11:52:06 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:52:10 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-miniapp-irc 11:54:28 rrsagent, make log public 11:54:30 rrsagent, make minutes 11:54:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 11:55:20 Meeting: MiniApps CG Teleconference 11:55:45 present+ 11:55:50 scribe: xfq_ 12:00:00 QingAn has joined #miniapp 12:00:07 present+ 12:01:13 present+ martin 12:01:23 present+ Dan_Zhou 12:01:24 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp 12:01:26 present+ xiaoqian 12:03:37 present+ Dawei_Zhang_Huawei 12:03:51 martin has joined #miniapp 12:04:56 Topic: Components 12:05:02 [martin shares his screen] 12:05:58 https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-components/issues/7 12:06:23 martin: what I have been doing with Zitao is to fill in the sections we have in the outline 12:06:43 Subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-components/pull/5 12:06:51 martin: I think we can merge this 12:07:16 ... there are 7 open PRs about specific sections in https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-components/pulls 12:07:29 ... I have already received comments from xfq_ 12:08:42 ... avoid conflicting with existing standards 12:08:52 ... refer to and reuse existing standards 12:09:01 ... full alignment with the standards 12:09:22 present+ Zitao_Wang 12:09:33 present+ Xiaoping_Zhao 12:10:05 [martin goes through the draft document] 12:11:21 martin: some new elements like map can be helpful for w3c 12:11:27 ... please vote for the PRs 12:11:47 ... I'd be glad to refine the sections based on your comments 12:13:38 You can have a look at the full document (all branches merged): https://raw.githack.com/espinr/miniapp-components/all-new-sections/index.html 12:13:50 zitao: martin and I presented how to do things like event handling in current implementations, the next step is to use web components 12:14:31 dan: I think the draft is very complete and we need to review it 12:15:15 zitao: in the documenet we just shoed the design logic and the mechism but not gap analysis 12:15:15 s/documenet/document/ 12:15:17 s/shoed/showed/ 12:15:24 s/mechism/mechanism 12:15:32 dan: as an outline it's very complete 12:15:48 ... any comments on this draft? 12:16:09 QingAn: I will try to find some time in the next few weeks to review it 12:16:17 ... what is our goal for this document? 12:16:43 ... is the goal to publish it as a group note? 12:16:48 zitao: I think so 12:16:55 ... what do you think, martin? 12:17:24 martin: we're not creating a new technology, it's informative 12:18:37 ... we don't create a new way to create web components 12:19:03 dan: any other comments? 12:19:51 zitao: maybe we can discuss how to move forward 12:19:54 ... call for review 12:20:14 dan: when do you plan to publish this? 12:20:22 zitao: it depends on the CG and the WG 12:20:44 ... if we can get consensus of the WG, we would like to move it forward quickly 12:20:58 dan: I'll review it in 2 weeks 12:21:21 present+ zhangmeng 12:21:42 dan: I think we can make some progress this month 12:21:58 Topic: Testing 12:22:15 zitao: not much progress on testing due to holiday season 12:23:06 ... every product team have their focus in the new year, we need to find some time to talk with them to move forward 12:24:22 Topic: Widget 12:25:04 xiaoping: We are rethinking our work, no progress yet 12:25:59 dan: any update on the recharter? 12:26:53 xfq_: we need a new charter, I already requested a extension. we need to figure out a plan for widget 12:27:07 scribe+ xiaoqian 12:27:27 zitao: I'm working on some feedback with Martin 12:28:37 dan: any other questions? 12:28:54 Martin: some news... 12:29:12 Event in Spain: https://chapters.w3.org/hispano/jornada-miniapps/ 12:29:36 ... we are planning a MiniApp Event in Spain, which will take place next week 12:29:53 ... thanks all for your contribution 12:30:23 ... it includes PWA, MiniApps, OWP topics 12:31:21 ... I'll give a talk in my mother tongue, other speakers include Tom and Qing 12:32:07 martin: I think everything is on its way 12:32:17 ... W3C Spanish Chapter is helping us 12:32:45 ... if you want I will share things with the group 12:32:59 ... I want to make it inclusive, you can contribute to it in any way 12:33:05 ... something informative in the morning 12:33:27 ... in the afternoon we will do a tuturioal 12:33:36 ... light way to develop apps 12:33:47 ... we will do some kind of challenges with gifts 12:33:56 ... winning ideas will receive some gifts 12:34:37 dan: thank you for your invitation 12:34:59 ... I can't speak Spanish, but if you some help we can help contribute to your presentation 12:35:15 xiaoqian: please let us know if you need data from miniapp vendors and developers 12:35:54 martin++ 12:35:56 Topic: AOB 12:36:17 Next meeting, March 16 12:36:33 rrsagent, make minutes 12:36:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-miniapp-minutes.html xfq_ 12:38:54 xfq_ has left #miniapp 12:59:21 xueyuan has joined #miniapp 14:28:45 Zakim has left #miniapp