15:58:40 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 15:58:45 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/20-waicc-irc 15:58:45 Zakim has joined #waicc 15:58:45 rrsagent, make log world 15:58:46 zakim, clear agenda 15:58:46 meeting: WAI Coordination 15:58:46 agenda cleared 15:58:46 chair: MichaelC 15:58:46 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2023Feb/0011.html 15:58:46 clear agenda 15:58:46 agenda+ Infoshare 15:58:46 agenda+ Tracker retirement; archiving, migration 15:58:46 agenda+ Transcript saving 15:58:46 agenda+ Group coordination 15:58:47 scribeOptions: -final 15:58:47 agenda+ Call time 15:58:50 present+ 15:58:58 regrets+ JamesN 16:30:37 maryjom has joined #waicc 16:30:41 matatk has joined #waicc 16:31:09 kevin has joined #waicc 16:31:30 present+ 16:32:43 present+ 16:32:52 jeanne has joined #waicc 16:32:59 janina has joined #waicc 16:33:00 scribe+ jeanne 16:33:01 Jem has joined #waicc 16:33:03 present+ 16:33:05 present+ jeanne 16:33:09 agenda+ Review of WAI plans in 2 weeks 16:33:11 present+ 16:33:12 present+ 16:33:15 zakim, take up item 1 16:33:15 agendum 1 -- Infoshare -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:34:35 Matt: Last week I did a webinar about what APA and WAI are working on it. I got someone who is interested in EO's work. I sent them the info to join or at least give feedback. 16:34:53 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:35:02 ... I'll send a link to this list about the webinar when it becomes available. 16:35:37 Daniel: There will soon be a working draft for wide review for DPUB ARIA and DPUB @@ 16:35:44 zakim, take up next 16:35:44 agendum 2 -- Tracker retirement; archiving, migration -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:35:49 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:36:05 present+ 16:36:26 Michael: I have been seeking to systems about retireing Tracker. They will be archived so they won't go away, they just can't be edited anymore 16:36:39 q+ 16:36:50 s/ been seeking / been talking 16:37:02 Jemma: Will they be migrated to Github? 16:37:12 Michael: That's up to the group 16:37:32 ... March 31st is the date unless we come up with blockers 16:38:08 Janina: Migrating into Github is interesting. Can we integrate them with IRC? 16:38:20 https://github.com/w3c/GHURLBot 16:38:30 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:38:35 Michael: There is a gbot to do that 16:39:07 lisa has joined #waicc 16:39:23 https://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html 16:39:35 Lisa: What are the commands that are related to trackbot that are being deprecated? 16:40:10 q? 16:40:11 Michael, most of the common commands have been migrated to Zakim: like Trackbot, start meeting is now Zakim, start meeting? 16:40:12 ack m 16:40:22 present+ 16:40:29 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:40:33 present+ Daniel 16:40:50 q+ 16:40:55 Matt: We would like to be able to assign people to horizontal review and respond to dashboard issues. We don't have permission to assign or change labels in Github. 16:41:02 ack me 16:41:42 ack me 16:41:46 Michael: Roy has it on his list to discuss with PLH and see what can be done. It's possible that assigning issues can be tackled. 16:42:11 ... if you want to discuss it in the future, let me know so I can add it. 16:42:17 zakim, take up next 16:42:17 agendum 3 -- Transcript saving -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:42:21 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2023Feb/0012.html 16:42:29 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:43:00 Michael: I sent out a draft. Please comment. It's a discussion opener. 16:43:17 q+ 16:43:38 ack m 16:43:40 ... I propose that unless objections are raised on list in two days, I would file this for the Guide repository or the AB repository. 16:44:05 MaryJo: Is the idea to use Transcripts instead of scribing? 16:44:37 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:44:37 Michael: Only if they are marked as being edited and reviewed. 16:44:54 MaryJo: What will we do about people saying things that they don't want on the record. 16:45:02 Michael: That needs to be addressed 16:46:17 q+ 16:46:18 Jemma: I raised this issue for a task force that is having a hard time finding a scribe. When someone tried to scribe and we wanted to go back to the transcript to get the technical details from the transcript. That was why I raised the issue. 16:46:24 q+ 16:46:42 q- 16:47:06 ack g 16:47:18 George: Is this being proposed across W3C? 16:47:53 Michael: it's a W3C-wide policy that transcripts are not saved, so it will have to be a W3C policy. 16:48:10 "Before enabling automatic transcriptions, the meeting chair must ask those present for consent to enabling transcription and must not permit the meeting host to enable transcription if any participant withholds consent. " 16:48:20 George: Can the transcript feature be turned off so that people can speak "off the record"? 16:48:29 Michael: I think that is possible. 16:48:30 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:48:45 q+ 16:48:50 George: Where will the transcript be stored or linked to? 16:49:30 ack j 16:49:33 Michael: Some groups are currently using Zoom transcript with non-W3C zoom and edit it before publishing. 16:49:55 "The chair’s announcement must cover who will have access to the transcript, the purpose/use of it, and for how long it will be retained." 16:50:30 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:50:32 Janina: We have had private conversations and found them useful, but we do try to work in the open. George's idea would still capture that we are turning off transcript 16:50:45 +1 to file the issue 16:51:01 Michael: raise any issues before Wednesday. 16:51:10 zakim, take up next 16:51:10 agendum 4 -- Group coordination -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:52:08 Michael: This is an update to intra-group coordination in AG, that we hope to adapt to inter-group coordination in WAI-CC. No new updates. 16:52:13 zakim, take up next 16:52:13 agendum 5 -- Call time -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:52:29 q+ 16:52:30 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:52:33 q+ 16:52:39 Michael: This time works for a lot of people but it conflicts with the COGA call. 16:52:40 ack j 16:53:12 Janina: Lisa and I want to talk about this. I think it is a problematic time for all three AGWG chairs. 16:54:00 Lisa: We just moved the COGA call to this time this year. I still have the straw poll from moving the COGA call. 16:54:29 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:54:30 Janina: I was going to ask if you can move COGA a half hour either way? 16:54:30 agenda? 16:55:25 Michael: I can send out another poll to move this meeting. 16:55:58 Janina: If this time is permanently difficult for the AG chairs, then we probably need to move it. We need COGA and at least one AG chair. 16:56:29 GeorgeK has joined #waicc 16:57:11 rrsagent, make minutes 16:57:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/20-waicc-minutes.html jeanne 17:45:19 janina has left #waicc 19:06:43 kevin has joined #waicc 23:53:38 MichaelC_ has joined #waicc