publish update to Scripting API document (27th of March). Task-force finalizes review 2 weeks before the publication date. 12:18:36 q+ 12:19:14 ZK: 2 weeks to handle the document 12:19:20 ... I think this is not enough 12:19:37 Kaz: The plan is okay.. 12:19:49 ... 2 weeks for the whole group review 12:20:54 PROPOSAL: Publish update to Scripting API document (30th of March). Task-force finalizes review 2 weeks before the publication date (13th of March). 12:20:58 s/2 weeks/but please remember/ 12:21:03 CA: maybe shift by 1 or 2 weeks 12:21:18 s/group review/group review, and we usually bring the draft for publication to the main call on Wednesday./ 12:22:03 PROPOSAL: Publish update to Scripting API document (14th of April). Task-force finalizes review 2 weeks before the publication date (27th of March). 12:22:35 CA: Looks good to me 12:22:39 DP: +1 12:23:07 PROPOSAL: Publish update to Scripting API document (13th of April). Task-force finalizes review 2 weeks before the publication date (27th of March). 12:23:48 RESOLUTION: Publish update to Scripting API document (13th of April). Task-force finalizes review 2 weeks before the publication date (27th of March). 12:24:30 TOPIC: Next charter review 12:24:42 SUBTOPIC: Current status 12:24:51 q? 12:24:53 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-charter-drafts/wot-wg-2023-draft.html 12:24:57 q- 12:24:57 a+ 12:25:25 s/a+// 12:25:26 q+ 12:25:32 CA: I think the description is fine 12:26:06 Kaz: mentioned during charter call. Charter draft still far from AC review 12:26:24 ... need some more text to describe the intentions 12:26:38 ... from the Scripting API viewpoint is clear 12:26:45 ... I talked with PLH 12:27:01 ... we might want to have more discussions 12:27:18 ... preliminary review is possible 12:27:40 ... *nicer* to have Scripting API on REC track 12:27:58 ... that's why we want to try normative Note track 12:28:24 ... PLH asks us to think about REC 12:28:53 ... technically we can try normative note 12:28:56 q+ 12:29:02 ack k 12:29:15 CA: I agree with stronger recommendation 12:29:20 s/the intentions/the WoT WG's intentions/ 12:29:39 s/from the S/the S/ 12:29:39 ... however, moving to REC might cause problems (2 major companies) 12:29:47 s/is clear/s clear, though/ 12:29:52 ... how to convince them 12:30:14 s/I talked/next point is Note or REC, and I talked with PLH about that again./ 12:30:15 ... we can talk in main call 12:31:19 s/PLH asks/I personally still think it would be nicer to make it a REC, and PLH agrees./ 12:31:22 DP: I would still go with normative Note 12:31:45 ... 2nd comment, I think security task-force want to move to the same not style 12:32:01 ack k 12:32:07 s/move to the same not style/move to the same note style 12:32:08 ack dape 12:32:14 rrsagent, make log public 12:32:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:32:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/20-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:32:30 CA: Hard to decide now 12:32:49 ... at least the description looks fine 12:33:05 ... w.r.t. to note type we should have a dedicated call 12:33:11 ... inviting maybe PLH 12:33:36 Kaz: Charter discussions still ongoing 12:33:52 ... PLH might join charter call in a week 12:34:21 s/in a week/at some point/ 12:34:26 CA: 1 more week charter discussions? 12:34:45 Kaz: Need to clarify how to proceed charter discussions 12:35:27 s/Need/The WoT WG as a whole need/ 12:35:33 s/proceed/proceed with/ 12:35:34 CA: have dedicated issue 12:35:37 SUBTOPIC: Next charter discussion 12:35:51 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/422 12:36:07 CA: I will add a reminder text to this issue 12:36:36 TOPIC: PRs 12:37:17 SUBTOPIC: PR #452 12:37:18 https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/452 12:37:34 CA: Simple PR 12:37:40 ... fixes some typos 12:38:07 ... I am ok with it. Shall we merge? 12:38:14 I am OK 12:38:56 CA: Ok, let's merge 12:39:08 SUBTOPIC: PR #451 12:39:16 https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/451 12:41:05 DP: Updates links to most recent documentation 12:41:15 CA: updates to links in text 12:41:40 ... we might want to use bib references in text 12:41:49 ... will create issue after this PR 12:41:49 LGTM 12:42:39 Kaz: using dated URI is correct. Looks good 12:42:49 CA: Let's merge 12:43:22 ... I will create issue about bib references in text 12:44:11 ... Issue #454 12:44:18 https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/454 12:44:35 SUBTOPIC: PR # 450 12:44:44 CA: Substantial PR 12:44:55 ... PR is almost ready 12:45:14 ... I think I found one more issue 12:45:47 ZK: I think should go in another PR 12:46:40 ... suggest to take a look at text changes 12:47:11 12:48:00 ... additional step: if data is there or not. Implementation can choose 12:48:23 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/zolkis/wot-scripting-api/pull/450.html#the-emitpropertychange-method Preview - https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/zolkis/wot-scripting-api/pull/450.html#the-emitpropertychange-method 12:48:29 ... doing so we can fulfill Eges use-case 12:48:46 ZK: Shall we wait for Eges approval? 12:48:51 CA: I think I sae 12:49:04 s/sae/saw 👍 12:49:34 ZK: let's create another issue about CAs comment in the PR 12:49:44 .. issue # 455 12:50:36 CA: The PR450 looks good 12:51:07 ... node-wot does not support this yet 12:51:16 DP: PR lgtm 12:51:51 CA: merging 12:52:08 TOPIC: Issues 12:52:29 SUBTOPIC: Issue #224 12:52:32 https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/224 12:52:39 CA: old issue 12:52:55 ... how to handle different versions 12:53:14 ... how to point to dedicated document version 12:53:36 ... I collected use-case 12:53:46 ... node.js has version field 12:54:35 ... web platform goes towards living standard 12:54:41 ZK: for web specs 12:54:57 ... recommended to keep spec & implementation up-to-date 12:55:02 ... web is moving 12:55:14 ... latest version should be good enough 12:55:40 ... people can refer to older versions? 12:56:04 CA: Does that mean we should provide links to older version 12:56:29 ZK: not working with versions. Should be kept up-to-date and in sync 12:56:42 CA: How should we proceed? 12:56:49 ... publish more often? 12:57:24 ZK: I think it started with node-wot versioning 12:58:30 CA: Problem is that we do not have a recent published document 13:00:37 q+ 13:00:49 DP: node-wot has 0.7 branch with published spec. 0.8 on master branch is on the leading edge 13:02:09 CA: TypeScript uses dated version .. not possible to keep TD in sync with spec document 13:02:48 ... out of time 13:03:08 [adjourned] 14:41:56 Mizushima has left #wot-script 15:31:33 Zakim has left #wot-script